Becoming a furry

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
So you‘ve decided to become a furry...
Video: So you‘ve decided to become a furry...


Furry fandom is a large, welcoming community of individuals with a fondness for anthropomorphic animals. these are animals that can talk, walk on two legs and behave like humans. Do you agree with this and would you like to express yourself as furry, then this community would like to welcome you! Once you have developed your own fursona, you can meet other furries both online and in real life, for example through conventions or local meeting groups. Explore your creative interests, such as making fan art or fursuit (wearing a furry suit), then share them with the furry community. Remember you don't need an expensive fursuit to be a furry. The most important thing is to have fun!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Join the furry community

  1. Decide to join the furry community. You don't need permission or take an entrance test to become a furry. The choice of whether or not to become a furry is entirely up to you! Whether you've been interested in furries for a while or have only recently discovered this interest, you are always free to call yourself a furry.
    • Would you like to create your own furry characters, meet people with similar interests and / or visit furry conventions, then you will definitely enjoy yourself in the furry community! By the way, it is no problem at all to be part of the community without calling yourself a furry.
    • Even if you are not very interested in anthropomorphic animals, but would still like to become a member of the community, you will almost certainly be welcomed with open arms.
    • You don't automatically become a furry if you are interested in anthropomorphic animals. This is a decision that only you can make.
  2. Communicate with other furries through online groups and forums. The furry fandom is very global and is therefore mainly active on the internet. The Furry Amino mobile app or websites such as SoFurry and Fur Affinity are good choices to start with. Create an account and connect with other users by joining or starting a discussion yourself. Another great option is Reddit: the subreddit / r / furry has constantly active threads for you to join. You can also easily find other furries via Tumblr and deviantART.
    • Look for Discord servers, Skype groups and Telegram groups for instant messaging between furries.
    • Browse furry pages or search for relevant tags on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. You will soon find a fun community to join!
  3. Create and share fan art or other art forms about furries. Explore your interest in furries or fursona through a hobby of your choice. You can draw fan art, but you can also write fan fiction, compose music, make animations, vlog or make a small show with your fursona. Then share your creation with other furries via sites such as Tumblr, deviantART, FurAffinity and YouTube.
    • All specializations and hobbies are welcome in the furry fandom. Artists, musicians, dancers, comedians, actors and many others all creatively share their love for anthropomorphism.
    • Don't be shy about sharing your creations! Other furries will always respond positively when you combine your other interests with your interest in furries.
    • Consider using your creative talents at events where you meet in person. For example, as a music lover you can be the DJ at a furry convention.
  4. Accept requests, trade your creations with others, or make your services available in exchange for payment. This way, other furries can easily get to know you and your work. If you want to make free creations for others, you can accept requests. With an exchange you give away a creation of yourself for free in exchange for a free creation of another furry. If you would like to sell your creations, you can accept commissions. Then create a page that makes it clear what kind of creations you offer for a fee. Do not hesitate to show one or more examples for each type of creation. Be sure to state the conditions and prices of your creations. That way, potential interested parties know what to expect. Don't forget to let the community know that you accept commissions.
    • Other furries can provide you with a picture or written description of their persona to draw. They can also, for example, give a concept of a story that you then write out.
    • If you manage to build a reputation, you can potentially earn a tidy sum by selling your creations within the furry community.
    • Once you accept a commission, you must complete it successfully. Accepting payments without completing a project can cause legal problems.
  5. Participate in furry convention to meet other furries in person. Being in touch online is fun, but it is not the same as seeing other furries and artists you admire in real life. The largest furry convention in the world is called Anthrocon and takes place in Pittsburgh in the United States. There are also regular conventions in the Netherlands and Belgium, such as Furcon and Flüüfff. You can easily find local conventions online. In addition to meeting other people with similar interests, these conventions are also ideal for discovering artwork, fursuits, tails, accessories, badges and other merchandise. Some conventions even have their own parade of fursuits! In general, you do not need your own fursuit to participate in a convention.
    • Many furries choose to meet at conventions because they take place in safe, public locations where you can express yourself or your fursona with confidence.
    • Each convention is different and organizes different events. Think for example of parades, concerts, dance competitions, discussion groups or a meet and greet with your favorite animator.
    • Watch online videos of furry conventions to get a first impression.
  6. Join a local furry group. Many communities around the world have their own furry group. Feel free to search for "Furries in [your municipality]" or for Furries in the Netherlands or Belgium to find groups near you. You can also easily find furries in your area via the Animo app via the Globe function (globe function). Once you make contact with furries in your area, it's easy to meet up. During this meeting it is especially important to have fun! Try role-playing, create fan art together or discover each other's fursonas. Do you have your own fursuit? Be sure to take some group photos.
    • Always be careful when you meet someone you met online. Always use common sense and meet in a public place. To be on the safe side, always inform a friend about the meeting place.
  7. Connect with other furries to make new friends. Within the furry community you will find quite a lot of smaller groups that focus on specific interests such as video games and literature. This makes it easy to find other furries that share your interests. As a furry, meeting new people is important, both online and in the real world. Feel free to give your opinion about the contributions of others and always answer furries who give their opinion about your contributions. That way you can easily make contacts and get to know each other better. This way you will form long-lasting friendships before you know it.
    • Public activities can be intimidating, especially for those who are shy or introverted. However, keep in mind that furries are generally very welcoming and friendly, which makes it easy to strike up a conversation with them.
    • The more active you are in the community, the more new friends you will get to know and the more fun you will have.
  8. Also, be welcoming yourself and don't judge other furries. Furries express their creativity in many different ways. So do not judge or criticize, but accept and support others. Always be kind and respectful when talking to other furries. In this way, you too contribute to an open and positive furry community.
    • The furry community is a place where everyone can feel at home, especially those who often feel they don't belong anywhere.
  9. Forget about any preconceptions you may have about furries. There are many rumors circulating in the media about the furry community that you will have to debunk for yourself and others in your environment. Remember, it is not necessary to wear a fursuit to become a furry. You can also participate with your own clothes. Also realize that only a small part of the furries focus on the erotic aspect of the fandom. So this is absolutely not necessary to participate in the community.
    • As with other fandoms that involve dressing up, such as cosplayers or sports fans, most furries just enjoy expressing themselves, dressing up and socializing.
    • Most furries don't really believe they are animals. Some would like to have or explore certain animal traits, but most furries just want to show that they like anthropomorphic animals.
    • It's not what the furry fandom focuses on, but be prepared that certain fan art and other art forms are of an erotic nature. If you are not comfortable with this, you can consider adjusting your search settings of your browser and / or on certain sites. There's nothing wrong with avoiding sexual content when looking for furry creations!

