Create a playlist for your music

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create a Music Playlist on YouTube!
Video: How to Create a Music Playlist on YouTube!


Whether you're going to DJ at your next party or create a good mix to listen to while you work, there are a few things to learn when creating a playlist. Learn to choose the right program, put everything in order and make sure that the music style matches the chosen theme, to enjoy fast and in style.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing a program

  1. Select a program that you can use to create a playlist. Creating a playlist will depend on the software you use to play music, whether online, mobile or on your computer. When creating a playlist, you usually drag the songs into your list, or you can select individual music files and right-click them and copy them to the list. Start with an empty list and fill it with music you want in your playlist to learn how it works.
    • Programs such as Spotify and iTunes make creating playlists a simple and almost essential part of the listening experience., Take 40 and Windows Media Player are also good programs for managing your music.
    • Pandora and other online radio stations offer the ability to create channels, but not specific song playlists unless you have Pandora Premium.
  2. Choose the music to work with. Search for the music you want by typing in the name of the song, band or artist. You can also search by general music or artists only to find new music, or discover what your friends or other users are listening to on the site.
    • If you are using iTunes, you can use music already in your library, that you have purchased, or search the store and purchase and download any song you like.
    • If you have iTunes but no music, you can also "rip" your CDs with iTunes. Otherwise, go to the public library and load the music into your iTunes library; this can be a useful way to get the playlist creation songs cheaply.
  3. Create a playlist while on the go. You can also create instant playlists using the mobile devices by selecting the songs and sending them to a playlist or selecting "Play Next" if you want to play DJ for a while. You don't have to create playlists in advance, just go with the flow.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing music

  1. Start with a genre. First, start with your favorite genre of music and add your favorite songs to it for a mix of artists in that genre. The ultimate playlist of hip hop, classic rock or baroque music are all great ways to organize your music.
    • Which is also a great arrangement by choosing a single artist to start with. If you have all of the Bob Dylan records that have ever been out, that's a lot of songs to choose from. Choose your 50 favorite songs from his career and put them in a playlist in favorite order.
    • An alternative is to mix up all kinds of genres, although one genre may seem more logical to you. Make it a mishmash. Throw in some progressive jazz or classic folk with gothic fusion into the mix. Why not? There are no rules except what sounds good to you.
  2. Start with a theme. Playlists give you a great opportunity to become like a curator in a museum, or as a DJ telling a story with songs. Choose an atmosphere, theme or an idea from which to compile the playlist. Create a playlist with songs that all have "black" in the title, or a playlist with only love songs. Be creative. Some options are, for example:
    • Songs about broken relationships
    • Monday morning songs
    • Work songs
    • Headphone songs
    • Aggressive songs
    • Jumpy songs
  3. Start with an opportunity. A great way to create a playlist is to think about its purpose. Most music fans listen to very different types of music depending on the situation, such as in the gym, on a date or when trying to relax in the evening. Create playlists and choose music that suits every occasion. A few occasions where you could create a playlist are:
    • Train
    • Commuters
    • Summer barbecue
    • Dance party
    • Meditation or relaxation
  4. Be nostalgic. Create a playlist where you choose songs you listened to as a freshman or listened to on the radio as a child. Create a playlist of songs your dad used to listen to or songs you heard on the way to your exercise workout. Choose the songs that remind you of your best friend. Creating a playlist is a great way to keep in touch with the past.
    • Tell a story with your playlist. How could you sum up your entire high school experience in ten songs? Try it.
  5. Start with an audience. Many clumsy teens have successfully won a date with a tastefully curated mix of love songs, and many amateur DJs have filled the dance floor with well-selected dance numbers. Consider the mindset, tastes, and opinions of the people who will be listening to the playlist, whoever it may be. If you're making the list for yourself, just pick what you want!
  6. Be a good organizer. Try to build your playlists around a specific theme or era. For example, you can create a playlist of songs from the Top 100 of 1967, or a playlist of all Beatles songs. If you want, you can have a huge playlist of all the records included in Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Albums of All Time. Or make your own list, just for fun.

Part 3 of 3: Organize

  1. Dump everything into one playlist. The great thing about most apps and websites is that you can have the songs play randomly, edit your playlist and add new music even when you're done so you don't have to worry about the order just yet. Nothing is fixed like on a CD or a mixtape. Start by copying any songs you are considering to the playlist, and don't worry about the order just yet.
    • On the other hand, you can also take the mixtape's approach, adding one song at a time, carefully selecting the playlist direction. This is especially good for dance mixes and headphone mixes.
  2. Start with something that grabs. Whatever your theme, genre, or taste, one thing about playlists is universal: it has to start with a great song. Start with a song that everyone who listens to immediately grabs, and your personal favorite playlist starts with a blast.
    • Alternatively, the order of the songs may be predetermined (as in a countdown playlist) or you may just not be interested in a carefully selected order for the songs. Consider shuffling the order with shuffle play, or putting the songs in alphabetical order for easy access. This is often easier with very long playlists.
  3. Include some highs and lows. In most cases, with an awesome playlist, you want the mood, tempo and tone of the music to vary slightly, otherwise it will sound repetitive and boring. Even if you're making a playlist of the best black metal, try throwing in some more atmospheric headbangers or it'll be hard to follow.
    • However, a party playlist will get more and more intense, so start with a bang and let it gradually get rougher. Likewise, a bedtime playlist should remain relatively calm. Let it disappear into white noise or silence at the end.
  4. Listen to the transitions. Some songs have an abrupt ending, while others fade out or slowly turn into a coda. Some rock songs end with long discharges of feedback, while other songs end calmly. Listen to how each song changes into the next.
    • Prevent auditory schizophrenia. It's nice to bring in some variety, but an abrupt transition from Slayer to Simon and Garfunkel will sound strange. It's your playlist, but try to keep the sequence relatively smooth. From Slayer to Led Zeppelin's "Since I've Been Loving You" and finally Simon and Garfunkel? That's more fun.
  5. Test your list. You can play your playlist on your phone, iPod, or put it on a medium such as a CD or flash drive and take it with you while you go for a run, exercise, or to a party where you want to dance and try out your list. Remove songs that don't fit and add songs that enhance the musical experience. If that one Cat Stevens song wasn't as relaxing as you thought after all, delete it and pick something a little quieter. It's easy to make changes.


  • You can also rip CDs to MP3 files for your playlist.
  • The length of the playlists is up to you, and preferably in your own style and choice.
  • You can create quick playlists with 10 songs, or long playlists with 300 songs or more.
  • Some applications such as Spotify make music suggestions for your playlist as you create it. This can help you find songs you forgot and discover songs you didn't know yet.