Ask for a donation by email

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write the Perfect Donation Letter (or Email)
Video: How to Write the Perfect Donation Letter (or Email)


Writing an effective e-mail asking for a donation requires the right tone of voice that creates interest in your organization. The use of e-mail as a fundraising medium is increasing because the costs are lower than requesting by mail or telephone, and the communication is direct. You can create engaging, actionable emails that will get you the results you want - lots of donations.

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Part 1 of 3: Structuring your email

  1. Write a strong header. A header is the first line of an email and functions as a title. Only about 15% of emails are ever opened, so writing a good headline is very important to keep that 15% attention and force people to keep reading. In most email accounts, you can read the first line of an email in the field next to the subject, so headlines aren't just a reason to keep reading an email, they're primarily a reason to open one .
    • To draw attention, use active verbs and nouns, as well as bold, centered text and a larger font.
    • Keep the headline short and clear so that the purpose of your email is clear from the start. Force readers to think that reading this email will be helpful, timely, and relevant to their lives.
    • Answer the question the reader wants to know the answer to: what's in it for me?
    • Your subject line can challenge the reader, be a call to action, be a topic of a current event or, if your organization only works nearby, be about a local place or event.
    • A good example of a header is "Amsterdam Goes to Judge for Gas Rules."
  2. Tell your whole story in the first paragraph. Get straight to the point. Readers don't want to wonder halfway through what your email is about because that's one reason to delete the email without making a donation. Be very clear in this paragraph what you want the reader to do and why you are sending this email.
    • In this first paragraph, you need to ask the readers for their donation. While you may want to gently let it be known in person that you want money, you should "ask" directly in emails. Make this request stand out, such as in bold or larger font.
    • Let readers know through your "question" what their money will do. If a small amount will do something, if not all, tell them. For example, if $ 50 feeds 100 children, you might get more responses than if you say you need $ 1,000 to build a cabin.
    • Let it be known that it is okay to say no. Statistics show that more people give when they feel free to make the choice to give, rather than feel pressured to do so.
    • Describe and explain your purpose in this first paragraph so that it is clear that you want money to do something, not just for the sake of having money.
  3. Use your micro content wisely. Micro-content is all the short sentences and sub-headings that decorate an email. You want to use your micro-content to highlight your main points so that readers who would like to scan through the email before reading first feel called to read the text.
    • Micro content includes headings, sub headings, the subject line, links, and buttons.
    • Use active verbs, descriptive adverbs and nouns. Your goal is to get them to read the actual text.
    • A good headline could look like this: "Donate € 50 to save a dolphin"
    • Make them bold or larger to make them stand out. They are usually at the beginning of paragraphs or new sections.
    • Write simple sub headlines. You may or may not use sub-headings, but they are useful to include if you feel a heading is too short. Follow the same principles - short, doable, bold.
  4. Tell a story. Your email becomes more attractive to readers when you tell a story. The content of your email contains this story. Remember that stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. To force readers to join your cause financially, it is best to use an emotionally charged story, a true story within your organization or about the consequences of what you do.
  5. Write short paragraphs. Write the "body" of your email in short paragraphs. This has to be because readers drop out due to the sheer volume of emails they receive. Limiting the length of your email will make you stand out.
    • Limit yourself to one or two main points.
    • Keep it short no matter how many times you have to edit or revise the email to get this done.
    • Skip the history of why you ask for money. The usefulness you indicate in the opening paragraph and your story in the main paragraphs are enough to explain why you need money.
  6. Use links and buttons, but stick to the message. It can be tempting to add a lot of links to your email, but this can be distracting and distract the reader from your main message: getting a donation. An easy way to provide the curious reader with information without adding a lot of distracting links is to have all the relevant information on your website and then only include a link to your website. For example, if there is research showing that your statements are true, instead of directly linking to a long, complex study in which the reader could get lost, you can post a link to that study on your website (make sure that the option to donate is prominent).
  7. Be careful with images. You may be able to add one or two images to emphasize your point, but this is not necessary. Colors and images can make emails feel like spam. Only put images at the top or bottom and limit their use to cases where you feel an image is absolutely necessary to get your point across or generate sympathy.
    • A useful image could be something where your cause is experiencing the effects of donations, such as a poor girl getting new clothes for the first time.
    • Inserting your logo in an inconspicuous place, such as a bottom corner, can be an exception to this rule, as it provides instant reader recognition.
  8. Write a concrete next step / call to action. The last part of an email is the "call-to-action". By making these stand out, readers can scan them before they read all the reasons why they should donate. This is necessary to inform readers why you are emailing them so they stay engaged. Be clear about how to make the donation.
    • If a reader doesn't know why he is reading an email, he is much more likely to ignore it.
    • Make sure this last "question" stands out in the rest of the email and be very clear about what you're asking. Make it a separate paragraph, bold or in a larger / different font and with a brightly colored link or donate button.
    • If readers need to click the button or link, make this clear. If they need to reply to the email for further instructions, say so very clearly: "Click the button to save a monkey now!" or "Click on the answer button and enter the donation information."
    • It makes more sense for readers to be able to click on a link at that point, and you'll likely get more donations this way, so try linking a link or button to your organization.
    • Create a website or online donation page for readers to contribute online. This is what readers expect from a donation email anyway.
  9. Keep it short. If your email is long, it will not be easy to scan. Keeping paragraphs and headings short ensures that your email is properly scanned before the reader decides whether to continue reading or not.

