Seducing a Gemini

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Seduce a Gemini | Zodiac Love Guide
Video: How to Seduce a Gemini | Zodiac Love Guide


If you want to date a Gemini, you must understand that you are dealing with two people. She is a two-sided person, and she can seem like a completely different person at times. However, you may find both sides attractive. If you don't mind such a split personality you should follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Understand her personality

  1. The zodiac sign Gemini represents both the yin and the yang. This means you never know which girl you are dealing with. One minute she can be playful while a minute later she can be very serious. If you want a relationship with a girl with a split personality, you have to be able to deal with this.
    • You never know what you're getting with a Gemini, so if you're looking for someone who is reasonably predictable and who will always treat you well, you shouldn't date Gemini. Then look for a Virgo, for example. A Gemini often has two sides, being submissive and feminine on the one hand, while they can also be dominant and masculine. If she's a true Gemini, she won't let either side get the better of her.
  2. Gemini is often creative and witty and is sometimes a bit difficult to control. They like to talk and puns and sometimes suddenly come up with things they have been working on, such as a book or a painting. They often spend their free time on things related to art, music or literature.
    • Gemini is the type that can take a tease but also hands them out. She can take a joke if you do this in a flirtatious way, but you'll get these comments back just as hard!
  3. Gemini can act a bit childish from time to time. Each Gemini has a somewhat childish side but this is offset by their much more serious side. However, they cannot always behave in an adult way. The “childish” side sometimes comes up when she's doing something with her parents or while she's in a meeting. You never know!
    • A Gemini benefits from her boyfriend being a bit calmer. If her immaturity is fueled it can create dangerous situations while a serious person cannot have a good time with her. It is best if you have a bit of both sides in you too.
  4. With a Gemini you never know what to expect. One moment you are quietly sitting on the couch and the next moment she has suddenly disappeared. She is a curious girl who is always looking for new adventures, so she does unexpected things every now and then.
    • Her unpredictability can be a problem because this sometimes comes across as if she doesn't care about you or she doesn't care about the relationship. However, this is not the case, it is just that she likes to do things herself and she also wants to know if you stay with her through thick and thin.
  5. She is probably not very interested in makeup and magazines because a lot of Gemini are very smart and don't like girlish things at all. She knows that her looks are fine and therefore does not use make up. When it comes to magazines, she would much rather read world literature like Tolstoy or Hemingway than that junk.
    • The above does not mean that a Gemini cannot be feminine, because she is! Basically this is half of her character, she just doesn't want to be too girly. If you discuss this with her, she will probably talk to you in no time!

Method 2 of 3: Picking up a Gemini

  1. Use your intelligence. A Gemini wants someone who can match her both physically and mentally. She wants someone who is her equal. Above all, she doesn't want a man who is less than her, she wants someone who is up to her level.
    • When you are with her you should talk to her about the book you are reading. Ask her if she wants to go to a museum with you or talk about an article you just read about an important event in the news. Things like this are attractive to a Gemini and will make her think she can learn a lot from you.
  2. Show her that you can handle her sexually too. Twins also have two sides in bed, namely: a submissive side and a dominant side. Every now and then she wants to flirt and act shy while occasionally being dominant by asking you out and arranging everything herself. If that happens, you should especially not resist. Let her guide you when she wants to and return to the dominant position when she no longer wants to be the boss.
    • She does not want a dominant man but also a submissive man, she wants someone who complements her well at any time.
  3. Let her talk. Gemini are social people who like to talk, this is also part of their childish side. So when she starts talking about a book she's reading, just relax and listen to her. Give her the moment she wants and enjoy her story.
    • Gemini also wants her brain to be stimulated, so it's important that you ask her a lot of questions. Tell her how you think about certain things, share your thoughts and theories. Talk to her about the things you sometimes worry about. If she thinks along with you, this can lead to fascinating conversations!
  4. If you are on a date with her, you should go to an interesting or exciting place. Gemini likes a surprise but also entertainment. If you haven't known each other for very long, she might want to do new unconventional things with you, ask her to a cheese tasting event or something similar. This shows originality and ingenuity.
    • Don't feel any pressure. She has two sides, so if you show that you can handle her difficult, adventurous side, you can also relax with her and just watch a movie at home while you eat fast food.
  5. If you want a relationship with her, you must also want to invest in this. A Gemini can sometimes be emotionally unavailable and therefore it can be difficult to build a good relationship. This sounds like she may be a bit emotionally unstable, but that's just part of this zodiac sign. This can be very upsetting for her boyfriend, but if you can survive these stages and be there for her when she returns, your relationship can continue.
    • Always remember that you are not the only person in this relationship. She may have her doubts about your relationship, which is not to say that she is being unfaithful, this is because she wants to be sure of her case (and the relationship).

Method 3 of 3: Invest in the relationship

  1. Now and then put her on the wrong track, because Gemini love that. Because Gemini often provides surprises themselves, they prefer a friend who can surprise them too. Plan a date where you say you are going out for dinner but go to a planetarium instead. Write a song for her. Small gestures like this are appreciated by Gemini.
    • Make sure your personality remains a bit unpredictable, if you don't want to go out often you should ask her if she wants to go for a walk. If you are not a real music fan, you should ask if she wants to go to an opera with you. If she thinks she knows you completely, do something unexpected.
  2. Give her space. Gemini is someone who loves freedom, so every once in a while you should leave her alone and not talk to her. Every now and then she just wants to be alone for a while, and there's nothing wrong with that! This really doesn't mean she wants to leave you but this is just something she needs every now and then. She will probably come back after a while with all kinds of exciting stories about new experiences she has had and wants to share with you.
    • If her independence is bothering you, you should talk about this together. After all, she likes to talk and she wants to know how you feel and she will be willing to explain why she wants to be alone every now and then.
  3. You have to be able to deal with jealousy. A Gemini can get very jealous once she decides she wants a relationship with you. She has been worrying a lot about whether or not she wants a relationship with you, which is why a relationship is a very serious obligation for her. If she thinks that you are not taking the relationship seriously, this can cause major problems.
    • You should see this as a declaration of love and not something annoying. This just means that she cares about you and wants to make sure you are hers and vice versa.
    • You also need to remember that if you try to make her jealous on purpose and she won't accept it!
  4. You need to be able to sense when she is adventurous and when she needs care. As you get to know her better you can probably tell what part of her personality you are dealing with. If you know which part you are dealing with, you can make the relationship run smoothly. She must be able to feel safe with you.
    • You have to accept both sides of her personality in order to have a relationship with a Gemini. If you have accepted both sides, you can look forward to a long relationship.


  • You always have to be yourself with a Gemini. You can be sloppy, nerdy, sporty, or anything else as long as you're clean and smelling good.
  • You can't always live up to her expectations. You have feelings too! Sometimes you can be emotional, so if that is the case, you should also say this, and then also explain why you are not or are happy.
  • You shouldn't try to calm a Gemini when she's angry because this won't work. The best you can do is calm her down by asking if she'd rather you go away for a while. If she doesn't respond, take her hand and then leave and come back when she wants to. At that point, it's best to leave her alone unless she needs you and asks you for help. If she's angry, you need to assure her that you care. Tell her you will discuss this further after she calms down. Then leave her alone for a while and then surprise her with a cup of tea or an ice cream.
  • A Gemini is not likely to talk about her emotions, and at the beginning of a relationship, don't talk much anyway. So it may take a while for you to get close.