Meditate on the Word of God

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meditating On God’s Word: Psalms & Prophecies of Peace & Victory | Steven Furtick
Video: Meditating On God’s Word: Psalms & Prophecies of Peace & Victory | Steven Furtick


Meditation is often associated with Eastern religions or New Age practices, but it also plays an important role in the Christian faith. One of the most effective ways to meditate as a Christian is to meditate on the Word of God. Unlike some forms of meditation that require "emptying" the mind, this form of meditation requires you to think deeply about God's Truth.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing a topic

  1. Define "meditation" in a Christian context. In a secular context, meditation is associated with emptying the mind and relaxing the body. On the other hand, meditating on the Word of God - or any other form of Christian meditation - requires that you focus and think deeply about God's Truth.
    • For example, consider God's words to Joshua in Joshua 1: 8 (NIV) (New International Version) - "Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night so that you will be attentive to everything. do what is written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. "
    • While this verse technically only refers to what Christians consider to be the first five books of the Bible, you can also apply this idea to meditating on the entire Bible. Believing people should often meditate on God's Word, with the overall goal of enriching your understanding of God's Word so that you can apply it better and better in your life.
  2. Meditate on one verse or paragraph. This is probably the most common way to meditate on the Bible. Choose a single verse or paragraph to meditate on. For a period of time you will have to concentrate on analyzing and examining the meaning of that verse or paragraph.
    • There is no "wrong" choice, but if you are not sure where to start, you may be able to choose a verse from the New Testament - especially one from one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). With regard to the Old Testament, the Book of Psalms and the Book of Proverbs also contain wonderful verses to meditate on.
  3. Center your meditation around a specific topic. Another option worth trying is to choose a topic that is extensively explored in the Bible. Instead of meditating on one particular passage, read multiple passages that deal with this topic and think deeply about how the supporting passages define or work it out.
    • For example, you could focus on the topic of forgiveness. Use the index in your Bible to find different verses about forgiveness and then read through them as best you can. Look at the different contexts in the verses and compare them.
  4. Focus on the meaning of one word. This option is related to meditation on a specific topic, but instead of covering a broad topic, you will be able to enrich your understanding of the meaning of an important word from the context of one or more passages.
    • For example, you could choose the word "Lord." Then look for verses with the word "Lord" in them, as well as verses with the word "Lord", so without a capital letter. Consider the contextual meaning of the word for both spellings. You can also supplement your research by consulting external sources, such as a dictionary, to compare the religious usage with the secular usage of the term.
  5. Study one entire book of the Bible. Using this technique, you should spend more time reading an entire book of the Bible instead of focusing on one short passage. Dissect and explore the meaning of that book. Look at the book as a whole and also meditate little by little on its individual parts.
    • If this still seems a bit too much for you, consider starting with a relatively short book, such as Esther's book. You may even want to supplement your studies by using a Bible study guide, although it is not necessarily necessary.

Part 2 of 3: Focusing on God

  1. Find a quiet place. Like secular forms of meditation, meditating on the Word of God requires you to isolate yourself from the noise and distractions of the world around you so that you can concentrate properly.
    • Multitasking may seem like a valuable skill in today's world, but you will find that it is not easy to give yourself 100% to something when other things keep catching your attention. Minimizing distractions while meditating on God's Word improves your ability to focus on it.
    • Try to allow at least 15 to 30 minutes for your meditation. Let family members or your roommate know that you need time and rest to focus, and sit alone in a quiet room. Make it comfortable for yourself, but not so comfortable that you struggle to stay awake.
  2. Let your heart relax. Outside silence is not the only rest necessary for this form of meditation. You should also pursue inner peace, setting aside your doubts, fears, and other distracting thoughts.
    • Don't feel guilty if your mind initially wanders into the troubles of the day, but don't let your mind dwell on it either. As soon as you find yourself distracted by fears or other concerns, take a moment to pause and consciously return your attention to God. At such times, praying for renewed attention can also help.
  3. Read the Bible. Open the Bible and read the verse or verses you want to meditate on. Take as much time as you need to get to the bottom of the meaning of the words. Mark the verse so that you can easily find it every time during your meditation.
    • Read the same passage several times. Also sometimes say the words out loud and deliberately emphasize different parts by changing your tone and opening yourself up to new revelations as you do so. Repeat this exercise as often as necessary or as often as you wish.
    • You may also be able to improve your understanding through other means. Investigate the cultural context. Read verses that are similar in scope or subject. Look up unknown words in a dictionary or thesaurus (thesaurus).
  4. Ask for God's guidance. Spend a few minutes praying to God and asking Him to direct your meditative efforts. Ask God to open your heart to the truth and wisdom hidden in His Word.
    • If the Bible may seem like little more than words on a page, remember that the text you are reading comes directly from God. Asking the Holy Spirit to enrich your understanding while you meditate is really like asking an author to help you better understand his / her story.

