How to tell a man that he has wronged you

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Overcoming Rejection, When People Hurt You & Life Isn’t Fair | Darryll Stinson | TEDxWileyCollege
Video: Overcoming Rejection, When People Hurt You & Life Isn’t Fair | Darryll Stinson | TEDxWileyCollege


Unfortunately, sometimes the words and actions of others can hurt our feelings. If a man has offended you, you may be worried about telling him how you feel. If you want to tell the man that he offended you, prepare well for the upcoming conversation. Take enough time to reflect on the unpleasant situation and think about how to communicate your feelings. Then, schedule a conversation. Do your best on your part to minimize the likelihood of a recurrence of the unpleasant situation in the future. You will find helpful tips in this article.


Method 1 of 3: Decide how to proceed

  1. 1 Take time to reflect on your feelings. You might want to tell your man as soon as possible that he has offended you. However, take your time. Reflect on the situation and how you are feeling. This is not the first time this situation has been repeated? Perhaps you overreacted to his words or actions? Take enough time to reflect on the situation and your feelings.
    • Put your thoughts and feelings in writing. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down whatever comes to your mind about the situation.
    • Although you shouldn't rush to discuss the situation until your feelings subside, you shouldn't wait too long, otherwise the person who offended you will forget about what happened.
    • Journaling can help you identify problems in your relationship.
  2. 2 Reflect on his point of view. Take time to reflect on the man's point of view and the reason for his action. Sometimes people can offend by accident, and in some cases they do it on purpose. In addition, very often our actions are influenced by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Therefore, analyze the life of the person who offended you.
    • Don't worry that trying to understand his point of view may lead to justifying his behavior. Thanks to this, you can only understand his point of view better.
  3. 3 Take care of your emotional needs. If your feelings have been hurt recently, take enough time to deal with the pain. This will help you stay calm and assess the situation soundly. So take care of yourself.
    • A relaxing bath, replenishing your diet, keeping a diary, chatting with friends, or just relaxing on the comfy couch can help you with this.
  4. 4 Find out the second (and third) opinion. As soon as your feelings subside, tell a trusted relative or friend about the incident. Tell these people what happened. Then listen to their opinions.
    • How do they assess the current situation? Do they react in this way? They can either agree with your reaction or say that you overreacted to the situation. This will allow you to look at the situation in a different way.
    • Find out the opinion of people who treat you without prejudice and can objectively assess the situation.
  5. 5 Be reasonable in anticipating the person's reaction to your words. Think about how a man might react when he says he offended you. Think back to previous situations and his reaction to your words.
    • Remember if he behaved like a victim or denied everything and said that he did not offend you? Did he apologize sincerely? Think about how he reacted earlier. This will help you be reasonable in your expectations and be able to calmly discuss the problem you are experiencing.
    • Also, think about what you want to achieve in resolving the conflict. Do you want to hear the words of apology or do you expect changes on his part? Be reasonable in your expectations of the result.
  6. 6 Determine if it's worth the effort. Think about what you ultimately expect and compare it to what a man might react to. Will your needs be met if you go into conflict with this person? Should you share your feelings or will it fail?
    • Is it worth the effort at all? It all depends on how much you value the relationship with this person. You will do your best to resolve the conflict if the man who hurt you is very important to you. If the man who hurt you is your spouse, friend, or relative, chances are you won't be able to simply close your eyes to what is happening. If this person is a casual acquaintance, it is wiser to forget about what happened and stop communicating with this person.

