Cure balanitis

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How can you cure balanitis?
Video: How can you cure balanitis?


If a person has balanitis, they will have itching, redness, and sometimes swelling around the glans. The condition can be bothersome and occasionally cause pain when you urinate. Balanitis is most common in uncircumcised individuals. While a case of balanitis may seem embarrassing or troublesome, there's no reason to feel that way - it's a common condition that fortunately is relatively easy to cure with medicinal ointments.

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Method 1 of 3: Relieve discomfort and administer medication

  1. Wash under your foreskin with warm water every day. Many cases of balanitis develop when the glans is poorly cared for and not washed as often as it should be. If you are uncircumcised, make it a habit to wash your penis in the shower daily, or at least four or five times a week. Pull back your foreskin and rinse it clean with warm water. Do not use soap as it can irritate the glans.
    • In medical terminology, the glans is called the "shine". You may hear your doctor or other healthcare professionals use this term.
    • If you feel like not using soap is not getting your penis as clean as you would like it to be, use a gentle unscented soap.
    • Keeping the glans clean will prevent bacteria from building up under the foreskin and prevent most cases of balanitis.
    • If you suspect you have contact dermatitis, don't use soap as it can cause more irritation.
  2. Take a salt bath to relieve the itching and pain from balanitis. The glans of a balanitis infected penis is usually covered with red and itchy patches and often swollen. If you find the condition irritating or painful, take a salt bath to relieve the itching. Fill the bathtub with warm water (not hot) and add about 400 g of salt. Stir with your hand until mixed, and soak in the bath for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Do this as often as necessary to control the discomfort of the balanitis. However, be aware that no amount of salt water baths will actually cure the condition.
    • You can also wash the area with a saline solution if you don't want to take a salt bath.
  3. Apply a 1% hydrocortisone ointment to soothe the itching of balanitis. Squeeze a blob of ointment about the size of a pea onto a finger. Pull back your foreskin, and spread the ointment over the head of the penis until it completely covers the red and itchy areas. Apply the ointment twice a day or as often as your doctor prescribes. The ointment will soothe itchy skin and reduce itching and swelling for a period of one to two weeks. Continue to apply the 1% hydrocortisone for another seven days when the symptoms have already disappeared.
    • If your doctor suspects your penis is undergoing a mild allergic reaction, he probably recommends hydrocortisone.
    • You can buy a 1% hydrocortisone ointment at a pharmacy or drugstore without a prescription.
  4. Use an anti-fungal or antibiotic ointment if your penis is infected. If your doctor thinks the balanitis is caused by fungal or bacterial growth on your penis, he will recommend an anti-fungal ointment such as clotrimazole 1% or miconazole 2%. To apply the medicated ointment, pull back your foreskin and squeeze a pea-sized tuft onto the glans. Rub it in with two or three fingers, then roll back your foreskin. Apply the ointment twice a day for seven days or until symptoms disappear.
    • You can buy an anti-fungal or antibiotic ointment without a prescription from a drugstore or a nearby pharmacy.
    • If you have a strong infection or one that is resistant to over-the-counter medications, your doctor may prescribe a stronger medicinal ointment.
  5. Try a prescription steroid ointment to reduce inflammation. If the balanitis is caused by allergies or a physical irritant, your doctor may prescribe steroid cream to reduce inflammation. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, coat your glans with a light coating of steroid ointment once a day for two to three weeks or until symptoms go away.
    • It is not uncommon for steroid ointments to be prescribed in conjunction with an antibacterial or antifungal ointment.
    • If you have an infection on the glans - as a symptom of balanitis or for any other reason - don't put steroid cream on it. Steroid cream can actually make an infection worse.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid irritants

  1. Use a condom if you are sexually active. Balanitis can develop as a result of an allergy, and many people have a latex allergy without being aware of it. If you are sexually active and usually use latex condoms, switch to latex-free condoms. Use latex-free condoms for at least a month. If the balanitis goes away on its own after this time, you can be sure it was caused by a latex allergy.
    • Go to a pharmacy and go through their condom range until you find latex-free condoms.
    • If you are unsure whether you have a latex allergy or not, go to your doctor and ask. He or she can perform an allergy test in practice.

    Tip: If you are sexually active or masturbate but don't use condoms, wash your penis with warm water after sexual contact.

  2. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling chemicals. If you work in certain types of factories, industrial environments, or laboratories, there is a good chance that you will come into contact with chemicals on a daily basis. Wash your hands with soap and water before going to the toilet or touching your genitals. Soak your hands for 10 to 20 seconds, then rinse off all of the soap.
    • If you are concerned that you may have gotten chemicals on your penis, wash it off with soap and water as well.
  3. Change your detergent or stop using dryer cloths. Scented detergents can cause a variety of rashes and skin conditions, including balanitis. Switch to a fragrance-free detergent. If this does not resolve the balanitis, do not use dryer wipes when you put your clothes in the dryer.
    • If you prefer to use perfumed detergent and dryer towels for your laundry, wash and dry your underwear separately. That way, you can use unscented laundry detergent and leave out the dryer sheets when you wash underwear.

Method 3 of 3: Go to the doctor

  1. See the doctor if the balanitis has not responded to over-the-counter treatment. Also, make an appointment with your doctor if you have had balanitis several times within a few months. Describe the symptoms you experienced to your doctor. Your doctor will need to inspect your glans to assess its color and inflammation. If the doctor cannot make a diagnosis right away, he or she will take a swab of the glans and have the skin cells examined in a lab.
    • The doctor should also inspect the skin on and around your penis to make sure you are not suffering from dermatosis, a more serious skin disease that often occurs around the genitals.
    • In some cases, your doctor may also refer you to a dermatologist. Because balanitis is technically a skin condition, a dermatologist has more experience diagnosing and curing the condition.
  2. Ask your doctor to test you for STIs if you are sexually active. Most cases of balanitis are not caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), although some STIs can cause balanitis. In these cases, your doctor may suggest treating the balanitis by treating the underlying STI. So, if you are sexually active, see your doctor and ask them to test you for any STDs. The STDs most likely to cause balanitis include:
    • Chlamydia
    • Genital herpes
    • Gonorrhea
  3. Tell your doctor if you are diabetic and develop balanitis. If you have diabetes and develop balanitis, it could be an indication that your blood sugar is unstable. Ask your doctor to test your blood levels. If your doctor determines that the levels are too low, he or she will likely adjust your daily insulin dose.
    • Although a changed daily dose of insulin can cure the balanitis, your doctor may also prescribe a medicated ointment to reduce the itching and inflammation caused by the balanitis.
  4. Consult your doctor about circumcision for recurrent balanitis. If you can't manage a bad case of balanitis, or if your penis gets reinfected frequently, circumcision may be the most practical option. This will effectively prevent all future cases of balanitis. As a less invasive measure, your doctor may suggest making a small incision along the top of your foreskin to allow more air to flow between the glans and foreskin.
    • Your doctor will discuss with you the complications that can occur after circumcision. If you are an adult, you will need a recovery period of about 7-10 days before you can walk normally again.
    • While this may seem like a hassle, it's more than worth it if it can help you avoid frequent balanitis!


  • Balanitis is quite common in people with uncircumcised penises. In fact, about 1 in 30 uncircumcised people will suffer from balanitis at least once in their lifetime.
  • Balanitis is common in young people under the age of 4. If you have a young child, inspect his penis every month or every two months to make sure he is not showing any signs of balanitis. If it does, take him to a pediatrician.


  • Do not use medicinal products before talking to your doctor. He or she can tell you which medicated ointments are most effective in curing balanitis. Using the wrong medical device can actually make the infection worse.