Promote the formation of white blood cells

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hematopoiesis - Formation of Blood Cells, Animation
Video: Hematopoiesis - Formation of Blood Cells, Animation


A low white blood cell (WBC) count, or leukocyte count, can be the result of a number of medical conditions, so see your doctor to determine the cause. Ask for a recommendation of medication or diet changes to increase your WBC. If your low WBC is the result of medical treatment, ask your treatment center dietitian to help you create a meal plan. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins and drink lots of water. Ask your dietitian and specialist caregiver if they can recommend supplements. Since your immune system is compromised, you need to take extra hygiene precautions, especially when handling and preparing food.

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Method 1 of 3: Consult a medical professional

  1. Discuss the cause of your low WBC with your doctor. A low WBC can be the result of a wide variety of medical conditions. If the cause is unclear, whether it is a viral infection, autoimmune disease, HIV / AIDS, cancer or cancer treatment, prescription medication, or otherwise, your doctor will need to conduct tests to better understand your situation.
    • Understanding why your WBC is low can help you and your doctor come up with specific solutions more effectively.
  2. Ask about recommended medications. Several medications are available that stimulate WBC production. All medications have benefits and risks, so be sure to ask your doctor about potential side effects.
    • Ask your doctor if there are any prescription medications that are helpful for your situation. Ask about options with the lowest associated risks, and about diet changes or natural remedies you can try before switching to medication.
    • Risks and side effects of drugs that stimulate WBC production can include allergic reactions, low fever, bone pain, injection site discomfort, weakness, diarrhea and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Consult a recognized dietitian. A licensed dietitian can help you tailor a meal plan to your specific needs. If you're undergoing chemotherapy or other treatment for a chronic medical condition, talk to your treatment center about seeing their dietitian. You can also ask your doctor or specialist carer for a referral.
    • Your personalized meal plan may include adjustments to your daily recommended nutrients, such as adding more protein than is normally recommended in your diet. Your dietitian can also help you with recipes, food safety, and consultation about adding supplements.
    • Tell your dietitian about your eating habits and any problems you have with maintaining the right diet, such as loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. He or she can recommend foods and supplements that can help you get the nutrients your body needs to produce blood cells.
  4. Discuss natural remedies with your doctor or specialist. Acupuncture has been shown to increase WBC production and promote bone marrow repair during chemotherapy. The sauna also stimulates the immune system, especially in athletes.
    • Talk to your doctor before trying natural remedies, especially if you are receiving chemotherapy or other treatment for a chronic medical condition.

Method 2 of 3: Change your diet

  1. Eat five to nine servings of vegetables a day. Vitamins A and C play an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Alternate the color and types of vegetables you eat to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce blood cells.
    • Eat leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, as well as orange vegetables, such as carrots. Make sure to talk to your doctor about any dietary restrictions that may be due to medications (such as blood thinners).
  2. Eat lean protein. Protein (protein) provides your body with the amino acids necessary for WBC production. Choose lean proteins, such as seafood, skinless poultry, lentils, and beans.
    • Consume between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your body weight per day. If you weigh 60 kg, you should consume at least 50 grams of protein.
    • Avoid processed meats or other processed meats.
    • If you are undergoing treatment for cancer, you probably need more protein than recommended. Ask a licensed dietitian how much protein you should eat every day.
  3. Consider a multivitamin supplement with vitamin B12 and folic acid. Multivitamin supplements can be helpful if you are having problems eating while on medical treatment. When undergoing treatment, it is essential to get a recommendation from your specialist or dietitian.
    • Some vitamins and minerals can be harmful during cancer therapy, or interact undesirably with chemotherapy or radiation.
    • Selenium and zinc can help your body produce more white blood cells.
    • Consult your doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements.
  4. Drink more water. You should drink at least two liters of water every day. Water is essential for the function and production of cells.
    • You may need to drink extra water if you are throwing up, have diarrhea, or are not eating much. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, talk to your dietitian about how much water is best for you to drink.
  5. Reduce your activity level. While your immune system is being compromised, it is important that you take time to rest. Overwork yourself can worsen your condition. Instead, schedule breaks in your day, say "no" to unnecessary activities, and ask for help when you need it.
    • Remember, it's okay to ask someone for help.
    • Don't say "yes" to things that are not important to you. Spend your limited energy on your priorities. When asked to do something you don't want to do, say something like, "I'm sorry, I already have something else" or "That sounds great. I wish I could participate, but it just doesn't suit me right now. "
  6. Get more sleep. While it may seem difficult to get the sleep you need while worrying about your health, getting a good night's sleep every night is essential. Too little sleep can decrease the number of white blood cells in a body, making your condition worse.
    • Set a bedtime and discuss it with the people who live with you.
    • Follow a calming sleep routine. For example, get ready for bed earlier, take a warm bath, lower the temperature in your home, turn off the lights, and do a calming activity like reading or knitting.

