How to get rid of flaky skin

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist
Video: Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist


Flaky skin is a nasty condition. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to get rid of flaking skin. Soak your flaky skin daily and protect it from the sun. Use aloe vera and other products to help heal your skin. Home remedies like oatmeal scrubs and olive oil work wonders if you want to get rid of flaky skin. Your skin will be healthy and beautiful again in no time.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Provide flaky skin

  1. Soak your flaky skin in warm water. There are many ways you can soak your skin. For example, take a bath if the skin on your back or entire body is flaky. If only the skin on your hands is flaky, soak your hands in a bowl of warm water. Soak your skin for about 20 minutes daily until you see improvement.
    • To remedy the problem even better, add 600 grams of baking soda to the bath water. This can help reduce redness and irritation and reduce your chances of getting a skin infection.
    • If your skin is flaky from sunburn, don't take showers or use hot water. The heat and force of the water that flows onto your flaky skin can cause pain.
  2. Drink about 2.5 liters of water daily. As part of your normal skincare routine, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water (about 2 liters) per day. To help your skin recover after it starts to flake, you will need to drink a little more water.
  3. Protect your skin from the sun. Exposure to direct sunlight can weaken your skin even more and complicate the problem of flaking skin. Apply sunscreen to your exposed skin when you need to go out into the sun, focusing especially on the areas that are already damaged and flaking. Before you go outside, cover your flaky skin with a cap or hat and clothing as much as possible.
    • It's important to protect your skin from the sun anyway, whether it's flaky from sunburn or because it's dry.
  4. Do not pull the flakes off your skin. Pulling and picking on your flaky skin can also remove healthy skin, which can be painful and leave you susceptible to infection. Instead, let the skin cells fall off the skin on their own.
  5. If necessary, see a doctor. If you are unsure why your skin is flaking or the condition is severe, seek medical attention. Some medical conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, and ichthyosis, can cause flaky skin. If other remedies don't resolve the problem gradually, see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.
    • For example, you can have a serious skin problem if, in addition to flaking skin, you also suffer from severe itching and redness.
    • Also, contact your doctor if large areas of your skin come off.

Method 2 of 3: Apply topical agents

  1. Hydrate your skin with Aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is widely used to treat irritated skin. Gently massage the gel into the affected skin and allow the gel to dry completely.
    • You can buy aloe vera gel at most drug stores.
    • You can usually apply aloe vera gel two or three times a day, but read the package directions for specific instructions on how to use it.
    • Aloe vera gel can soothe inflammation, irritation and itching. Your flaky skin may heal faster and better when you moisturize it with aloe vera gel.
  2. Use a cleanser to get rid of the flaky skin on your face. A facial cleanser or face wash can help get rid of flaky skin. Rinse your face with warm water and apply the cleanser to your skin following the directions on the package. Massage the cleanser into your skin, then rinse it off with warm water.
    • Use a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin and a clear cleanser if you have oily skin.
    • Whichever cleanser you use, make sure you choose a mild one. An abrasive cleanser will only dry out the skin and cause more skin irritation. Use a non-comedogenic, fragrance-free moisturizer after shampooing.
    • Read the directions on the package so you know how often to use the cleaner of your choice.
  3. Use topical corticosteroids if your skin problem is severe. Topical corticosteroids are drugs that are applied to the skin itself to combat inflammation and flaking skin. Simply squeeze the prescribed amount of the topical corticosteroid from the tube and apply it to your finger. Apply the medicine to the affected area.
    • How much of the topical corticosteroid you should use depends on where you apply it on your body. In some places your skin is thinner.
    • Read the directions on the package and insert for more information about how often to apply the topical corticosteroid.
    • If you are using a moisturizer or emollient in addition to the topical corticosteroid, apply the moisturizer first.
    • You can't use corticosteroids if you have rosacea, acne, or open sores. Corticosteroids are only available by prescription in our country and it is important that you talk to your doctor before using them. Some products are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and small children.

Method 3 of 3: Using home remedies

  1. Apply oatmeal to your flaky skin. Soak 100 grams of oatmeal in 500 ml of water for about 20 minutes. Apply the oatmeal to your flaky skin and wait about 20 minutes. Rinse the oatmeal from your skin with warm water and wipe away the dry skin with a soft cloth.
    • After using oatmeal, apply a light moisturizer.
    • How much oatmeal you need depends on the size of the flaking area. Prepare more oatmeal if you have larger areas of flaking skin and less oatmeal if you have smaller areas of flaking skin.
    • Use this remedy daily until you get rid of your flaky skin.
  2. Apply a mixture of equal parts warm milk and honey to your flaky skin. Honey is an excellent moisturizer. Simply spread the mixture gently on the areas of flaky skin and wait 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse the honey off with warm water.
    • Use this remedy twice a day for a week.
  3. Cover your skin with banana puree. Puree a banana in 1 cup of sour cream until you get a lumpy mixture.Apply the puree to your flaky skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing your skin with clean water.
    • You can also use 60 ml yogurt instead of sour cream.
    • You can also use a papaya or apple instead of a banana.
    • Use this medicine once or twice a week until the problem is resolved.
  4. Rub cucumber slices over your flaky skin. Let your skin come into contact with the light green flesh of the cucumber and not with the dark green skin. Hold the slices against your skin for about 20 minutes, then rinse your skin with warm water. Repeat this as many times as you want until your flaky skin heals.
    • You can also grate a cucumber into a fine paste or thin strips. Apply the grated cucumber to your skin and let the cucumber sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse your skin with warm water afterwards.
    • Cucumber moisturizes and cools irritated and flaky skin. It also contains vitamin C, which supports your skin in its natural repair process.


  • Be careful using home remedies. In most cases, there is little to no scientific evidence that these drugs work. Always talk to a doctor if you have skin problems that won't go away.
  • Exfoliating your skin too often can make your symptoms worse. Be careful when exfoliating your skin.