Lose 6 pounds in a month

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose 5 LBS Fast (TRY THIS FIRST!)
Video: How to Lose 5 LBS Fast (TRY THIS FIRST!)


You can lose 6 pounds in a month if you reduce the number of calories you eat each day and exercise. To lose 6 pounds in a month, try to lose 1.5 pounds a week for four weeks. Before starting the diet, you should check with your doctor whether you are healthy enough to lose weight and to make sure you need to lose 6 pounds.

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Part 1 of 3: Setting goals

  1. Know how weight loss works. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories each day than you take in. You can achieve this by getting fewer calories through your diet and by burning calories through exercise.
    • Half a kilo consists of 3500 calories. So if you want to lose 1.5 pounds per week, you will have to eat 10,500 calories less per week, or 1,500 per day.
  2. Get a realistic picture of the number of calories you eat each day. To calculate how many calories you can cut from your diet, you first need to figure out how many calories you can at this time receives.
    • You may think that you are only eating 2000 calories when in reality you are eating 2200 calories every day. If you want to lose weight quickly, it is important to know exactly how many calories you should eat less.
    • You can calculate your daily calorie consumption by eating as you always do, but then writing down exactly what you ate. In addition, you must also add How much you ate everything. For example: a handful of salted peanuts can easily contain 150 calories.
  3. Use the Web MD Body and BMI Calculator. While many health sites allow you to calculate your goals when you sign up for their newsletter, this website offers some more in-depth advice on steps to take depending on your weight, height, and waist circumference.
  4. Enter your body measurements and your goal in the calculator. Then click on the "Calories" tab. There you will find how many calories you should eat to reach your goal in a healthy way.
  5. Never eat less than 1200 calories. Depending on your weight and height, you should try to keep it at 1500 until you start losing some weight so that your body doesn't start storing fat instead of burning it.
    • This calculator is based on the premise that you should not lose more than 0.5 to 1 kilo per week.
    • Never skip breakfast. This meal gives your digestion a boost. By skipping breakfast, your body will store calories during the day instead of burning it.
  6. Adapt your plan to your individual situation. Every person is different, so it makes sense that the same diet plan won't work for everyone. It's especially important to consider your current weight and calorie consumption so you can create a realistic (and safe) diet plan. For instance:
    • If you are clearly overweight and eat more than 3,000 calories a day, it should be relatively easy to cut 1,500 calories from your diet.
    • However, if you now only consume about 2000 calories, it is difficult to get another 1500 without getting exhausted.
    • If so, try to cut your calorie consumption to around 1050 to 1200 a day, as that's the minimum if you want to have some energy left. You then have to burn the remaining calories by exercising.
  7. Keep a diet diary. When starting your diet plan, it's a good idea to keep a record of the amount of food you eat in a diary.
    • Make sure to write down everything that goes into your mouth - don't forget that sneaky piece of chocolate or that extra handful of nuts. If you don't track your eating habits very precisely, you're only kidding yourself.
    • Writing down what you eat can help you hold yourself accountable. In fact, research has shown that people eat less when they know to write everything down.
    • Besides to write down what you ate, you can also try to write down how your felt when you ate it. Were you angry, sad, bored, tired? Writing down your feelings may help you discover patterns in your eating habits, and that's the first step in changing them.
  8. Weigh yourself once a week. To follow your diet plan properly, you need to keep track of your progress. You can do this by weighing yourself once a week.
    • Avoid weighing yourself every day, as your weight can fluctuate from day to day, so you may weigh the same (or worse, more). As a result, you can become discouraged and lose motivation.
    • Weigh yourself on the same day every week. Do it immediately before breakfast, then your body is the lightest.
    • It can help to request a witness. That can motivate you to try harder because you know that someone else is calling you to account if you haven't met your goal.

