Abdominal muscles for women

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Abdominal strengthening exercises: Level 1
Video: Abdominal strengthening exercises: Level 1


Tight, sexy abs: both men and women are willing to give it a lot. Unfortunately, women have a much harder time than men. On the one hand, this is because women have more difficulty building muscle mass, while at the same time there are also many women who prefer not to exercise for their muscles, because they are afraid that they will look square and pumped up. Don't panic - with a clever combination of a healthy diet and specific exercises, women can also get beautiful, shapely abs and a strong core, without looking like a bodybuilder.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Do abdominal exercises

  1. Don't believe in common misconceptions about abs. Because it seems like everyone wants toned abs, these exercises are often the subject of the most unlikely stories and myths. Don't believe everything you hear or read when it comes to getting sexy abs - if any information sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Two examples of common misconceptions are refuted below:
    • You "can't" burn local belly fat. This is a very widespread misconception. It doesn't matter how intensively you train a particular part of your body - that really means that no more fat is burned in that area than elsewhere in the body. You lose fat evenly all over the body. In order to get rid of belly fat so that you can also see those abs, it is necessary to work on burning fat in general.
    • There is "no" point in just doing abdominal exercises. Doing countless crunches will help you get stronger abs, but not actually seeing those abs in the shape of a shapely, sculpted six-pack. Usually, you also need to be involved in a healthy diet and other lifestyle changes to ensure good muscle definition.

Part 2 of 3: Burn fat by changing your lifestyle

  1. Make time for your workout. As with anything, you will get the best results by persistent and consistent exercise. That includes your abs. These routines are most successful if you keep repeating them for longer periods of time. If you're ready to work on your stomach, but you don't have a schedule yet, try setting aside an hour a day for the workout. Do a healthy mix of strength training and cardio - a healthy routine is to do cardio and strength training every other day.
    • Even if you just want a toned stomach and aren't interested in developing the rest of your body, there will still need to be some balance and variety in your workout. Not only will it improve your appearance and physique - it is also better for your abs. Core muscles do a lot of work to support the body in almost every strength exercise out there, so the more varied you work on it, the better it is for your abs and core!
  2. Less your calories. One sure way to lose weight is simply to eat less. There is disagreement on how often and how much you should eat for optimal weight loss. The most important thing to remember is that you simply consume fewer calories than you consume in a day. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and then count the amount of calories you take in per day. Make sure that this number is a few hundred calories lower than what you consume daily and you will find that you lose weight!
    • Just make sure that whatever diet you follow is a healthy, realistic, sensible, and safe diet. Don't starve yourself or neglect your diet or you risk serious health problems.
  3. Change your diet. When it comes to diet, it is not only important how much you eat, but especially "what" you eat. Try to avoid ready-to-eat foods as much as possible. As a rule of thumb, you can maintain that if it is not immediately clear what a product is made of, from which plants or from which animal, you can consider it as processed or factory food. Also try to avoid foods high in fat and sugar. Rather, supplement your diet with vegetables (especially those with a high nutritional value such as kale and spinach), whole grains, protein (yogurt, chicken, eggs and fish) and a reasonable amount of healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.
    • Drink lots of water! It is thirst-quenching, contains no calories and has been found to help you lose weight.
  4. Lie on your back. To make this a bit more comfortable, a yoga mat or a rug is recommended. Place your heels on a low table, knees bent at about a 90 degree angle.
  5. Do your amen crossed in front of your body. You may have seen people do it differently, with their hands behind their heads. If you do that, you run the risk of your neck muscles participating too much while doing the crunches. Don't do this and avoid pain in your neck.
  6. Repeat this exercise 20 times. Rest (less than a minute) after 20 crunches, then do another set of 20. Do 2-4 sets, or continue until you feel a "burn" - a slight uncomfortable feeling in your abs that indicates that the muscles are working well have been put to work.


  • Remember to do all of these exercises very slowly. Many women feel that doing the crunches quickly gets them to do more work and burn more calories as a result, but this is incorrect. You will get the most benefit from the exercises if you do them slowly - forcing the abs to work much harder!
  • Provide good nutrition, otherwise this will not work. Stop all junk food, too much sugar and soda, and all processed factory foods.
  • Eat fresh and avoid canned food.
  • Do 20 repetitions of these exercises every day. However, as you get more muscular, you can reduce this to 20 reps, 3-4 times a week.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.


  • If you have certain health problems related to the airways or your stomach, consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.


  • A small table
  • A towel or mat