Method 2 of 3: Talk

  1. 1 Make a list. Write down all the points you want to discuss. Write down what hurt you. Mention specific examples. When you talk to a man, you may forget what you wanted to say because of anxiety. The list will help you collect your thoughts and not forget anything.
    • Also tell the man your vision for resolving the conflict.
  2. 2 Practice ahead of time. Try to say what you want to say to the man. You can write down your words and read them aloud in front of the mirror. Or you can ask your friend to play the role of the man who hurt you.
  3. 3 Be direct and honest. When talking to a man, be honest and straightforward. Don't try to play down the problem. In addition, there is no need to beat around the bush, go straight to the heart of the problem.
    • For example, you might say, “It really hurts that you forgot my birthday last week. I felt that I was not very important to you. "
  4. 4 Speak in a calm, gentle voice. Make sure your voice is not overly dramatic or overly emotional. A man should take your words seriously, so avoid being overly emotional. Instead, stay calm and you should be able to achieve the desired result.
  5. 5 Use the pronoun "I". If you are in dialogue with a person, do everything possible so that he does not need to defend himself against you. You can achieve this by avoiding moralizing and talking about your feelings. The pronoun "I" can help you with this.
    • The pronoun "I" in this case shows that you are taking responsibility for your feelings: "It hurt a lot when you forgot about my birthday last week."
    • On the other hand, using the pronoun “you” your opponent will feel that you are attacking him: “You don't care about me! You forgot about my birthday! "
  6. 6 Give specific examples. Don't talk vaguely about what you don't like and what offends you. It's hard to understand a person when it doesn't affect your feelings. Therefore, if you want a man to understand you, give specific examples.
    • Avoid statements such as, "You always leave me alone with a problem." Better say: “I was very upset when you left, and I had to solve the problem with Nikolai myself. You did that last week. "
  7. 7 Give him a chance to respond. After you outline the problem, give the man the opportunity to express his point of view. Let him tell you what he thinks about this. Don't interrupt even if you disagree with him.
    • Learn to listen actively. Thanks to this, you will get a complete picture of what the man thinks about the situation. His words will show you what to do next.
    • For example, he may apologize and ask what changes you expect from him in the future. On the other hand, he may become defensive, citing a busy schedule or stress in case he forgot about your birthday.
  8. 8 Tell the man that you expect him to change. If you want to continue the relationship, you can say that you are waiting for changes on his part. State your vision of the current situation and show what needs to be done to keep your relationship going.
    • For example, you might say, “I really love the holidays and I want you to respect my point of view. I will be grateful to you if you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in your calendar. Thanks to this, you will not forget about them. "
    • This method is more effective than just complaining about your feelings. Give specific examples of what changes you expect and how to achieve them.

Method 3 of 3: Move Forward

  1. 1 Realize your role in this situation. If there is a conflict between you and your feelings are hurt, you need to think about how to change your own behavior in order to prevent a similar situation from arising in the future. Re-analyze the situation and determine if you could have done something differently so that the result was different.
    • For example, if a man hasn't told you that he is in a relationship with another woman, you might be better off asking him ahead of time (open relationships are very popular these days).
    • In the future, you can clarify this information by asking: "Are you lonely?" or "Do you have someone?"
  2. 2 Set personal boundaries. Unfortunately, sooner or later, each of us is faced with pain, which is a consequence of hurt feelings. If you're looking to reduce pain, set healthy communication boundaries. Boundaries are clear limits that others must not violate.
    • Make a list of personal limitations and be sure to communicate them to the people you are dealing with.
  3. 3 Stick to your point of view without feeling guilty. Don't make excuses for choosing to set boundaries in a relationship or for saying that a man has offended you. Some people do not like to be told that they have violated someone's boundaries or hurt feelings.
    • If this happens, don't feel guilty and don't let this stop you. Your well-being is more important than the preferences of the other person.
  4. 4 End the relationship if the man doesn't respect you. If the man refuses to admit that he hurt you, or if he continues to violate your boundaries, then it's probably best to end the relationship. Tell the person clearly that if they continue to treat you with disrespect, you will stop communicating with them.
    • This can be a very difficult step, but you must make sure that people do not violate your boundaries and respect you. Work on developing self-esteem.
    • Talk to a psychologist or psychotherapist if you're having trouble breaking up with someone who doesn't respect you and your boundaries.