Have a conversation via text messages

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Conversation Aviation - SMS Q&A
Video: Conversation Aviation - SMS Q&A


Having a conversation via WhatsApp, SMS, Line or other messaging service is an easy way to meet new people or keep up to date with what your friends are doing. If you're having a hard time keeping such a conversation going, here are some tips to help you keep the conversation interesting. For example, by asking open questions or by talking about topics that you find interesting. With useful tips you can also have good and fun conversations with people.

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Method 1 of 3: Asking questions

  1. Ask open questions. An open question is a question to which you cannot answer "yes" or "no". Ask the other person an open question and build on the answer you get.
    • For example, you can ask, "What would your dream vacation look like?" or "What are your hobbies?"
  2. Ask the other person to say something. You can ask about anything: what the other person's favorite movie is, favorite restaurant, his or her job, pet, and so on. Do not let the answer to your question be the end of the conversation: it is a starting point to continue talking.
    • For example, you can ask, “I heard you have a new job. How do you like it?" or "How was your vacation to Morocco?"
  3. Ask questions when the other person tells you something about themselves. Instead of moving on to the next topic, you can ask the other person to tell more or ask follow-up questions. If you keep asking questions, you show that you read what the other person writes and that you find it interesting.
    • For example, if the other person says that they don't feel like the next working day, you can ask: “Why don't you feel like working? Do you not like your job? ”
  4. Ask the other person if you can help. If the person you're talking to complains about something that is bothering him or her or how stressed they are, offer your help. If the other person notices that you care about how he or she feels, they will enjoy the conversation more.
    • For example, if the other person talks about arguments with their parents, you can say something like: “How sorry. Is there anything I can do to help? ”

Method 2 of 3: Send interesting messages

  1. Tell the other about your favorite topics. Making your favorite topics part of the conversation will make it easier to keep the conversation going. After all, you know a lot to tell about those subjects. You can even make a list of good topics to talk about so that you always have topics close at hand.
    • For example, you could say something like, “I'm watching the latest Superman right now. I love superhero movies ”or“ I can't wait for the football season to start again. I love football. ”
  2. Send the other person a joke. With a joke you make the conversation light. Do take into account who your conversation partner is. Do not start telling jokes unless your conversation partner has said they love it very much. Try to keep your jokes light and fun.
    • If you don't know what kind of joke to make, send a funny meme or gif.
  3. Talk to the other person about things they've shared on social media. If the other person posted a message you liked on Facebook, say so. For example, if the other person shared a photo of a meal at a restaurant, you could ask which restaurant it was. Just make sure that the other person knows that you are friends on that social medium or else it may seem like you are stalking the other.
  4. Send the other person a photo or video. Try to send a photo that was recently taken and that has something interesting on it. For example, if you recently took a nice walk through the dunes, you can send some nice photos. Or a funny video of your dog if you have one. Use the photo or video to create a topic of conversation. Always include a short description, so that the other person knows what he or she is looking at.
    • For example, if you send a picture of a painting you just made, you can say, "I just finished this watercolor. I worked on it for three weeks. What do you think?"

Method 3 of 3: Communicate well

  1. Don't try to dominate the conversation. Let the other person also talk about themselves. People like to talk about themselves, and you run the risk of the other dropping out if you let the conversation be about you all the time.
    • For example, if the other person writes that he had a bad day, don't say, “Me too. it helps ... my day was shitty too. "
  2. Don't insist if someone doesn't want to talk about something. If you start on a topic and the other person doesn't actually go into it, move on to the next topic. If you keep pushing the conversation in a certain direction, it often backfires: the other person does not feel like it and drops out.
  3. Respond within a reasonable time. If you wait too long to respond, there will be little left of the conversation. You really do not have to respond immediately, but try to send a response within 15 minutes during an active conversation. If you are busy with something else, or you need to go somewhere that prevents you from responding quickly, let the other person know so they don't get the impression that you are uninterested.