Maintaining a distance relationship with your friend

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
6 Tips on Maintaining Long Distance Relationships
Video: 6 Tips on Maintaining Long Distance Relationships


Maintaining a long-distance relationship requires patience, creativity, and a lot of trust. Whether your boyfriend is spending a semester abroad, doing an internship in another country, or just being apart for a few months, you will probably wonder how to keep the relationship strong.

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Method 1 of 2: Continue to communicate well

  1. Get in touch every day. Each distance relationship has its own optimal level of communication, but daily communication is a must for couples who are separated for more than a few weeks. Whether you prefer to text, email, chat online, make phone calls, or video chat, make sure to share your life with your friend. For a romantic option, you can also write and mail an old-fashioned letter!
    • Don't share information that could make him jealous or feel left out.
    • You may need to plan daily conversations, or you may prefer to have them spontaneously.
  2. Trust him. In a distance relationship, any slight twinge of jealousy will seem greater than when the two of you are closer together. If you find yourself obsessively checking his online status updates, or are worried about him not answering your text right away, it's a good idea to take a step back.
    • If you are really afraid that he is having a flirt, it is best to ask him directly. Talk about your concerns and assure him of your own loyalty.
    • Remember, honesty is the way to avoid anxiety in a relationship.

    Try to determine if a problem with the relationship is distance. Sometimes either partner will feel physically lonely because of the other person's absence. You miss being together. You may feel irritable, restless, or uncomfortable. When this happens, the biggest relationship problem is usually that you are far away from each other.

    • Try to express your frustration that you feel clearly, without bringing in things from the past. Stick to the topic.
    • Explain what's bothering you without blaming your boyfriend.
  3. Be a support for the other. In any relationship, it's a good idea to get in touch and ask him how things are going in his day-to-day life. Encourage him when he is struggling and praise his achievements.
    • It's okay to ask for support yourself. By involving him in your life, you remind him that he is important to you.
    • Help each other solve mutual problems. Sometimes, taking a temporary distance from each other can strengthen this aspect of a relationship.
  4. Learn to have fun without him. If you feel miserable, you will likely sabotage your relationship with your boyfriend. Relationships are easier to maintain when you are happy and confident. It's easier to be patient when you're busy doing things you enjoy doing - like spending time with friends, joining a club, or taking new dance classes at a gym.
    • Tell your friend about your new activities. Make sure he knows you're having fun without having enough of him.
    • If you spend time in new places he's never been before, send him plenty of photos so he knows where you are.

Method 2 of 2: Share your life remotely

  1. Do things together. Even when he's far away, you can think of ways to enjoy your shared interests. For example, you could watch a favorite TV show or movie together (during a phone call or texting. Plan evenings so you can "eat and watch a movie together" and have longer conversations.
    • You can continue to feel connected as a couple, even at a great distance.
    • By planning dates, you let him know that this relationship is a priority in your life.
  2. Send him presents. Send him special things he might miss, let him know you're thinking about him. Send him sweet text messages without expecting a reply to cheer him up. Sending pictures of yourself with mutual friends can help remind him of your bond. Be creative!
    • Don't overwhelm him with these treats. For example, if he's gone three months, don't send more than one present per month.
    • Something tangible in the mail will remind him that your relationship is real, even if you are far from each other.
  3. Know when you will be together again. If he spends a semester abroad, make a plan to visit him if you can. If he's gone all summer, you may want to plan a special day when he gets back home. If you see him at the end of his internship, plan a special day together to welcome him home.
    • Agreeing when you will see each other again can give everyone a safer feeling within the distance relationship.
    • Focus on the time you spend together, rather than the time you don't see each other; this helps to stay more positive.
  4. Celebrate special days together. Even if you are not physically in the same room, you can continue to celebrate special events in your life together. Maybe you are celebrating the anniversary of your first kiss, or the first date. Involving your boyfriend in the plans you're making for your birthday, even if he's miles away from you, can make him feel closer to you.
    • Keep a calendar of special dates.
    • Consider sharing a calendar together online.