Part 2 of 3: Keeping your audience in mind

  1. Keep the tone more casual than in a letter. An official letter by post from an organization to a person is often formal and distant because of this way of communication. However, an email, like a blog, is less formal in tone.
    • Use "you" when addressing the reader.
    • Use casual expressions so the reader can connect with you, such as "It cost a lot of money" or "He was just a little guy."
    • When addressing the reader, use direct, honest, open language so that they feel connected and see you as authentic.
  2. Make words easy to read. Use basic fonts and streamline the visual appeal of the email. Don't use a fancy italic font - just a standard font is enough. And don't use two different fonts for the headings and text. Simply bold or making a bit of text bigger than the rest is great emphasis.
    • Your email should also be easy to read from a language point of view - your writing skills should be at a decent reading level. Don't get verbose or complicated. Your text should be clear, flawless (no grammar or spelling mistakes) and easy to read.
  3. Sign up for an email service. If you want to make sure your emails are opened or determine what kinds of people read your emails more often than others, you don't have to wait for replies or donations. When you sign up for an email service like MailChimp, you can measure a whole list of different metrics every time you send an email to tailor your emails to your real readers.
    • You can view statistics such as click-through rates, how often opens and read reports.
    • Knowing how many times a message has been opened is especially helpful for determining which subject lines are popular, which increases the number of people who read your emails.
    • Another reason an email service is useful if you regularly send a lot of emails asking for donations is that your email provider can become suspicious and even dismiss you as a potential spammer. It also takes a long time to build lists, split up your mailing list to meet your email account requirements (most email providers set a limit of around 50 recipients per email), respond to handle individuals and emails coming back from inactive email addresses.
  4. Make sure the people on your list care about your cause. Check your email list regularly to make sure you are sending it to people who are likely to read the email, and especially make sure that people who have expressed an interest are on it. Your stats will improve this way and you will waste less time.
  5. Personalize by segmenting. Use a different tone for different groups of donors. For example, if you have a group of people who regularly respond to your emails, send them an email with a personal tone. Build another list with a casual tone for readers who you know don't usually open your emails. And have an explanatory tone email for the first time you email someone.
    • An email service also allows you to create individual emails with the names of your recipients, such as "Dear Hans".
  6. Include data that supports your fundraiser. To keep your audience engaged, you may want to provide them with encouraging data to show how their money worked or will work. This information can be in the opening paragraph, the call to action, or both. People like to give again when they know they are already doing well.
  7. After receiving a donation, say thank you. Don't forget to personally thank donors after you have received a donation. This is a simple act that can guarantee a repeat donation in the future. You must send this email as soon as possible; consider it a kind of receipt.
    • If you add a large number of donors each month, consider creating a template so that you can paste it into an email draft and edit it quickly.

Part 3 of 3: Create an email sending list

  1. Don't buy an email list. In the United States, selling and buying a list of email addresses of potential donors is illegal under the CAN SPAM Act of 2003. There are companies where you can 'rent' a list for one time use, but this can be very expensive , because you probably have to buy thousands of email addresses to see even a small return. It's probably better to put that money on something else and look for more solid ways to build your email list.
  2. Collect names at events. Anytime your nonprofit is involved in or organizing an event, make sure you provide a way for people to sign up for your email list. Set out a pen, a clipboard, and a few sheets of paper with room for interested parties to write down their name and email address. Make sure the paper makes it clear that they are signing up for your email list.
    • Try to get more names with a lottery or competition. During the event, try to organize a raffle or contest for those who sign up for your email list.
  3. Use social networks. Make sure your nonprofit has a strong social media presence - from Twitter to Facebook to Instagram. It's easy to reach people on social media, and if you have engaging content, people can start sharing your posts or calls for donations. Ask your followers to sign up for your email list so they never miss an important announcement.
  4. Make it easy. Your website should allow visitors to sign up for your email list. It doesn't have to be flashy, but it should be easy to find and fill out.


  • Read previous fundraising letters or email messages. Use the same phrasing and style that were effective. Many organizations use their previous fundraising letters as a template for a new one.
  • For instant recognition, add your logo to your email. Readers often associate organizations or companies with their logos.
  • Use an email service to make emails more visually appealing and to generate statistics that will improve your future emails. MailChimp is a good one.
  • Make sure your email is white labeled before sending it. If you use an online fundraising platform such as, this will be done automatically for you.


  • Don't make your email too long. Long fundraising emails are not as effective as they are succinct.


  • Computer with internet access
  • Email account
  • Optional: an email service such as MailChimp