Keep monkeys out of residential areas

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pepper spray to keep monkeys away from your farm?
Video: Pepper spray to keep monkeys away from your farm?


Wild monkeys can cause problems when they enter residential areas in search of food. It is important to understand what measures you can take to discourage monkeys from entering your neighborhood or your home. If the monkeys come into residential areas frequently, there are some things you can do to make that more difficult for them. Start by making sure there is no easily accessible food, as this will attract the monkeys, and tell your neighbors what they can do.

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Method 1 of 2: Discourage curious monkeys

  1. Use fully lockable trash cans. Monkeys are more likely to enter a habitat if they think food is easy to find. Before you consider installing alarms or other security measures to keep monkeys out, make sure there is nothing encouraging them to enter the neighborhood. The first step is to ensure that there are no open or inadequately secured trash cans that monkeys can easily open.
    • Use monkey-resistant bins that can be closed tightly and will not attract monkeys.
    • You can secure the lids of the trash cans with an elastic or drawstring.
    • Seal all trash bags with a double knot and make sure that no food scraps are lying around or sticking out of the trash cans.
    • If easily accessible food is available in garbage areas, the monkeys will penetrate further into the residential area and may even enter houses.
  2. Don't feed the monkeys. In addition to ensuring that food waste and garbage locations are properly sealed, it is essential that you and your neighbors do not feed the monkeys in the area. When fed, the monkeys will come back for more food. You can try to shut off their access to human food so that they go back to foraging in their natural habitat instead of the residential area.
    • Do not feed monkeys or other wild animals, this will attract them to the living environment and make it much more difficult to keep them out.
    • Preventing and discouraging the monkeys from entering an environment where humans live is the most important first step.
    • Once monkeys know where there is a food source, they will likely visit it every day.
  3. Pick the fruit from your trees. If you have fruit trees in your yard or nearby, don't forget that they are a potential food source that can attract monkeys. Harvest the fruit as soon as possible to reduce the chances of a monkey finding the fruit. If this is an ongoing problem, consider whether you should continue to cultivate fruit trees.
    • If you have a vegetable garden, make sure to cover the vegetable with a strong wire mesh designed to keep out primates.
  4. Monkey proof all houses. In addition to securing the trash cans, it is important not to make it easy for the monkeys to enter your house while they are foraging for food. To do this, make sure all windows are protected. You can simply close the windows or make them monkey-proof with a strong wire mesh. Securing your windows with mesh and keeping food out of sight will discourage curious monkeys.
  5. Avoid using plastic bags. If there are monkeys around, avoid using plastic bags while walking in the area as much as possible. Place all plastic bags in a canvas bag. Monkeys are curious and will steal food from you plastic bags or forage in garbage bags. They can easily tear the plastic, so make sure they don't get the chance.
  6. Spread the information. If you live in an area adjacent to a forest where monkeys live, it is important that your neighbors know what to do to discourage monkeys from entering the residential area. If you secure trash cans, close windows, and don't feed the monkeys, but other people aren't working that hard, the problem will persist. Discuss the topic with your neighbors and explain how discouraging the monkeys is the best way to get rid of them.
    • Education and awareness are essential to make long-term solutions a success.
    • Everyone must cooperate and take responsibility.

Method 2 of 2: Keep monkeys out

  1. Scare them off. If you notice that a monkey has entered the habitat, don't panic, but you should be prepared. Have a large stick, garden hose, or other water-spraying object handy at home. If you see a monkey you can scare it off without harming it. The monkey quickly learns that your neighborhood is not a good place to return to.
    • Do not approach the monkey directly, do not stare at it or try to corner it.
    • Determine a way out and encourage the monkey to leave by hitting the ground with a stick. Never hit the monkey. A strong jet of water can also encourage the monkey to leave.
    • Be especially careful when young animals are present in a group of monkeys. Lower your head, keep your distance and move away from them.
  2. Build an electric fence. In extreme situations, it may be necessary to build an electric fence around the neighborhood to prevent the monkeys from entering. This is no easy task, and it's good to try the less dramatic options like closing the trash cans and food sources before considering a fence. There is evidence to show that electric fences are effective against monkeys and that they do not harm animals if properly constructed, but they require professional help.
    • If you think your monkey problem is that serious, contact a local government representative and inquire about electric fences.
    • It is not cheap and should under no circumstances be attempted on your own.
  3. Use an electronic repellent with sound. More and more places and institutions are opting for ultrasonic defense devices to keep out monkeys. These devices are typically used in high traffic areas, making it difficult to ensure that accessible food scraps are not left behind.
    • The sounds create stress and discomfort for the monkeys in the area, which will cause them to move away to avoid the noise.
    • The effect on the health and welfare of the monkeys is uncertain, so it is good to implement preventive methods in the first instance.


  • Buy a large, powerful water gun.
  • Never feed the monkeys.
  • Don't approach the monkeys.