Method 3 of 3: Take hygienic precautions

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Wash your hands with warm water for 30 seconds throughout the day. Wash your hands well after using the bathroom, shaking hands and touching doorknobs and other commonly used surfaces. Always wash your hands well before handling or preparing food.
    • Avoid touching or cleaning things like litter boxes, bird cages and aquariums.
  2. Bathe daily and stay clean. It's important to stay clean to avoid infection, so make sure to bathe regularly and wash yourself when you get dirty. Depending on your day, you can wash more than once.
    • After bathing or showering, change your clothes. You may want to wear your favorite pajamas or sweater all the time, but these can get dirty.
  3. Avoid cleaning the litter box. Cat litter is teeming with bacteria, but also the parasite toxoplasma. Toxoplasma can cause infection in people with low white blood cell counts, further weakening your immune system. If you have a cat, ask someone else to clean the litter box.
    • For example, phrase this as, "I know it's unpleasant, but could you please clean the litter box?" I'm not allowed to risk infections at this point. "
  4. Avoid contact with plants and pets. Soil, standing water and dirty animals harbor germs and bacteria, which can slow your recovery. If you are getting plants or flower arrangements to wish you well, ask someone else to change the water or take care of them. If you have a pet, pay attention when you handle it. Have it groomed when the animal goes outside, and wash your hands after petting the animal.
    • Do not garden or do activities that come into contact with dirt or soil.
  5. Avoid a jacuzzi. A jacuzzi is home to many bacteria, but the major concern is that the heat and bubbles from the jacuzzi combine to make the bacteria more dangerous. Bacteria can become part of the mist that forms over the warm water, making it easy to inhale the infectious agents. If you have too few white blood cells, you can easily get an infection from bacteria from a jacuzzi.
  6. Avoid crowds. Crowds are an invitation to germs. Stay away from shopping centers, theaters, restaurants and anywhere people congregate. When you have too few white blood cells, you are more likely to get an infection, which will further take a toll on your body.
  7. Avoid cuts, scrapes and other injuries. A low WBC makes getting scrapes or cuts particularly dangerous. With a weakened immune system, these can easily turn into major infections. Avoid dangerous activities and make small adjustments every day to avoid minor injuries.
    • Brush your teeth gently to avoid bleeding gums.
    • Ask someone to cut vegetables or meat for you when preparing food.
    • To avoid cutting or scraping yourself while shaving, use an electric razor instead of a razor blade.
  8. Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating. In the past, patients with a low WBC were told to avoid raw fruits and vegetables, but this is no longer advised. However, you should carefully wash all fruits and vegetables before eating, especially those without thick skins.
    • Oranges, bananas and melons are examples of fruits that are peeled before eating.
    • Use a clean vegetable knife and cool running water to wash your products.
    • Even if the sliced ​​lettuce package says it has been washed, put the lettuce in a colander and rinse under running water.
  9. Cool products properly. Make sure the temperature of your refrigerator is below five degrees Celsius. Do not leave food to be refrigerated outside of the refrigerator for more than an hour. Avoid foods that are past their expiration date or that look slimy or moldy.
    • Always thaw frozen meat in the refrigerator.
  10. Use thermometers when cooking. Always avoid undercooked or raw eggs, meat, fish and poultry. When cooking these products, use a thermometer to check for doneness.
    • Cook red meat to 71 degrees Celsius and poultry to 82 degrees Celsius.
    • Boil eggs until the yolk and egg white are solid and no longer liquid at all. Consider using pasteurized egg whites and make sure to pasteurize products containing eggs, such as mayonnaise or eggnog.