To be a great husband

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 ways to be a better husband
Video: 10 ways to be a better husband


There is no one-size-fits-all formula for being a great man. Every partner and every marriage is different. But there are some common issues that many couples run into, and being a great partner depends in part on whether you can address these issues. In general, this means that you treat your partner with love, grow together and keep the lines of communication open.

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Method 1 of 3: Treat your partner with respect

  1. Be honest to your partner about your thoughts and feelings. In a mature relationship, honesty is the best policy. It can be difficult, but the truth helps not to stifle relationships. If something is wrong, let me know, otherwise the other person will not rely on your opinion.
    • Suggest an alternative and link it to a positive comment. For example, if she asks if you like her clothes, tell them it might look good, but the blue one is your favorite because it makes her eyes pop.
    • It may not always be easy to be honest and nice at the same time, so focus on learning how to give a feedback sandwich, and you'll be a lot better off.
  2. Communicate openly with your partner. As a relationship continues, it can be tempting to communicate less and less with each other.Resist this urge and remain open about your feelings, daily worries and finances. Make sure you actually listen, not just wait until it's your turn to talk. Make it clear with your appearance that your partner can tell you everything.
    • Tell your partner what you think and don't assume she can read your mind. When you think she looks beautiful, tell her. When you consider yourself lucky to be with you, tell her. Like you, she likes to hear that she is appreciated.
    • If you have issues that are ruining your mood (like an off day at work), make sure she knows the reasons for the problems and your mood. This way, you don't just come across as a fickle and moody person.
  3. Do your part of the housework. Clean up after meals and when you come home from work or a visit. Don't let your partner ask you to do your part of the housework. Otherwise she's going to feel like a whiner and that's never good. Your wife is your partner, not a parent or caregiver. Show her she can count on you to get things done.
    • Do your part of the household, such as washing dishes, vacuuming and dusting. Your partner will notice that you have a clear interest in the home you share, and that you take pride in creating a polished environment for both of you to enjoy.
  4. Take responsibility for your actions. This is a great way to show your partner that you have emotional maturity and are mature enough to be responsible for your own actions, good or bad. Responsible people stick to their obligations, accept their duties and feel responsible for the damage they cause, debts and claims they make.
    • For example, if your partner finds out that you criticized her behind her back, don't make an excuse or deny what happened. Say something like, "It is true that I said those things about you, and I am sorry. The next time I feel worse about something worse that you did, I will discuss it with you first. "
  5. Don't push your partner aside. People often find it offensive when they feel that their partner is treating them as inferior in the relationship. A lot of people have learned that the only way to get attention when their partner tries to ignore them is to get more emotional and louder until the partner finally gives in and pays attention to them, even if it's out of annoyance.
    • When people feel like they are being ignored by people they care about, then they become concerned, especially when it happens with no explanation as to why this disturbance occurred.
    • If you know that your mood could cause you to overreact, just say, "I'm really annoyed right now. Can we talk about this after I've cooled down a bit? "
  6. Don't be disdainful or sarcastic to your partner. Disdain and sarcasm can poison a relationship. If your partner is doing something that doesn't really make you happy, don't adopt a superior attitude, no matter how subtle. Avoid momentary grins, a sigh of disgust, or rolling your eyes. Such gestures, while seemingly insignificant, show a profound lack of support, respect and trust, especially if this continues for longer.
    • The way you naturally behave towards your partner should validate them as a person, even if you don't understand or disagree with her.
    • If you act disdainfully towards your partner in front of your children, they will feel that this is a lawful way to treat her.

Method 2 of 3: Show your partner that you care

  1. Give the highest priority to your partner in your daily life. She is the person you want to spend your life with: treat her as such. Talk to your partner and clearly state your expectations about which decisions you can make without the other, and which decisions are absolutely discussed. When in doubt, ask for her opinion to make it clear to your partner that you appreciate her input.
    • For example, if you know your partner is cooking and a friend asks you to go to happy hour together at the pub, say something like, `` I'll go next time, but I've agreed to get home in time. are for dinner tonight. '
  2. Be her biggest supporter. Be someone your partner can always count on. When she's had a long day, be there for her. Listen carefully to your partner and encourage her when she is struggling. Say something like, `` I'm sorry you had a rough day at work, but I know you are really good at your job and I love how you immerse yourself in a task. '' You can also support your partner by praising her to mutual friends.
    • If you've hurt her feelings, even though you didn't mean to, say you're sorry and show affection. This must be genuine! There's nothing worse than saying you're sorry without meaning it.
  3. Take care of your relationship. Relationships are fun and rewarding, but they can also be difficult and take a lot of work. Invest time and energy in caring for your partner, your relationship and family. Your partner may be overwhelmed with caring for the children, work, or other aspects of her life. Support her no matter what she's going through.
    • Help in the household; cook her favorite food or make her favorite drink. Help with the children and the household (such as doing the dishes).
  4. Ask your partner what you can do to make things work. A great man will also ask his partner if she has needs that you are not already meeting, or if she wants you to contribute to the relationship in a different way than you do now. Ask what she needs to feel your love. Say something like, "I think we've been doing really well lately. Are there other things I can do or other ways I can contribute to our marriage? "
    • If your partner needs compliments from you, master this art. If she wants you home on time, be on time. And if you know you won't be home until later, give her a call and let her know.
    • If your partner wants you to help the kids with their homework, make time for it instead of going to the bar with friends.

Method 3 of 3: Keep the romance and your sex life up

  1. Take care of it regularly romance in your relationship. What "romance" entails here varies from person to person, but at its core, romance involves expressing affection in a meaningful, yet unexpected way. A genuine act of romance calls for creativity and sincerity, often inspired by love (its presence or possibility). Recreate the excitement of the beginning of your relationship.
    • For example, treat your partner as if she were still single, as if you were trying to win her affection and trust. The opposite of romance is to be taken for granted. Nobody wants to feel like he or she is a "catch" and that is the end of it.
    • There are a million ways to say that you love someone and that you are happy with your partner. Buy flowers, cook a meal or surprise her with a weekend away.
  2. Keep your sex life up. As the years go by, your sex life in a relationship can become routine or weakened. Think of ways to counter this. For example, give your partner a goodbye kiss in the morning as if you don't want to leave. It gives her something to think about all day long. Suggest new ideas to try in the bedroom, or ask your partner if there's a new act, toy, or position she'd like to try out. Be willing to put her pleasure first.
    • Talk about sex, both about what works and what doesn't work for you. Intimacy (emotional and physical proximity) is important for maintaining a healthy relationship.
  3. Give gifts as a surprise. Anyone can buy a gift for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. Listen to her carefully when you are out shopping and there is something she would like - it is in your price range, then remember and surprise her with it when she least expects it, just like that. Or bring something home from work and tell her you thought of her when you saw it.
    • The gift does not have to be large or expensive. Buy a book you know she likes or a CD with her favorite band as a nice touch.


  • Take time for your partner. This means laughing together, talking, just to have fun. Show that you feel good when the two of you are together, wherever.
  • Discuss your financial dreams together and research a plan to achieve them together.
  • Compliment your partner in public (without showing off!), But if you notice something that you're more critical of, wait for a more private moment.
  • Say "Thank you" if you appreciate your partner's help. It sounds simple, but it matters a lot.
  • If your partner is angry, listen and ask questions. Show that you are trying to understand the reasons for her anger or frustration. If she's mad at you, make sure you understand why. It's hard to hear that you've hurt or angered your wife, but listen carefully and sincerely apologize if you've done something wrong.