Be attractive to a man with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
21 Secrets of the SAGITTARIUS Personality ♐
Video: 21 Secrets of the SAGITTARIUS Personality ♐


Sagittarius men are some of the most exciting, adventurous, and charming men out there. The Sagittarius is the centaur with the bow - this sign of the Zodiac represents freedom, adventure and passion. In order to win a free-spirited Sagittarius, you will have to put on a poker face. Follow the steps below to conquer the heart of any Sagittarius, anywhere in the world.

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Part 1 of 2: Having the right personal characteristics

  1. Open yourself up to change. Sagittarians are constantly expanding their horizons - they crave new knowledge, new environments and new adventures. If you want to tame a Sagittarius, you will have to be spontaneous and open to sudden change of plans.
    • A great way to show that you are flexible enough is to propose an amazing adventure. Something like "hey, have you had enough of this club, then we'll go to the roof terrace, I know they have a pool there!" Will immediately catch your Sagittarius' attention. Of course, your plan doesn't have to be that elaborate (or daring). Asking him on a walking tour you wanted to try or suggesting him try out that crazy drink that you know the bartender secretly makes is sure to intrigue him.
  2. Reveal a layer of yourself each time by pretending to be mysterious. Sagittarius men like women who don't open themselves up completely right away. Don't show off your whole life story from the first moment you meet a Sagittarius. Rather reveal your personality bit by bit. The Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which means they love puzzles. Let him try to understand you.
    • When he asks you questions about yourself, occasionally throw in something like "If you only knew?" Or "Maybe I'll tell you ... the next time you date me."
  3. Tell the truth. Being mysterious and reserved doesn't mean you are going to lie to appear mysterious. In general, Sagittarius men are excellent at estimating a person's character - meaning they can spot a mock smile from a mile away. When you're around him, make sure you always tell the truth and be honest.
    • Sagittarius men are happy to put their trust in you, but will not soon do so once that trust has been betrayed. Try to be as trustworthy as possible, because he probably won't forgive you (or call you again) if he catches you in a lie.
  4. Be optimistic. This means that you remain lighthearted. Stay fun and playful and try not to be too negative around him. Sagittarius are generally happy, active people who want to have a good time. Try not to complain too much or be negative about others. Do everything you can to have a good time with your Sagittarius. Laugh and smile a lot, and make fun proposals, such as hitting the dance floor or doing fun things together.
  5. Challenge him. Sagittarians love a girl who is a bit unpredictable and always keeps them guessing. While this doesn't mean being aloof, you should keep challenging him. Be timid and let him work for your attention. Don't show him you're interested. Otherwise, act around him (but don't ignore him).
    • Sagittarians love to be mentally challenged. You have to be smart to pick up a Sagittarius. Discuss topics that you both find interesting. Play the devil's advocate and go against his point of view (even though you actually agree with him).
  6. Go on a trip. Sagittarius men never stay in one place for long, so you'll have to love travel and adventure to catch a Sagittarius' attention. If you are talking to him for the first time, ask about his travels and then bring up some of your own that have something to do with it (this could also be a great time to show your mysterious side, through giving deliberately vague answers about why you went to a particular place).
    • Suggest things you need to travel for. Plan a day of adventure where you will explore a place neither of you have been before. Take a ride out of town and stop at any place that interests you (the largest corn maze in the world? Let's do! A cake shop in a large farm where you can also learn to milk cows? Let's do! ... etc.)
  7. Flirt. Sagittarians love to flirt. Just dare to walk up to him and start a conversation (a very flirty conversation). The Sagittarius will appreciate your confidence and be flattered by your attention, and it is (very) certain that he in turn will start flirting with you too.
    • To get his attention before talking to him, make eye contact with him from a distance. Try to catch his eye and lower your eyes while you smile. Then slowly draw your eyes back to his and don't look away until he lowers his eyes. Give him your best glance saying, "come here."
  8. Don't be too clingy. An important part of what a Sagittarius is has to do with his love of freedom. Whether this is something like heading out on a new adventure, or just wanting to have some alone time (probably to go for a run or a hike in the mountains), this guy needs a woman who isn't hanging on to him or limits his freedom.
    • When you and the guy you fall for connect with, make it clear that you can be independent and that no one has to wait for her. If you are in the pub, order yourself a drink (and ask him if he wants one too). This shows him that he doesn't have to wait for you like a dog.

Part 2 of 2: Having the right appearance

  1. Always try to look your best. Men can't resist women who look very good - why should this be any different for a Sagittarius? Sagittarians like women who take good care of themselves, dress well, and appear sexy, but without revealing too much.
    • If you know your crush will be at a party or a bar wherever you go, now might be the right night to pull out that flirty dress you haven't worn yet, along with those sexy stilettos. No man (and certainly no Sagittarius) will be able to resist you.
  2. Make sure you smell good. Sagittarius men love women who smell fresh and delicious (seriously - Sagittarians love women who smell so good they are ready to eat). Try scents with a hint of citrus and orange blossom. You will have a whole swarm of Archers buzzing around you when you walk into the bar.
    • Here's a tip: always have a small bottle of perfume with you and a deodorant for when you travel. That way, even if you have to walk 20 blocks to get to a party, you'll be able to freshen up and smell great once you get to your destination.
  3. Use your strengths. Are your eyes insanely blue? Do you have lusciously long legs? Maybe your hair is a real jewel. Whatever it is, make sure he notices. Wear clothes that emphasize your best looks. Wear makeup that brings out your eyes and style your hair to perfection.
  4. Be confident about your appearance and your personality. Sagittarians like a woman who is confident. You are beautiful, strong, an intelligent woman - and show that you know this. A woman who knows she is sexy is a thousand times sexier than a woman who nervously fiddles with her hair, clothes, face, etc.


  • Don't lose sight of the fact that you are an independent woman. Don't completely change yourself to attract your Sagittarius. Be yourself and be attractive to him at the same time.