Be nice

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Black Eyed Peas - Be Nice (feat. Snoop Dogg) (Official Music Video)
Video: Black Eyed Peas - Be Nice (feat. Snoop Dogg) (Official Music Video)


Being nice is often easier said than done. It can sometimes be difficult enough to work your way through the day without smiling at strangers and saying "please" or "thank you". So why would you do it? If you are nice, other people feel good and it is easier to form good relationships. If that's not enough, remember that this is how you get what you want done, because people are more likely to help you if you're nice. Read on to learn how to be nice.

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Part 1 of 3: Being nice in everyday ways

  1. Smile. By smiling at people you show that you are nice. Look the other person in the eye and give a small or a big smile - it doesn't matter how. This sets the tone for a meeting, and it often encourages the other person to smile at you as well. And if the other person doesn't, he / she might have an off day. That does not matter; Being nice doesn't guarantee a positive response, but it often helps.
    • Smile at someone you pass on the street, when you buy from a store, when you walk into school in the morning, or whenever you make eye contact with someone.
    • Smile even if you don't feel very well. You can still be nice if you're in a bad mood. Why would you want to transfer your negative energy to others?
    • If you are in a bad mood and don't feel like listening to other people, try listening to music, drawing something, or doing something else you enjoy to avoid being grumpy or rude to others ( even if you don't mean it like that).
  2. Let others know you've seen them. When you walk past someone, even if they are a stranger, acknowledge their presence with a simple "hello" or "hi", or just nod in their direction. It's nice to let you know you've seen someone; it makes others feel special.
    • When walking through a busy city, it can be difficult to acknowledge everyone's presence. In any case, try to be nice to the people you're sitting next to on the bus or plane, or if you accidentally bump into someone.
    • Say "good morning" to your classmates and teachers when you enter the school in the morning, or to your colleagues at work. Then you quickly get the reputation for being nice.
  3. Ask others how they are doing. Take the time to ask someone how you are, without being intrusive or curious. If they don't feel like talking, don't insist, and never force people to say more than they want to say.
  4. Be a good listener. Listen when others talk to you. It is not nice to ignore the opinion or story of others. Allow them to say something, just as you would like others to let you say something when the roles are reversed.
    • If you think someone is annoying or pushy, never put your hand over their mouth or make a rude face. Politely wait for someone to finish, then change the topic.
    • Being nice doesn't mean you have to let yourself be walked over. If you're talking to a stranger who makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to apologize and walk away.
  5. Be courteous. Always say "please", "thank you" and "you're welcome". Be patient, observant, and considerate. Treat others with respect, including those you don't necessarily want to get to know.
    • Don't forget to always say "pardon" instead of "step aside!" if someone gets in the way. People are not a doormat that you just wipe your feet on, they are living beings, just like you. If you show respect, the other person will respect you too.
    • If you are traveling by public transport and an elderly person, disabled person or pregnant woman is boarding, please offer your seat. That's a nice thing to do.
    • If you see someone can use help to pick up something they've dropped, or if someone can't reach something because it's on a high shelf, help.
  6. Don't forget to be nice to animals too. If you want to be a really nice person, you have to be kind to animals too. Don't tease them or see them as little robots that you can do whatever you want with. Animals deserve respect, just like other living things.
    • Never hit or hurt an animal, whether it is your pet, someone else's, or a wild animal.
    • Don't tease an animal to have fun. This also applies to insects, spiders, mice, birds, fish or other critters you come across.
    • If you see an insect or bug in your home, try to humanely put it outside or keep it from becoming a pest.

