How to start the day right

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!
Video: 4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!


When the alarm rings at 6:30 AM and all you want to do is press a button and stay asleep, it's important to remember that how you start your day is how you will spend it. If you want to know how to start the day right, then read our article. If you follow these simple rules, then I can assure you that you will be as easy to start your day and as easy to spend it as someone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle.


  1. 1 Do not press the alarm button. When your alarm clock rings, and you press the button and continue to sleep for another ten minutes, then you only add fatigue to yourself, since getting up after another ten minutes is more difficult, and your body has already woken up anyway. Your body follows a certain routine, and as soon as your sleep is interrupted, the body is already awake.
  2. 2 Take a shower right after you wake up. If you shower immediately after sleep, your body wakes up and switches to day mode. You will wake up and recharge with good energy, so you will start your day in good shape. It is also very important to keep your body clean and start all body treatments right in the morning, and when you get dirty or your hair gets greasy, you can shower again during the day.
  3. 3 Don't forget about morning exercises. Many people enjoy exercising in the morning. Positive energy energizes you in the morning and your day will be completely different. If you cannot and do not like to exercise in the morning, then at least do some yoga exercises or stretch to prepare your body for various activities throughout the day. Be sure to shower after your morning exercise so you don't smell sweat at school or work.
  4. 4 Choose clothes that reflect your mood. It's also very important not to forget about how other people evaluate us. When we dress as if we don't care, when we don't follow the rules and don't care about our body, we tell the world: “I don't respect myself and my body. I do not care." It doesn't make a good impression on people.
  5. 5 Have a good breakfast. Breakfast is what gives energy to our body for the whole day and is the first thing that gets into our body. If breakfast is bad, it will reflect badly on you. Your whole day depends on breakfast, as well as on the first impression you make on a person. Try to eat some cereal and protein and calcium foods for breakfast. A healthy person is someone who gives his body what he really needs. He does not give his body fast food and ice cream, because he knows: in order to live in full force, you need to have a healthy strong body that will work flawlessly.
  6. 6 Do not hurry. You should get up in the morning so that you have time to shower, dress, tidy up your hair, eat, and all other procedures.Between your morning worries, you should have time to think about the day ahead. Remember, if you work on yourself, then you will succeed. If you think that the day will be terrible, then it will be. Be confident in yourself, and people will respect you, and you yourself will respect yourself.


  • Remember this is your day. It doesn't matter what people tell you, this is your life and it can start today. This is the first day of the rest of your life, do everything to make it better. Fight bad habits and replace them with good ones. Build strong relationships with friends that can last a lifetime. And do not forget, in addition to all this, you must love yourself, and only yourself, you cannot be a healthy person or love other people if you do not love and respect yourself.
  • Walk to work or school if you can. Warming up your muscles and getting some fresh air is a great way to start a new day. Not only will you get to know your area better, but you will also have time to think about your plans for the day.
  • Try not to drink large cups of coffee in the morning. Drinks containing coffee will only turn you on and make you nervous. To stay calm and healthy at the same time, have a cup of hot tea.