Part 3 of 3: Meditate on the Word

  1. Make notes. Read your chosen passage again, but this time make notes on the content. You may want to highlight, underline, or make short notes right on the page, but it's also helpful to keep a special journal so you can make more detailed notes.
    • Highlighting and underlining makes it easier to come back to important points later when rereading the text, but making notes in a special journal will help you think much more deeply about things. Summarizing ideas and responding to them in this way forces you to think about them extensively.
  2. Think out loud. Even though your meditation place and your heart should be still, don't be afraid to think out loud. Talking about a passage can help you process the information better and broaden your understanding of the mysteries.
    • You can think out loud in the form of a prayer, but you can also think out loud to help yourself to better grasp the sometimes complex ideas.
    • The Bible is often referred to as the "living word" of God. As the term "alive" suggests, the text is intended to actively interact with it, which also means that you can (and should) communicate with it. Don't be afraid to ask questions, praise God's promises, or just respond honestly to the things you read.
  3. Memorize the words. While this is not feasible when meditating on multiple verses or entire books, it is a good idea to memorize a particular passage word for word when meditating on a short paragraph or single verse.
    • Consider using the build method for memorization. Repeat one word or short phrase about 5 to 10 times. Add new words or phrases piece by piece and then repeat the whole thing over and over again. Continue this until you memorize the entire passage.
  4. Express your chosen passage in your own words. Spend some time writing down the meaning of the passage in your own words. Be as detailed as possible and describe the meaning as best you can.
    • Paraphrase the passages you read by repeating them in your own words, but remain true to the meaning behind the words of God as you do this. The idea is not to change or distort the truth, but to understand it more deeply by expressing it in your own words.
  5. Invoke an emotional response in yourself. Allow the passage on which you are concentrating to penetrate deeply. Try to put yourself in the shoes of God's desires as expressed by those words and try to align yourself with those desires so that you can in some way sense what God is feeling.
    • By allowing yourself to feel emotions along with God, the passage you read is more alive for your life, which will create a richer experience for you. Rather than just text on a page, God's words become meaningful and inspiring, just as they have always been intended.
  6. Actively seek the blessings of meditation. As with secular meditation, meditating on God's Word can give you a renewed sense of peace, but the blessings of this kind of meditation can go even deeper. As you meditate, seek the guidance, comfort, joy, reassurance, and wisdom that come from an enriched understanding of Divine Truth.
    • As Psalm 1: 1-3 (NIV) says, "Blessed is he [...] whose joy is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates day and night upon his law."
    • Meditating on God's Word will give you a better understanding of what God wants from you and for you, and He will "lead" you in that way. Reading God's promises and mighty deeds can give you "comfort" in difficult times, plus a heightened sense of "zest for life." Improving your understanding of God's redeeming love should give you "reassurance." And finally, by improving your understanding of God's Word through meditation, you can equip yourself with the "wisdom" you need to navigate your way through the spiritual darkness of this world.
  7. Apply the words of God to your own life. Once you understand the depth and meaning of the passage (s) on which you are meditating, it is time to take action. Assess your own life and determine how you can apply your newfound understanding of God's Word to your behaviors, capabilities, and outlook on life, and then make the necessary changes right away.
    • Remember the words of James 2:17 (NIV), which says, "... faith in itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead."
    • Action is a sign of faith and understanding. Meditating on God's Word is designed to improve your faith as well as your understanding, and action is a natural result of effective meditation.
    • That said, don't think that one 30-minute meditation session will make you live by God's Word for the rest of your life. Meditation is a discipline, and as such you must work on it continuously and purposefully in order to reap its full benefits.