Become a Buddhist

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become a Buddhist
Video: How to Become a Buddhist


Buddhism is an ancient religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama that teaches concepts such as the Four Noble Truths, karma, and rebirth. Buddhism is still a popular religion, with millions of people around the world adhering to it. The first step to becoming a Buddhist is to understand the basics of Buddhism. This will help you determine if Buddhism is the religion for you. Then you can practice Buddhism and participate in ancient traditions.

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Part 1 of 3: Understanding basic concepts of Buddhism

  1. Learn the basic terminology of Buddhism. This will make it much easier to understand everything you read as many Buddhist terms are unfamiliar, especially to Westerners. The basic terms of Buddhism include, but are not limited to:
    • Arhat: a being who has attained nirvana.
    • Bodhisattva: a being who is on the path to enlightenment.
    • Buddha: an awakened being who has attained perfect enlightenment.
    • Dharma: A complex term commonly referring to the Buddha's teachings.
    • Nirvana: spiritual bliss. Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhism.
    • Sangha: The Buddhist Community.
    • Sutra: a sacred Buddhist text.
    • Venerable: The title of an initiated monk or nun, wearing the specific colored robes of their tradition and sect.
  2. Get to know different Buddhist schools. The two most popular Buddhist schools today are Theravada and Mahayana. Although these two schools share the same beliefs, there are differences in the teachings they focus on: Mahayana focuses heavily on becoming a bodhisattva, Theravada focuses on the practice of dharma, and so on.
    • There are many other schools of Buddhism, such as Zen Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, and Esoteric Buddhism.
    • Regardless of which school interests you, the basic lessons of Buddhism are the same.
    • Because Buddhism is such an ancient religion, there are many intrinsic differences between all schools that cannot be discussed in detail here; spend time researching Buddhism to learn more.
  3. Read about the life of Siddhartha Gautama. There are many books that tell about the founder of Buddhism, and a simple online search will also reveal many articles about his life. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who left his palace and wasteful way of life to seek enlightenment. Although he is not the only Buddha in existence, he is the historical founder of Buddhism.
  4. Learn about the Four Noble Truths. One of the most basic concepts of Buddhism is, in summary, a pathway called the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. In other words, suffering exists, it has a cause and an end, and there is a way to the end of suffering.
    • The Four Noble Truths are not negative; rather they are meant to reduce suffering by taking it into account.
    • The Four Noble Truths emphasize that the pursuit of pleasure is not important.
    • If you find yourself confused by the Four Noble Truths, don't feel alone; it takes many people years to fully understand this learning path.
  5. Learn about reincarnation and nirvana. Buddhists believe that beings live multiple lives. When a being dies, he or she is reborn into a new life, and this cycle of life and death will not end until nirvana is attained. A creature can be reborn in the worlds of humans, heaven, animals, hell, asura or hungry ghosts.
  6. Understand karma. Karma is closely intertwined with reincarnation and nirvana because karma determines when and where a being will be reborn. Karma consists of the good or bad actions of previous lives and this life. Bad or good karma can affect a being directly, thousands of years later, or over five lifetimes, depending on when the effects are intended to appear.
    • Negative karma is the result of bad actions or thoughts, such as killing, stealing, or lying.
    • Positive karma is the result of good actions or thoughts, such as generosity, kindness, and spreading the teachings of Buddha.
    • Neutral karma is the result of actions that have no real effect, such as breathing or sleeping.

Part 2 of 3: Looking for refuge

  1. Find a temple where you feel comfortable belonging. Many major cities have a Buddhist temple, but each temple will come from a different school (such as Theravada or Zen) and they will certainly each offer different services, classes, and activities. The best way to learn about temples in your area is to visit them and talk to a Venerable or lay brother.
    • Ask what services and activities the temple offers.
    • Explore the different temples.
    • Attend a few shifts and see if you like the atmosphere.
  2. Become part of the community. As with most religions, Buddhism has a strong sense of community, and the lay brothers and monks are inviting and informative. Start participating in classes and making friends in your temple.
    • Many Buddhist communities will travel together to various Buddhist temples around the world. This is a fun way to get involved.
    • If you feel shy or nervous at first, this is perfectly normal.
    • Buddhism is the most popular religion in many countries such as Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Korea, Sri Lanka and China.
  3. Inquire about seeking refuge in De Drie Juwelen. The Three Jewels consists of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. When you take refuge in The Three Jewels, you will likely undergo a ceremony in which you take a vow to obey the Five Precepts, which consist of no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, and no drug use. .
    • The specific aspects of the ceremony will vary from temple to temple.
    • Don't feel compelled to take the Three Refuges as adherence to Buddhist morality is the most important part of this religion.
    • If you can't do the Three Refuges for cultural reasons, or if you can't find a temple near you, you can still live the Five Precepts.
    • Once you take refuge in Buddhism, you are officially a Buddhist.

Part 3 of 3: Practicing Buddhism in daily life

  1. Stay connected with the Buddhist community. Participating in classes in the temple where you have taken refuge is a good way to stay connected with the Buddhist community. A quick note on visiting temples, don't sit with the back of your feet facing altars, Buddha statues, or monks. Women should not touch monks in any way, including to shake hands, and men should not do the same to nuns. A simple bow will suffice. Most temples offer yoga, meditation or various sutra classes. Spend time with friends and family who are also Buddhists.
  2. Study Buddhism regularly. Many translated sutras are available online, your temple may have a library, or you can purchase sutras. There are also many different Venerable monks and lay brothers who have written statements of Buddhist sutras. Some of the most popular Buddhist sutras are: The Diamond Sutra, the Heart Sutra and the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.
    • Teach others what you have learned about Buddhism if you think you have mastered a concept.
    • There are hundreds of Buddhist concepts and teachings to study, but try not to feel overwhelmed or pressured to "understand" immediately.
    • Participate in classes taught by a Venerable or lay brother in your temple.
  3. Live the Five Precepts. When you took refuge in The Three Jewels, you made a vow to keep the Five Precepts, but this can be difficult at times. Do your best not to kill living things, be honest, do not take drugs, steal, or engage in sexual misconduct. If you break the Precepts, repent and do your best to live them.
  4. Practice the Middle Way. This is an important part of Buddhism which requires Buddhists to lead a balanced life that is neither too lavish nor too limited. The Middle Way is also known as the "Noble Eightfold Path," which teaches Buddhists to conform to eight elements. Spend time studying all eight:
    • Right insight
    • Right intentions
    • Speak correctly
    • Do the right thing
    • Correct way of living
    • Right effort
    • Correct meditation
    • Right concentration


  • Helping others is an essential part of Buddhism
  • Spend a lot of time learning about Buddhism before taking refuge in The Three Jewels.
  • Buddhism has many complex philosophical texts; don't feel frustrated if they confuse you.
  • Listen to Buddhist sermons on YouTube.
  • If you are used to eating meat, eat less meat gradually, and if it feels good, stop eating meat.
  • If you are interested in Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhism read books like The power of compassion of the Dalai Lama. Even if you are not a Buddhist, you can always find something useful that His Holiness has written or said.
  • Do not immediately become a Buddhist. Bring yourself into our culture gradually, as slowly as you like - you can get overwhelmed.