Soothe skin irritated by facial cleanser

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Reduce Redness, Irritation, Inflammation & Soothing | For ALL Skin Types
Video: How To Reduce Redness, Irritation, Inflammation & Soothing | For ALL Skin Types


Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to sleep. If you chose the wrong facial cleanser, it can cause dry skin. This can damage your skin, your complexion is less beautiful and your skin becomes red. The ideal facial cleanser should be strong enough to clean your skin, but not so strong that it will flake and damage your skin. You want to remove sebum, dirt and other impurities from your skin so that your skin looks clean and natural. You may have over-cleansed your skin and now need to treat your irritated skin. There are many ways you can soothe dry skin and its symptoms, but in the end you will need to choose a facial cleanser that is right for your skin type.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Soothe irritated skin from facial cleanser

  1. Rinse the facial cleanser off your skin thoroughly with room temperature water. Very hot or very cold water can damage your skin and cause your skin cells to go into shock. Instead, use room temperature water and make sure to rinse your face completely. If you think you might have soap scum on your face, rinse your skin once more than you normally do.
    • Soap residue can clog your pores just like sebum and makeup can, but instead of getting pimples, your skin is damaged after prolonged exposure to the basic facial cleanser.
  2. Use a high-quality moisturizer after washing your face with a facial cleanser. If your facial cleanser is irritating your skin, it is likely removing too much oil from your skin. A facial cleanser will nourish your skin with good oils and help moisturize your skin. Dehydrated skin can lead to irritation, dryness, flakiness and a general feeling of discomfort. A good moisturizer is important to a good skin care routine.
    • Moisturizers containing moisturizing ingredients are very effective. Look for moisturizers that contain urea, alpha hydroxy acids called lactic or glycolic acid, glycerine or hyaluronic acid. If you see these ingredients listed on the package, then you have found an excellent moisturizer.
  3. Don't scratch your skin. Too often it is the case that dry skin itches and we keep scratching it. This will only damage your skin even more and you could potentially get a secondary bacterial skin infection. If you get such an infection, you may need to take antibiotics and at the very least have long-term skin problems. Resist the urge to scratch. Use other methods to combat the itchiness.
  4. Apply a little aloe vera to your skin. Aloe vera is a miracle plant. It soothes discomfort caused by most skin conditions, such as sunburns and dry and irritated skin. You can grow your own aloe vera. If you are using natural aloe vera, just cut the plant open and spread the gel from the plant on your irritated skin. If this sounds unpleasant to you, you can buy many different brands and fragrances of aloe vera at the drugstore or supermarket.
  5. Use petroleum jelly to treat dry and / or cracked skin. One of the most commonly used remedies for dry skin (whether your dry skin is caused by a facial cleanser or not) is petroleum jelly. This ointment is gentle on your skin. It is recommended that you use petroleum jelly instead of other commercially available products if you have slightly dry and irritated skin. Petroleum jelly is inexpensive and can be purchased at most supermarkets and drug stores.
  6. Apply some apple cider vinegar to your irritated skin. Apple cider vinegar is an effective antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent that prevents itching. Simply put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton swab or cotton ball and then apply the vinegar to the affected area. You can use raw, organic, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar or processed apple cider vinegar. You can buy both at most supermarkets.
  7. Visit your dermatologist. If your skin gets too sore, stays dry and irritated for a long time, or starts bleeding, see your dermatologist. He or she can recommend a new skincare routine or prescribe a medication that suits your skin type. Your dermatologist will also be able to determine if you have a chronic skin problem unrelated to your facial cleanser, such as eczema or rosacea.

Method 2 of 2: Choosing the right facial cleanser

  1. Choose a facial cleanser based on your skin type. Often times, we just choose a facial cleanser because we've seen it advertised or because a friend with "better" skin recommended it. The problem is, everyone has different skin, so a cleanser designed for naturally oily skin will remove too many valuable oils from non-oily skin. A facial cleanser designed for dry skin will not properly remove the oils that build up on a person's face during a day if the person has naturally oily skin. So ask yourself this question: is my facial skin naturally oily or dry?
  2. Choose a type of facial cleanser that suits you. There are many different types of facial cleansers available for purchase. Soap tablets, foams, soap-free products, cleansing balms, micellar water, oil-based products and medicinal soaps. For most products, all you need is water for them to work and use them effectively. Micellar facial cleansers are already largely made up of water and all you need to do is apply and remove with a cotton ball or cotton pad.
    • Soap tablets generally have a much higher pH than foam or liquid cleaners. So they are more acidic. Some studies even show that soap bars increase the amount of bacteria on your skin instead of decreasing it.
  3. Pay close attention to the ingredients of your facial cleanser. Often a little lavender, coconut or some other substance is added to facial cleansers to make them appear more luxurious or just to keep them smelling good. It may cause your skin to become drier or breakouts, but this does not have to be the case. If you've recently tried a new facial cleanser and your face has started to look less good, consider choosing a different cleanser that has no added fragrances.
  4. Do not buy facial cleansers with "bad" ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate and alcohol. These two ingredients are too extreme for most people. Sodium lauryl ether sulfate (also referred to by its English name as sodium laureth sulfate on packaging) is slightly milder than its sodium lauryl sulfate counterpart, but both substances will still irritate your skin if it is sensitive to strong cleansers.
    • If, according to the package, your favorite facial cleanser contains these "bad" ingredients but your skin doesn't feel too dry, then you shouldn't have a problem with using it. Just make sure these substances are not at the top of the ingredient list. Of the ingredients at the top of the list, a larger amount is often used in the product.
  5. Try out different types of facial cleansers to see which one works best for your skin. A good test for facial cleansers is to wipe your face with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol after washing. If you still find oil or makeup, your facial cleanser probably isn't strong enough. Just keep in mind that finding these things could also indicate that you haven't washed your face well enough. Try washing your face again before you stop using your facial cleanser.
  6. Look up reviews from other people. According to some people, more expensive products are also better products, but as mentioned above, everyone has a different skin. Some people may prefer an expensive product, while others may not like that product.Before trying a product, read many different reviews written by people who have used the product. Afterwards, see if they had dry skin, lingering odors, blemishes, or other skin problems that could make your skin red and itchy.
  7. Ask your dermatologist for advice. Everyone has sometimes oily skin and then dry skin. Things like stress, the weather, daily activities, coming into contact with pollutants and other factors can drastically change the appearance of your skin. Visit a dermatologist and ask what the best facial cleanser is for someone with your skin type. He or she can even prescribe a few different cleansers to cleanse your ever-changing skin.