Take a detox bath

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Take a Detox Bath with Turmeric
Video: How to Take a Detox Bath with Turmeric


Sweating is how your body gets rid of toxins naturally. Soaking in hot water can help draw harmful toxins from your skin. A detox bath can also help soothe sore muscles. This age-old method helps your body get rid of toxins and absorb beneficial minerals and nutrients. If you have skin issues, toxins, or are just looking for a way to improve your overall health, just try taking a detox bath at home.

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Part 1 of 3: Prepare your body

  1. Prepare your body. The minerals in a detox bath help to remove toxins from your skin. During this process, your body can lose a lot of moisture, so make sure you are well hydrated before taking your detox bath. It is recommended that you drink a whole glass of water at room temperature before your detox bath.
  2. Gather your ingredients. You can buy everything you need for your detox bath at the supermarket and drug store. You need the following:
    • Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt)
    • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, bicarbonate soda)
    • Sea salt or Himalayan salt
    • Unfiltered and unprocessed apple cider vinegar
    • Your favorite essential oil, if you prefer
    • Ground ginger (optional)
    • Skin brush
  3. Brush your skin with a dry brush. Your skin is your body's largest organ, and it is the first line of defense against chemicals and bacteria. By helping your body remove dead skin layers, you also get rid of these harmful substances. Dry brushing also ensures that your lymphatic system gets rid of waste more quickly.
    • Use a dry brush with a long handle so that you can reach all parts of your body.
    • When buying a brush, choose one that feels good on your skin. Dry brushing shouldn't be painful.
    • Start with dry skin and brush the skin on your feet first. Then brush your legs one at a time and work your way up.
    • Make sweeping movements towards your heart. Work your way up your waist (front and back) and your chest.
    • Finish by running the brush over your arms in the direction of your armpits.
    • Your skin should feel soft and smooth after just one treatment.
  4. Give yourself a lymphatic massage. The lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph organs together make up the lymph system, which is part of your body's defense system. Your lymph nodes are responsible for removing microorganisms and filtering bacteria from the bloodstream. Within five minutes you can stimulate your lymphatic system to help your body detoxify more effectively.
    • Put your fingers under your ears on either side of your neck.
    • With your hands relaxed, gently pull your skin down towards your neck.
    • Repeat this ten times by gradually moving your hands a little further down, so that you eventually have your fingers on your shoulders on either side of your neck.
    • Gently massage your skin towards your collarbone.
    • Repeat this five times or as many times as you want.
  5. Know what to expect. Any kind of detoxification can cause your body to show flu-like symptoms such as headaches and nausea. These symptoms can be caused by toxins leaving your body. Place a liter of water near the bath and drink it slowly during your bath.
    • You can add lemon to your water to relieve your nausea.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing your detox bath

  1. Choose the right time for your bath. Prepare your detox bath on a day when you have at least 40 minutes. Pick a time when you can relax and focus on your detox bath without feeling rushed.
  2. Create a relaxing atmosphere. Dim the lights and light candles if you wish. You can also play some music that you like. Take a deep breath to relax your mind.
  3. Fill the tub. Fill your bathtub with pleasantly hot water and use a chlorine filter if possible. Add Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). Soaking in Epsom salt helps to restore the body's magnesium levels, which can help fight hypertension. The magnesium sulfate removes toxins and causes proteins to form in the brain tissue and joints.
    • For children weighing less than 25 kg, add 150 grams to a normal sized bathtub.
    • For children weighing between 25 and 45 kg, add 300 grams to a normal sized bathtub.
    • For people weighing more than 45 kg, add 600 grams or more to a normal size bathtub.
  4. Add 300 to 600 grams of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Baking soda is known for its cleaning and anti-fungal properties. It also makes your skin very soft.
  5. Add 60 grams of sea salt or Himalayan salt. Sea salt contains magnesium, potassium, calcium chloride and bromides and helps to replenish the minerals that are important for the skin's metabolism.
    • Magnesium is important to combat stress, as well as water retention. In addition, it ensures that your skin ages less quickly and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
    • Calcium works effectively to prevent water retention. In addition, it promotes circulation and strengthens bones and nails.
    • Potassium gives the body energy and helps to maintain the moisture balance in your skin.
    • Bromides make your muscles less stiff and make them relax.
    • Sodium is important for the fluid balance in the lymphatic system (and this is important for your resistance).
  6. Add 60 ml of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes and is therefore one of the best ways to cleanse your body from bacteria and increase your resistance.
  7. Add essential oils if you wish. Some oils, such as lavender oil and ylang ylang oil, have medicinal properties. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil can aid in the detoxification process. About 20 drops is enough for a normal sized bath.
    • You can use fresh herbs if you wish. Add mint leaves, lavender flowers, chamomile or other herbs to suit your mood.
    • Ginger can help you sweat out the toxins. It increases your body temperature, so watch how much you add. Depending on your sensitivity, you can add a tablespoon of up to 40 grams.
  8. Stir all the ingredients together. You can use your foot to stir the water in the bathtub. The water will bubble when the baking soda and vinegar are mixed together.
    • You don't have to keep stirring until all the salt crystals have dissolved before you get into the bath.

Part 3 of 3: Taking your detox bath

  1. Soak for 20 to 40 minutes. Drink water during your bath and be careful not to overheat.
    • Drink water for the first 20 minutes of your bath.
    • You will notice that you start to sweat after just a few minutes in your detox bath. Your body then secretes toxins.
    • If you get too hot during your bath, run cold water in the bathtub until you feel comfortable again.
  2. Relax. Meditation is a great way to relax your body during a detox bath. Breathe through your nose and relax your neck, face, hands and stomach. Relax and soften every part of your body. By consciously releasing the tension in your body, you will be able to relax during your detox bath.
    • When you close the bathroom door, you leave all your unwanted thoughts out there. Let your worries and stress slide away from you.
    • Visualize the toxins leaving your body and the vitamins and nutrients being absorbed by your body instead.
  3. Get out of the bath slowly. Your body has been working hard and you may feel lightheaded or feel weak and exhausted. Oil and salt can also make your bathtub slippery, so stand up carefully.
    • Wrap a soft blanket or towel around your body immediately after getting out of the bath. Your body may continue to detox for several hours by sweating.
  4. Make up for the moisture deficiency. Every time you detox your body, you need to replenish the fluid deficit afterwards. It is recommended to drink another liter of water after your detox bath.
  5. Brush your skin again after the bath. You can use your hands, a loofah sponge, or a skin brush with natural bristles. This can also help get rid of toxins. Make long, soft, sweeping strokes in the direction of your heart.
    • Relax for the rest of the day and let your body continue to detox.


  • Do not eat right before or after the bath.
  • Apply a hair mask to your hair and put on a bathing cap or wrap a towel around it while taking your bath. Salt can dry out your hair, just like sea water.
  • You can take a shower after the bath if you wish to rinse off the Epsom salt, but it is not necessary.


  • If you have diabetes, are pregnant, have heart or kidney disease, or have high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking a detox bath.
  • Before you add ingredients that are not listed here, it is best to be well informed about the effect of the intended ingredients. Some herbs can be poisonous.