Part 2 of 3: Being nice to acquaintances

  1. Be positive. If your friends want advice from you or just want to have a chat, don't be negative or critical. Stay positive about the situation. Cheer him / her up. There are always two sides to a situation: the positive and the negative. Nice people help each other to see things on the bright side.
    • Praise your friends for what they have accomplished. If your friend passed a test or won a competition, congratulate him / her!
    • Compliment your friends. If you have a friend who doesn't like her hair, tell them you think it's cute or compliment her beautiful smile.
    • Sometimes people have to let off negative steam. You can be positive and nice without being overly happy; make sure your uplifting style matches what your friend is trying to tell you.
  2. Be humble. Do you tend to be a little shy about people who are different or "weird"? It's not nice to think that you are better than other people. Everyone is different, and everyone has their own problems, but being nice to each other makes life more fun for everyone. Everyone is equal, and just praising how great you are will make others feel less worthy.
    • Don't brag and don't feel the best. When you've accomplished something great, you can be proud of it - but don't forget the people who helped you get that far.
    • Don't judge others until you really know them. Don't assume about people based on how they look or speak. Realize that the first impression does not always reveal the truth.
  3. Be sincere. Don't just be nice to achieve something. If you're just being nice to get preferential treatment, it's actually quite the opposite of nice - it's misleading, superficial, and mean. Be nice because later on you want to look back on your life and then see that you were a nice person no matter what happened. Be nice because you feel like you want to be.
  4. Make sure you don't have two faces. Don't talk about other people or be underhanded. By being nice you can gain people's trust, and talking behind their backs afterwards will damage that trust. Don't gossip about people you don't like. That is bad for your karma and it makes you superficial and not nice.
  5. Fill your days with small acts of kindness. Those little, mundane things like holding the door open for a teacher you don't even know or laughing at someone who's not always nice to you - they don't seem to matter much, but doing things like this makes you a kind person.
  6. Do not discriminate. Be nice to everyone. If you're nice to your friends and teachers, but not to people you don't think are cool, you may not be as nice as you seem.

Part 3 of 3: Being nice to the people you love

  1. Offer your help. If you see that your mom or dad is having a hard time doing all the chores that need to be done, offer your help. Put others above yourself if you have the energy and time. Your kind deeds will eventually be rewarded, so don't be selfish.
    • Don't wait for someone to ask you to help. Learn to estimate when someone can use help.
    • Find creative ways to help! Help your brother with his homework, listen to your wife's idea for a new project, make breakfast for the whole family, walk the dog, take your sister to school, and so on.
  2. Learn to share. Sharing could mean splitting your dessert in half to give to your little sister, or it could mean giving up on something more important, like your time, space, or wise words. Being generous is part of being nice. Try not to take more than you give, and if you can, give more than you take.
  3. Be trustworthy. One way of being nice to family members and others you love is to be there when they need you. Reply to emails, answer the phone when someone calls, don't cancel appointments, and take some time to listen when someone wants to tell you something.
    • If someone leaves a message, call back quickly. It's not nice to keep someone waiting for days.
    • If you promise to go somewhere, then go. When you say you will do something, do it. If you keep canceling, you damage the trust people have in you, and that's not nice. Be a good friend.
  4. Stand above negative behavior. You will find yourself in situations where your kindness is put to the test. Even people you love can be weird, judgmental, selfish, or mean. Do not stoop to their level. Don't go from nice to mean, because your patience will be tested.
    • If your sibling is trying to provoke an argument, don't let it escalate. Stay calm and refuse to be mean.
    • If you feel anger coming on and you think you are going to be unkind, express your anger in a different way. Go for a run, smash your pillow, or play a computer game. You are in control of your own behavior and actions.


  • Try to do something nice every day. Anonymous or not. It puts you in a good mood and brightens up someone else's day. It's so much easier to be nice when you're happy.
  • Don't laugh when someone makes a mistake or point out their mistakes too hard. You can make a joke of course, but use your common sense; first think about what you are going to say, and don't think that others will not be offended by something that would not offend you.
  • Don't judge others by your own standards, because what's right for you doesn't have to be right for someone else.
  • Don't argue about useless things. Try to work it out together, or tell your parents.
  • No matter how angry you are, don't insult others.
  • Always treat people as family or friends, no matter how different they look.
  • Always be nice. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Don't say anything offensive to anyone you're talking to.
  • If friends aren't nice to you, don't get angry right away! Sit down and ask what's going on.
  • If you see someone sitting alone, sit down and try to get to know them.
  • Try to consider other people's feelings.


  • While you have to be nice, you shouldn't be a stepping stone. Adjusting is good, but make sure others treat you fairly. Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself or others. If you feel that you are considerate of someone else but he / she does not respect you, cut off the contact respectfully and get out of the way.
  • You've probably heard that "it doesn't matter what someone looks like, it's what someone is like on the inside." This is partly true, but a first impression is often permanent. If you're really unkind the first time, that's how people remember you. If you act nice right away, people will remember you as a nice and honest person.
  • Be careful about smiling or saying hello to someone you've had a fight with. That can be misunderstood, and he / she may think you are being sarcastic and make a nasty comment.
  • Be careful not to seem too nice; some people don't trust that.