Method 2 of 3: Developing a Fursona

  1. Choose an animal species to base your fursona on. Fursonas are characters or avatars that use furries to socialize with other members of the furry community. Many furries start with dogs, felines or dragons when choosing the physical traits of their fursona. However, the possibilities are endless. You are free to choose any animal species, to combine characteristics of several animal species or to come up with your own animal species.
    • For example, you can combine the big ears and cute face of a fox with the body and wings of a bird.
    • View photos and illustrations of animal species to study the anatomy of your chosen animal species. Then adjust this anatomy so that your fursona can stand on two legs.
    • It is also possible to create more than one fursona.
  2. Choose colors and markings to make your fursona unique. There are no rules that determine the appearance of your fursona. You can use realistic colors, but you can also go for bright colors and unique markings. Consider incorporating dots, stripes, spots, facial details, scales, feathers, and other patterns into your design.
    • View animal photos to find inspiration for realistic markings and color patterns.
    • If you're not sure where to start, check online for fursonas from other furries. Just make sure you never completely copy someone else's design.
  3. Give your fursona a personality and a name. Creating a personality for your fursona should be especially fun. Your fursona's personality doesn't have to resemble your own. For example, you can process your ideal personality in your fursona or enlarge a certain character trait in yourself. For example, if you are a shy person, your fursona can represent your more outgoing personality. Compile a list of your persona's character traits and write down what your fursona likes and dislikes. Finally, give your fursona a unique name.
    • You choose whether your fursona closely resembles your own personality. Don't be afraid to make your fursona an ideal version of your own personality or come up with a completely different personality. Don't hesitate to adjust your fursona later if you want.
    • If you enjoy writing, try writing a backstory for your fursona.
    • Think about how you show your fursona's character traits to other furries.
  4. Draw some pictures of your fursona if you would like to create your own. If you are strong in graphic design or drawing, use this talent to deepen your fursona. Use pencil and crayons or a digital drawing program to outline the general shape and physical properties of your fursona. Then finish the sketches with colors, markings and other details. Have an expressive facial expression that reflects your fursona's personality.
    • For example, if your fursona is energetic and optimistic, show this by drawing wide eyes.
    • Try to draw out as much detail as possible, even if you don't plan on buying a full fursuit later.
    • If desired, add the name of your fursona and a list of character traits to your drawing.
    • Search for "free [animal name] base" or "free [animal name] line art" on deviantART or FurAffinity to find a template to base yourself on if your fursona is based on a frequently drawn animal species.
    • If you used a free template, don't forget to include the original artist when you post or share your drawing.
    • Even if you are not good at drawing and would prefer to have fursona drawn professionally, it is still advisable to make a rough sketch. This makes it easier to transfer your ideas to the artist later.
  5. If desired, hire someone to illustrate your fursona for you. In many furry communities you will find artists who are willing to make illustrations for other furries. Send a private message to an artist or place an order if they have their own website. Share as much information about your fursona as possible and provide sketches and images for reference if possible. Tell the artist what appealed to you in his or her work so that this style can be incorporated into the design of your fursona. Keep in mind that you have to pay the artist for the work delivered.
    • Make sure agreement is reached on every aspect of the project before the artist gets to work. This includes the deadline, the procedure for any changes, the file type in which the project is delivered, the background used, the pose of your fursona and the price. Also discuss whether or not the artist can use the work to show as an example to future clients.
    • Don't ask for free illustrations. Artists are entitled to fair compensation in exchange for their time and energy.
  6. Share your fursona with other furries and merchandise makers. Whether you're drawing your own fursona or hired a professional to do this, be sure to set the image as your profile picture on furry websites. This is how other furries get a first impression of your fursona. You can have your fursona printed on T-shirts, badges and pins or have it made into a teddy bear. If you would like to have a fursuit made, make sure that references are made from at least 3 points of view, regardless of whether they are drawn by yourself, colored on a template or drawn professionally.
    • The references from 3 points of view should show the front, back and a side view of your fursona.
    • If you like to make your own creations, there are many creative ways to use your fursona. For example, you can draw your fursona with friends' fursonas or even create a comic about your fursona's adventures.

