Seeding a file

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
01 Creating Seed Files
Video: 01 Creating Seed Files


"Seeding" is essentially "connecting" to other computers, allowing others to "retrieve" the file. This wiki assumes you have downloaded a file and is ready to "seed".

To step

  1. Leave the file you just downloaded in the folder where you downloaded it. Do not move the file.
  2. Run your bit torrent software / client. Make sure you are online.
  3. You will notice that the status has changed to "seeding". If not, change it manually. Most bit torrent clients do this automatically.
  4. Leave the file on "seeding" until you reach the ratio "1". A ratio of "1" means that you have collected as much as you downloaded.
  5. Stay as long as you want to leave "Seeding" on.


  • A good and standard client such as uTorrent will have seeding enabled automatically once the download is complete, so it is a good idea to use this software.
  • Not making files available until a ratio of 1 is reached does not affect you, just that it is a general etiquette that you practice as much as possible.
  • It's common torrent etiquette to make as much available as you download. If you don't do this until a ratio of "1" is reached, it will not affect you, but some sites require a certain upload rate to remain a member.


  • Making copyrighted material available without permission could result in imprisonment or fines.
  • The use and sharing of torrent files is subject to the scrutiny of many anti-piracy organizations and governments. Handle it with care.


  • BitTorrent client
  • A file to share