Hand-feed a squirrel

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Training Squirrels / Hand feeding Squirrels
Video: Training Squirrels / Hand feeding Squirrels


Have you ever tried hand-feeding a squirrel in your yard, but it just ran away? Squirrels are wild animals and are therefore naturally afraid of larger animals that could hurt them. Fortunately, with the help of food you can befriend squirrel, eventually training them to eat from your hand. This process requires a lot of patience and can take weeks or even months, but it's a fun experience for people of all ages!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Attracting a squirrel with food

  1. Set up feeding systems to persuade squirrel into your yard. If you don't already have squirrels in your yard, you can quickly lure them into your yard if they can easily find food there. Place the feeding system near a tree and make sure it is easily accessible for you and the animals. Look for feeding systems specifically designed for squirrels or simple mesh baskets so that the squirrel can easily find and reach the food.
    • However, this often means that large birds and other animals can also access the squirrel food. Try to keep these animals away as much as possible to encourage the squirrels to visit.
    • It is best to try hand-feeding the squirrels in your own yard as they take a while to trust you. If you often go to a park where squirrels eat, they may want to eat from your hand.
  2. Start with natural squirrel foods, such as nuts, seeds, and blood buds. Make a mixture of shelled nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts and oak nuts to encourage gnawing. Add some birdseed for extra nutrients and put this mixture in an outdoor feeding system. Keep it separate from other feeding systems so the squirrels can easily reach it from the trees.
    • If you think the squirrels may also be eating from the other feeding systems, you can put in repellants, such as wind chimes or reflective surfaces, to deter them.
  3. Lure the squirrels with sweeter treats, such as fruit and vegetables. Place a few handfuls of grapes, apples, broccoli, or zucchini outside for the squirrels to eat. This will provide more nutrients and will encourage the squirrels to come back for the treats they don't get anywhere else!
    • Keep track of what the squirrel appears to be eating the most. If it looks like they like the grapes better than the apples, give them more grapes.

    Warning: avoid feeding bread, raw peanuts and corn, as these foods are not nutritious to the animals and can even make them sick.

  4. Lay out food every day to associate your scent with mealtime. The squirrels will learn to trust you because you are a reliable food source. Create a safe outdoor space, such as the corner of a porch or the garden. Try to feed them around the same time every day so that they don't look elsewhere for treats.
    • You may even notice that the squirrels come to your window to peek in when there is no food in the feeding system.
  5. Stand by the feeding system when the unicorns are eating and make clicking noises. When you see the squirrels, go outside and get as close to the feeding system as possible without scaring them. Be very quiet at first. After a while, make clicking noises with your mouth to mimic the sound squirrels use to communicate. This will help them get used to your presence while they eat, learning to trust you.
    • If you're not sure what sounds to make, look up some squirrel sound videos to get a better idea.
    • Try to stay as still as possible to avoid scaring the animals. When approaching them for the first time, sit or stand nearby and try to ignore them as much as possible while they are eating.

Part 2 of 2: Approaching the squirrel

  1. Approach a squirrel that you know will eat with you regularly. As you feed the squirrels for a while, you will notice that there are some regulars. Wait until you see a squirrel that comes over often, then stand outside the feeding system to observe it and decide if you want to try feeding it.
    • If the squirrel doesn't come to the feeding system regularly, it probably isn't used to your scent and you will scare it off as soon as you get close.
  2. Crouch down and slowly approach the squirrel until it looks like it's about to run. If the squirrel is on the ground, lower yourself as low as possible and approach from an angle. Walk slowly and when the squirrel stops what it is doing, stop walking until it moves on. The squirrel will eventually look at you, you can then stop where you are.
    • If the squirrel runs away, walk away from the feeding system and wait a day before trying again.
  3. Get on your knees and hold a handful of squirrel food forward. Once the squirrel looks at you, get on your knees and present a mixture of nuts, seeds and some vegetables or fruit if you've fed the squirrels too. Slowly extend your hand as far as possible so that the squirrel can see and smell the food.
    • The squirrels will already be eating at this point, but he can potentially be lured with tastier foods that aren't in the regular foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  4. Throw some of the food between you and the squirrel to lure him. Toss about 1/4 of the food halfway between you and the squirrel, then wait for it to come forward to eat it. If he doesn't, throw a little more to lure him closer so he knows you're trying to feed him.
    • Be patient! It may take a while for the squirrel to trust you enough to get closer to you.
    • Don't throw the food at the squirrel, but toss or roll it gently in his direction so you don't scare him off.
  5. Place the food at shorter distances so that the squirrel approaches your hand. As the squirrel gets closer to eat the food, keep throwing more and more into the space between you and the squirrel. When he's at arm's length, stretch out your hand and offer him the food. Keep your hand flat and give it plenty of time to eat.
    • It may help to have some of the sweeter and stronger smelling foods, such as apples and grapes, until the squirrel is closer to you.

    Warning: if the squirrel is unsure about approaching, do not extend your hand to touch it. This can cause him to bite or scratch you to protect himself. Keep throwing food on the ground between you until the squirrel comes out of your hand to eat on its own.

  6. Be patient and try new tricks as the squirrel starts to trust you. It may take several weeks or months for the squirrel to fully trust you. Don't get discouraged! Once the squirrel approaches you, it will likely do so again. Try to lure him into your lap or on your arm to let him eat while you pet him.
    • Keep in mind that squirrels are wild animals and therefore are not good pets. However, you can befriend the animals that live in your yard.


  • Stay very still when you first approach the squirrels to avoid scaring them off.


  • Do not run up to or try to grab a squirrel, this can startle it. He will try to bite or scratch you when he feels he has to defend himself against a predator.
  • Do not approach a squirrel if it is acting disoriented, confused, or sick. These could be symptoms of rabies or another illness. If you see a squirrel in this state, call the local animal shelter to keep the disease from spreading.
  • Avoid feeding bread, corn and peanuts. This food is not nutritious and can make the squirrels sick.