Be enchanting

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guy Kawasaki:  To Be Enchanting
Video: Guy Kawasaki: To Be Enchanting


The word "enchanting" has roots in spells, sorcery and magic. Being enchanting is about feeling comfortable with yourself and your place in this world. Some think mainly about the outward appearance, others more about the way of thinking and intellect and still others think about someone's sense of humor. Regardless of what it is, they are all equally important. As far as aesthetics or the outward appearance are concerned, you want to create an illusion of fantasy and seduction, a spark that you really want to reach out to get your hands on it. If this sounds even slightly appealing, read on as you're well on your way.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Looking enchanting

  1. Keep your body clean and cared for.
    • Shower regularly to keep your body clean and give it a fresh scent. Don't use soaps with an overpowering scent, as they can clash with any perfume you want to use.
    • Use deodorant and antiperspirant. As with soap, avoid anything with a strong scent.
    • Keep your hair and nails neatly trimmed and groomed.
    • Also, don't forget to brush your teeth after every meal! You don't want food scraps to get stuck in your teeth.
  2. Keep your face clean and cared for.
    • Do your best to make sure you are as blemish-free as possible. That means no acne, no pimples, bruises or scars. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but look for the best way to care for your skin.
    • If you have acne or blemishes, see a dermatologist to try and find a skin care product that works for you.
    • Keep your skin clean and cared for by washing your face every day. You may or may not use soap because everyone's skin is different. Experiment to find a way that works for you.
  3. Only use makeup if you think it is necessary.
    • Start with eyeliner. Use either a small or medium amount of eyeliner. Follow the natural line of your eye along the top lash and make a small "nod" at the end. This is a classic, always gorgeous look.
    • Find the eyeshadow or concealer that fits your skin exactly and use it under your eyes if you suffer from dark circles, and possibly everywhere you have scars etc. Use foundation if you need an extra layer or if your skin tone is uneven.
    • To make your face look more feminine, you can use a highlighter and apply it to the protruding parts of your face: your eyebrows, cheekbones and the bridge of the nose.
    • Curl your lashes and apply mascara.
    • Use two shades of eyeshadow and apply the lightest one over the lid and the darkest one over the crease.
    • Find a lipstick that works for you and make sure to use a moisturizer before applying your lipstick.
    • Choose either if you plan on applying heavy makeup - the eyes or the lips.
  4. Take care of your hair.
    • Your hair should be neat and clean.
    • Everyone's hair is different and unique, but all can be enchanting if you find the right style for your look. Don't be afraid of a little volume!
    • Any color is possible, as long as you make sure it matches your natural color. Any color, depending on your style. But avoid the bright colors as they tend to fade and can look cheap.
    • Your hair should always look shiny and healthy. This means that you use conditioner that you can leave on and generally keep your hair healthy and at the same time go to the hairdresser regularly because the points keep up.
  5. Keep your nails looking perfect.
    • Keep your nails short, smooth and healthy.
    • Don't neglect your cuticles. Keep them smooth, healthy and push them back as needed.
    • Paint your nails if possible. Remove the paint if it starts to peel.
  6. Stand upright.
    • Good posture will make you appear more confident and taller than you are. Plus, it's good for you!
    • Sleep on your back to help develop good posture, and maintain that straight back for the rest of the day.
    • Strong abs help you get up straight, so train those muscles as needed.
    • You can also wear a back brace / corset when you are at home to assist in training to keep your back straight.

Part 2 of 3: Dress glamorous

  1. Combine your outfits.
    • Make sure everything fits together. This is much more important than expensive clothes! Nothing is more "enchanting" than looking well-groomed.
    • Match the colors by choosing a limited palette. Choose colors that suit you, then stick to colors or color families that go well with them (Purple / Blue / Green, Red / Orange / Yellow, etc.).
    • Try to match styles as well. You don't want to pair a modern skirt with a vintage top or something similar, that's a general rule. Although you can sometimes make this work, it will quickly look as if it does not fit.
    • A good example is when you go for a run: wear a velor jogging suit, with sports shoes that look good and maybe a nice (matching) T-shirt with an image underneath. It goes to show that even on lazy days you still give it a go, or maybe you're so rich that this is the sloppiest outfit you could match!
  2. Wear clothes that enhance your figure.
    • Determine your body type (pear, hourglass, etc.) and then wear clothes that best suit that type.
    • Different clothes can flatter different body types. For example, triangular-shaped body types with broad shoulders should avoid clothes with padded shoulders or puff sleeves.
    • Wearing clothes that emphasize your body shape will make you look good almost regardless of your body shape.
    • Experiment to find out which types of clothing suit you best.
  3. Always wear clothes that fit well.
    • Clothing that doesn't fit properly can make you look fat, lazy, cheap, or sick. Avoid clothes that don't fit properly to look healthy and great.
    • Do not wear clothes that are too big and therefore hang around you like a bag, or clothes that are small and cause everything to bulge.
    • Also avoid pants with a waist that is too low, as this will cause your fat rolls to hang over them when you move, and that will ruin your great looks.
    • When trying on clothes, take 3 different items of the same clothes into the fitting room. One that is too big and one that is too small (even if you know for sure what your normal measurements are). Never be afraid to try more dress sizes, even if that never seems to work.
  4. Wear nice clothes.
    • Don't wear clothes that look cheap. Do not wear cheap looking fabrics such as very poor quality fabrics such as pleather (faux leather) or silly, fleecy / feathered materials.
    • Instead, go for clothes made from delicate fabrics, such as silk, satin, high-quality lace (such as Chantilly), cashmere or modal.
    • Your clothes should also be well maintained. Do not wear clothes with holes and stains. Keep them clean, ironed and beautiful.
    • Wear clothes that look nice, even if you're doing something like running to the gym or running errands.
    • Sticking to all trends is not only expensive, but can also make it seem like you're trying too hard and produce painful photos in the future. Look timelessly enchanting wearing classic styles.
    • Trends to avoid include wide-leg pants, padded shoulders, or asymmetric hemlines.
    • Instead, wear something like a shirt, knee-length skirts, a tailored suit and classic dresses.
    • Find inspiration for the look you want to achieve.
  5. Don't dress less well than necessary.
    • Never wear casual if you can avoid it. Even your sports clothes should look good.
    • Whatever you are going to do outside, try to dress just a bit better than is normal for the situation.
    • Don't overdo it though, as wearing a ball gown to dinner is way too exaggerated. This comes across as ridiculous.
  6. Use accessories!
    • Even though you can't afford expensive clothes, make sure that you use the right accessories to lift the clothes a bit and make the outfit look more expensive.
    • Wear earrings that are a bit dramatic with a little bit of twinkle and sparkle, but in a way that suits your neck and face. Don't make them too big or too small.
    • A small, eye-catching necklace that you always wear is fine because it makes even an average outfit look more dressed and consciously matched.
    • Diva-style sunglasses are never a wrong choice. Large frames, such as the popular ones from the 60s, look especially glamorous.
    • A shiny watch is almost mandatory! Make sure that the watch fits, possibly by adjusting the strap. Also, make sure it's a color that goes with everything you have in your closet and goes well with your skin tone.