Method 3 of 3: Purchasing a fursuit

  1. Save at least € 1,000 if you want to buy a fursuit. While furries with a fursuit are in the minority, they are a crucial part of the fandom. They are fun to wear and they are just as fun to look at, even for those who aren't furry. However, fursuits are quite a large investment. Keep in mind that you will have to save at least € 1,000. If you want a full-body fursuit, they'll cost double or even more. So be sure to study the cost of your desired fursuit before making a decision and then set up a savings plan so that you know when you can buy a fursuit.
    • Fursuits are completely optional. They are not required to be a furry and you will not lose the respect of the community without a fursuit.
    • You can wait until your fursona is fully developed to purchase a fursuit. That way you avoid an expensive bad buy. That way you also have extra time to save.
  2. Choose between a partial suit, a plantigrade fursuit (suit for sole-goers) or a digitigrade fursuit (suit for teen-goers). Opt for a partial pack if a head, front legs for your hands, feet (or legs) and a tail are sufficient. When you wear these parts together with other clothes, it looks like your fursona is wearing the suit. Opt for a plantigrade fursuit or sole-goers fursuit if you want a suit that covers your entire body. With a plantigrade fursuit you show all the desired markings and physical properties of your fursona. A digitigrade fursuit or fursuit for teenagers goes one step further. With this suit you have animal legs and back legs with extra padding so that you really seem to be walking like an animal.
    • If you simply sweat or overheat, a partial suit is the best choice.
    • A well-made suit for sole-goers or teen-goers can really bring a character to life, but a partial suit can be just as much fun to wear.
    • Before buying a suit, try putting on a fursuit from another furry to get an idea of ​​what this feels like.
  3. Hire someone who makes fursuits. You can choose from hundreds of people who specialize in this, each with their own style. Search the Makers Database on Tumblr and read reviews on FursuitReview until you have a handful of names of people you might want to hire. Check if these individuals are available to hire and then follow the instructions on their website. The procedure to follow varies from person to person, but usually you will be asked to provide references from different points of view and other details via a form on the website.
    • Making a fursuit takes a lot of time. Most artists are therefore only able to complete a handful of projects per year. So don't be disappointed or angry if someone doesn't accept your proposal. If your first choice is not available, contact the other people on the list that you previously compiled.
    • It is also possible to have the different parts of your fursuit made by several people.
    • It may take several months for your fursuit to be ready. So you will have to exercise patience after you have ordered a fursuit.
    • Thoroughly study the prices and conditions of the person you are ordering from. Many makers only accept adult customers and you usually have to pay an advance of about 30% in advance.
  4. Study and practice with your fursuit. A fursuit is a great investment. To use it optimally, you will need to practice a lot to bring your fursona to life. When you are wearing a fursuit, others will almost always mistake you for your fursona. Watch videos and attend panels to discover tips for beginners. Make sure your personality matches your fursuit. Is your fursuit looking a bit grumpy? Then feel free to stamp around a bit while making fun of everything for fun. Does your fursuit have big cute eyes? Then it is nice when you behave cute too.
    • Try not to dwell too much in your fursuit. Bystanders will appreciate and remember an engaging show for a long time to come.
    • Children always love to see a cute animal. Always be kid-friendly and polite to young fans!
    • Make sure you are always accompanied by a counselor when wearing a fursuit. Ask this person to watch out for over-enthusiastic children and be careful not to overheat. This person can be your voice to communicate with others, but will also be your eyes and ears. Your senses will be hindered when you wear your fursuit.


  • It is not necessary to have a fursona, but this makes you easily recognizable within the community. That way you make contacts more easily and you also immediately have a topic of conversation.
  • Wash your fursuit every time you use it and clean it thoroughly on a regular basis. Check with your fursuit maker for specific washing instructions and read online tutorials for further tips.
  • Ask the owner of a location in advance by telephone or written permission if you want to wear your fursuit there.
  • Remove the front legs from your fursuit while eating and drinking. This way you avoid spilling and unnecessary costs.


  • Find out whether it is legal to wear a mask in the location where you want to wear your fursuit. Always remove the head from your fursuit if a person with authority such as a police officer or security officer approaches you.
  • Fursuits can get very hot, so be careful about this. Drink enough, take regular breaks, communicate with your counselor and respect your boundaries.
  • Be careful when speaking to the media. Some journalists like to portray furries as individuals with perverse sexual fantasies or outcasts from society. Check out Uncle Kage's "Furries and the Media" panel for tips on dealing with the media.