Reclaiming your partner's love after cheating on you

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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Cheating is tough on a relationship. It can destroy your partner emotionally and destroy any trust that can exist between you. In many cases, infidelity is enough to end a relationship. If you've cheated on a person you think you love, there's a long way to go if you want to have any hope of salvaging your relationship. There is no guarantee that you will be able to save your relationship after infidelity. If you really love your partner and want things to be right between you, it will take time and a lot of effort and sacrifice to show your regret and commitment to building a better relationship now and in the future.

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Method 1 of 3: Admit your mistake

  1. End the affair. If you are truly determined to regain your partner's love, the first thing to do is to cut off the relationship and all contact with the other person. Let that person know that you are no longer interested in communicating with them further, and delete their contact information from your phone, email, social media, and wherever you interact with them.
    • Getting your partner involved in this step can help rebuild trust in your relationship. You can remove the other person from your contact list that your partner is with, and have your significant other read and / or listen in as you conclude contact with the other person.
    • If you are not ready to completely remove this person from your life, then you will likely sacrifice the relationship with your partner. Do not expect to be able to maintain any relationship with this person, not even a platonic one.
  2. Talk openly and honestly with each other. If you have cheated on someone, you have completely lost their trust. Prove that you want to recoup this by openly and honestly admitting your mistake to them. Be honest about why you cheated on them, and give your partner time to ask questions or process the news.
    • Before starting the conversation with your partner, think carefully about what you are going to say. You should have a clear idea of ​​what you have done and what you regret, and how you are going to tell the other person before starting the conversation.
    • Your partner is likely to be very angry about this news. Give the other person time to process this in his or her own way. This could mean giving him or her days or weeks to think about what you said.
    • Let your partner know that you want an honest conversation about this matter. Say something like, "I'll answer any questions you have at any time."
    • Your partner may have very personal questions about the nature of your relationship with the other person. Regardless of how embarrassed, frustrated, or embarrassing you are, it is important to answer those questions honestly.
  3. Sincerely apologize. Admit your mistakes. Your partner has no power over you and there is nothing the other has done to induce you to cheat. Let the other person know that you understand this is your fault.
    • Tell your partner, "I know I hurt you so badly, and I want to do everything I can to mend our relationship. I'm really sorry, and I'd like to talk about how we can move on. "
    • Don't make an insincere apology. Only apologize for what you mean and know is wrong. Your partner may sense insincerity, so the apology should come from your heart, not guilt.
  4. Asking for forgiveness. Forgiveness will not come quickly or easily. If it does, it will probably take a long time; however, if you want to win back your partner, it is important that they understand as soon as possible that you are asking for forgiveness and are willing to work on it.
    • Let your partner know that you don't expect to be forgiven right away. That you know you have to earn it. But also that you are determined to do whatever it takes to regain the love and trust of the other person.
    • Give your partner the freedom to share what they feel, as well as what they expect and need from you, before they feel like they can reasonably forgive you. Ask your partner about their feelings and actively listen to their answers.
    • Your partner may be shocked at first or may not be able to believe it. Give the person time to adjust to what you have said, and let them know that you always want to talk about it.
  5. Give the other space. Your partner may not want to see you for a while after your confession. Show your love and respect by participating in this. This does not necessarily mean that the other person never wants to see you again, but it is important to give him or her the time and space to heal, and show respect for that part of the process which means that you have to distance yourself. .
    • If the partner you are living with indicates that you want a distance, arrange to stay with a friend or family member or in a hotel for a while. If your partner chooses to leave, allow it. This is uncharted territory for both of you, and the other may prefer some distance at first.
    • Don't pressure your partner to come over or let you return to his or her life. Show your respect for the other person by giving him or her the space that is being asked.
    • If physical intimacy was part of your relationship, you can expect it to take a long time to return. Don't pressure your partner, no matter what. Leave it to your partner to seek this contact again when he or she is ready.

