Organize apps on Samsung Galaxy

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Galaxy S10 / S10+: How to Move/Rearrange Apps on Home Screen
Video: Galaxy S10 / S10+: How to Move/Rearrange Apps on Home Screen


This article will teach you how to organize the apps on Samsung Galaxy by using folders and custom order.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using folders on the home screen

  1. Tap an app you want to add to a folder and keep holding. With this method, you can create folders on your home screen and then organize your apps by type or purpose.
  2. Drag the app onto another app and release. When you release your finger, a folder will be created containing both apps.
  3. Type a name for the folder. This could be something the app describes, such as "Productivity" or "Social Media".
  4. Press Add apps. This is at the bottom of the screen. Now you add more apps to this folder.
  5. Tap on each app you want to add. Each icon has a circle in the top left corner - selecting an app fills that circle.
  6. Press ADD. It's in the top right corner of the screen. The selected apps have now all been added to the new folder.
    • Now that the folder has been created, you can drag and drop other apps from anywhere on your Galaxy.
    • To delete a folder, press and hold it. Select "Delete Folder" and then press "DELETE FOLDER".

Method 2 of 4: Using folders in the app drawer

  1. Open the app drawer on your Galaxy. You usually do this by swiping up from the bottom of the screen or by pressing the Apps icon (often 9 small squares or dots).
  2. Tap and hold an app you want to add to a folder. A menu will appear.
  3. Press Select multiple items. This is the first option in the menu. Circles will appear in the corners of every app in the drawer.
  4. Tap on each app you want to add to the folder. Check marks will appear in the circles of the selected apps.
  5. Press Create folder. It's in the top right corner of the screen.
  6. Type a name for the folder. Press "Enter folder name" and start typing.
  7. Press ADD APPS if you want to add more apps to the folder. Otherwise, press anywhere outside the box to return to the app drawer. Your new folder is now in the app drawer.
    • To add more apps to the folder, drag an app to the app drawer and then drop it into a folder.
    • To delete a folder, press and hold it. Select "Delete Folder" and then press "DELETE FOLDER".

Method 3 of 4: Move apps on the home screen

  1. Press and hold an app on your home screen. You can move apps on your home screen (and to other home screens, if you want) by dragging them.
  2. Drag the app to a different location on your home screen. When you release your finger, the app's icon will appear in the new location.
    • To move an app to another screen, drag it all the way to the right or left until the next screen appears. Only then let go of your finger.

Method 4 of 4: Change the order of the app drawer

  1. Open the app drawer on your Galaxy. You usually do this by swiping up from the bottom of the screen or by pressing the Apps icon (often 9 small squares or dots).
  2. Press . This is in the top right corner of the app drawer.
    • If you want the apps to be sorted alphabetically by title, select "Alphabetical Order" now. This should be the default option.
  3. Select Custom Order. This will return you to the app drawer in a special editing mode.
  4. Drag icons to new locations and release. After moving your apps, you may end up with blank spaces and pages, which is no problem as you can delete them.
  5. Press . It's in the top right corner of the screen.
  6. Press Clean up pages. Now all blank pages and spaces are removed from the app drawer.
  7. Press To apply. The changes to your app drawer are now saved.