Part 3 of 3: Be enchanting

  1. Be self-aware.
    • While appearing confident won't make you look more glamorous, it does affect how people perceive you. If you want to appear enchanting and fit in, you will have to kiss like you love yourself and feel completely at ease in your own skin.
    • You don't actually have to be that confident, but you do act accordingly (but it's still important that you learn to love yourself, the rest will follow naturally.) Most people, even though they come across as very confident, are not, so don't worry. don't bother about it.
    • Don't constantly apologize and defend yourself to other people. Don't criticize yourself or put yourself down. A little self-mockery is fine, of course.
    • Dare to stand up for yourself, be kind and caring (not arrogant or offensive), be in good shape, and don't be afraid to do things that make you stand out, like talk intelligently, or talk about things you are passionate about are.
  2. Control your emotions.
    • Over-reacting can mess up your entire glamourous or glamorous look, making you look immature, or a bit like a jerk / bitch. Can you imagine Audrey Hepburn as a bitch? No.
    • Don't kick a scene, yell at people who upset you, or generally don't be extremely sensitive about something going on. Be controlled, including emotionally.
  3. Think before you say anything, make sure you don't offend anyone or look like you don't have them all lined up.
    • Speaking in a meaningful way, as with acting confidently, will contribute to the perception of glamor. The smarter your speech, the more stylish and elegant you will appear.
    • An accent is not necessary to appear glamorous, so don't pretend.
    • Instead, use the best grammar and vocabulary you have.
    • Practice speaking on your own if it can help you overcome bad habits.
  4. Make yourself look enchanting.
    • When meeting someone for the first time, don't forget to use good manners, because being enchanting is about creating a great first impression.
    • Every time you go out into public life, strive to appear enchanting, but no matter what, stay true to yourself (people will respect you for it).
    • Imagine being chased by photographers all day long - when they take pictures, what do you want them to capture? And is it glamorous?
  5. Live a glamorous lifestyle.
    • You may not be able to grab your private jet so you can be on a Brazilian beach in a few hours, but you can be selective in the choice of your activities.
    • For example, if you want to live the flamboyant life of an artist, it is more appropriate to hang out in coffee shops, engaged in art history discussions with like-minded minds until early in the morning, than go out.
  6. Make your home enchanting too.
    • For those on a tight budget, you can use classic pieces. Imagine a Hollywood actress helping you decorate, but don't be afraid to add color.
    • Stay away from multiple different patterns, that's loud and distracting. The key is to make your décor look classic yet modern.
    • Watch old movies for ideas.
    • You can always go to an antique dealer and see if you find something you like.


  • Feel enchanted and confident. You will never be able to adopt the right attitude if you think you are just ordinary.
  • Just because you're creating an illusion doesn't mean you have to lie. It's better to stay a bit mysterious and vague than to be caught in a lie that makes you seem desperate, not glamorous. Remember, you don't have to tell anyone, and not telling them anything will make them want to know more.
  • Learn from your role model how you would like to be more. What do they do that makes them appear enchanting? Don't forget to focus on the positives. In general, saying and doing little that makes people gossip makes you much more enchanting and mysterious than trying to create an image that you cannot control and that involves other people, events and substances (including gossip, rumors, sex & drugs) are involved.
  • Be enchanting because you want to be, not because others expect you to! If you're more of a gym figure, don't wear tight skirts and high heels!


  • Do not insult or gossip about people. When you do these things, you don't come across as truly enchanting, just like someone pretending to be.
  • Learn to love yourself, stay true to yourself and have both feet on the ground.
  • People can insult or judge you, but if they're not close to you, then what do you care what they say? Ignore them.