Method 2 of 3: Leaving unfaithfulness behind

  1. Go into therapy together. Relationship counseling can be incredibly helpful when a partner has been unfaithful. Find a therapist who specializes in helping couples deal with infidelity. You and your partner should meet regularly to work on the recovery of your relationship and to move forward.
    • Your partner must be involved in the decision to go to relationship counseling. Let your partner know that you want to seek professional help repairing your relationship, and get your partner to actively help decide which counselor is right for you.
    • Agree on a therapy schedule that works for both of you. Since you are going to therapy as a couple, you should find time to go to the sessions together once a week or every other week. Keep your partner's schedule in mind when you make the arrangements.
    • Immediately let the counselor know that you are there because of your past unfaithfulness. Understand that recovery will take time, but let your therapist know that you are looking for long-term solutions.
  2. Make sure you keep communicating. Open and honest communication is essential to help build trust between you and your partner. Stay in touch with your partner and be honest about your feelings and what you do every day.
    • If your partner lets you know that they want to be more informed about where you are and what you are doing, understand and work out a plan to let you know.
    • Talk honestly with your partner about your daily thoughts and feelings. Allow yourself to be emotional and express conflict or regret, if that's what you're feeling.
    • It is equally important to give your partner the opportunity to communicate. Have a conversation with him or her, do your best to not only listen but also really get through and work to understand what the other person is saying. Listen actively by repeating what your partner is saying to you.
  3. Try to resolve disagreements. You and your partner are likely to have arguments as you try to move on. It is important that you try to resolve these instead of trying to win arguments. Try not to bring up old disputes or bring up topics unrelated to the problem, as this will only disturb your partner more.
    • Keep the altercations with your partner fair. Focus on the issue at stake at the time and don't bring up any other issues. Instead of making broad generalizations about your relationship, stay calm and discuss specific cases and your emotional response to them.
    • Try to find a concrete solution. Don't assume that an argument has been resolved just because you or your partner run out of energy for it. Even if you don't agree, it's important to find a real solution that you both agree on, and that you can move forward with together.

Method 3 of 3: Try to regain your partner's trust

  1. Be indulgent with your partner. To help rebuild trust, your partner may want to do things like spend more time together or make it clear that you've changed. Adapt to your partner and do your best to comply with any reasonable requests that the other person may have.
    • Being dismissive or being private about your time or what you do can make your partner suspicious. If there is any reason why you cannot comply with the other person's request, be open and honest about it.
    • Let your partner know that you are fully willing to comply with the request as you want to rebuild trust in your relationship. Then ask if the other person can clarify what he or she thinks this can mean for you so that you better understand the common goal that you are working towards.
    • In some relationships, the cheated partner has even hired a private investigator to make sure the cheating has stopped completely. Be aware that this is something your partner would like to do, and ask if you agree.
  2. Show that you have changed. You can promise what you want to your partner, but this will make little sense unless you also make an effort to show your partner that you are actually working towards change. This not only means that you are honest, but also that you stick to your obligations.
    • Show your partner your commitment not only through big gestures, but by making a conscious effort on a daily basis, such as picking up overdue work at home when your partner is unable to make it himself, or by helping with things you didn't pay attention to before .
    • This may mean having to work harder to listen when your partner feels like you are not around, doing more in the household when your partner is too busy with other work, or through other contributions to the relationship with your partner, to show him or her that you show commitment and value it.
    • It can help to create a ritual that you and your partner do on a daily basis. For example, drink a cup of coffee together after dinner to discuss your day.
  3. Accept his or her answer. Your partner doesn't have to take you back, and chances are he or she won't. About 30% of divorces in the US are the result of infidelity, along with the countless divorces between unmarried couples. If your partner decides that living together after the cheating is no longer possible, respect the other person's choice and remove your painful presence from their lives.
    • Fighting for a relationship with a partner who doesn't want to get on with you can lead to more emotional stress and damage in the other. Show your love by respecting the other person's decision to leave the relationship.
  4. Leave it behind. Accept your partner's answer and don't spend your life hoping that the other person will change their mind. If your partner doesn't want you back after infidelity, that's his or her right. Your partner is under no obligation. Get on with your life and work to learn from your mistake.
    • If you really regret your mistake, do your best not to repeat this mistake in future relationships. Use this as an opportunity to improve future relationships.
    • Cheating doesn't happen in a vacuum. Take the time to consider what may have contributed to your infidelity, and assess whether these are issues that you can work on without help.
    • Seek help from a therapist if you feel you need it. A therapist can help you mentally say goodbye to your relationship as well, and work with you on more productive future relationship choices.


  • Don't try to blame the other person for your own mistakes or justify your actions. Nothing but admitting your guilt, apologizing, and communicating about the problem will help the situation.
  • If your partner doesn't want to talk to you, leave him or her alone. Give the other person the space he or she needs. If your partner really loves you and you are the love of his or her life, eventually your partner will contact you again.


  • There are a number of online fake therapies that come across as quick self-help solutions to win back your partner quickly and for good. However, there is no quick road to recovery. Honesty, hard work and time are the only things that can fix your relationship.