Part 2 of 3: Changing your diet

  1. Eat three meals a day. One of the biggest mistakes many dieters make is skipping meals to conserve calories. This is a bad idea for several reasons:
    • First, when you skip a meal, you are constantly hungry, causing you to overeat or give up your diet altogether later in the day.
    • Second, you have no energy, so you are not productive, get stress and lose motivation to exercise.
    • It is important to eat regularly throughout the day to keep your blood sugar in balance and to maintain adequate energy. It is especially important to have breakfast (and most people skip that) because it gets your digestion started and gets you ready for the day.
    • To stay within 1200 calories, you need to eat three 400-calorie meals. In terms of quantity, you should have a large breakfast, an average lunch, and a small dinner - this small adjustment alone can help you lose weight.
  2. Stick to lean proteins and green vegetables. Try to eat as much lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef) and green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kale, asparagus, and lettuce) if you want to lose weight.
    • Avoid processed carbohydrates (such as in bread, pasta and white rice) as they increase your appetite and cause you to eat more.
    • Dietitians say you can lose up to 1.5 kg per week if you stick to green vegetables and lean proteins with most meals.
  3. Cut drinks that are high in calories. Skip sugary drinks (such as juice and lemonade) and drink water instead. You may not realize it, but you may already be getting 250 calories from your sugary drinks.
    • If plain water is boring to you, drink spa red or unsweetened iced tea. Herbal tea is best if you feel like a hot drink, but black coffee or tea are good too. Do not take a latte, cappuccino or other coffee drinks, because they contain a lot of calories.
    • You should also drink less alcohol. A 180 ml glass of wine contains 150 calories. In addition, alcohol diminishes your ability to judge, making you more likely to open that bag of chips you've left so neatly lying around all week.
  4. Think replacement instead of doing away with it. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight, you just have to make better choices.
    • Swap regular potato for sweet potato, which contains more fiber and vitamins. Eat chicken or fish instead of fatty pork. Eat lentils or quinoa instead of rice and pasta.
    • Instead of a cookie or a slice of cake, you can eat a handful of berries or an apple for dessert. Fruit is full of fruit sugars, so your craving for sweets is satisfied without adding too many calories.
  5. Use diet tricks. There are all kinds of tricks that can be useful if you want to eat less:
    • Drink a glass of water before every meal. Sometimes you think you are hungry, but then you are really just thirsty. If you drink a glass of water before every meal you will be less hungry and your body will get enough fluid!
    • Eat from a smaller plate. It then seems as if you eat a lot, but just less fits.
    • Put everything you eat on a plate or bowl. If you eat chips or snacks straight from the package, you can easily overeat because you have no idea how much you have already had.
    • Do not eat after 6 p.m. Eating late or snacking right before bed is a major culprit of obesity, as your digestion slows down later in the day. An early dinner and not eating after 6 p.m. (or at least a few hours before going to sleep) can help you reach your diet goals.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise to lose weight

  1. Exercise or exercise every day. While changing your diet is the most important part of losing weight, exercise also plays a big role.
    • If you want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, you will find that you cannot manage it with your diet alone. You will have to lose the remaining pounds by moving.
    • The number of calories you should burn in a day depends on the number of calories you cut from your diet. If you go from 2,200 to 1,200 calories, you will have to burn an extra 500 calories.
    • The amount of calories you burn during exercise depends on your weight and digestion. On average, a person can burn 730 calories by running 6 miles in an hour.
  2. Do cardio training at least four times a week. Cardio is the best type of exercise if you want to burn fat, because it will get you rid of the most calories and get a faster heart rate.
    • To lose 6 pounds in a month, you need to do moderate to vigorous cardio for 30 minutes to an hour a day.
    • What counts as "moderate to intense" depends on your current fitness level, but a good guideline is that you should be sweating within minutes and continue to sweat throughout the workout.
    • Some good cardio activities include walking / jogging / running (depending on your fitness level), swimming, biking, and rowing.
    • But an hour of dancing or an afternoon of Frisbee in the park can also be an excellent cardio workout, and fun too!
  3. Try interval training. Interval training is a training technique that involves alternating periods of high intensity with moderate activity. That makes you train harder and burn more calories than you normally would.
    • For example, alternate one minute of running at maximum speed with two minutes of slower jogging, which is much more effective than running at the same speed throughout your workout.
    • You can apply interval training to almost any type of cardio. Just search the internet for information about interval training.
  4. Do strength training. Strength training is not as effective as cardio when it comes to burning calories, but it is very good for you.
    • Strength training builds muscles and increases your metabolism. As a result, you will burn more calories, even when you are not moving. Strength training also makes you firmer and more muscular, making you look thinner looks likeeven though your weight remains the same.
    • Exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts are an excellent workout for both men and women. If you are new to these types of exercises, it is good to make an appointment with a trainer at the gym so that you can learn how to perform them safely and effectively.
    • Try to do strength training two to three times a week. It gives you a break from cardio while you are still working on your diet plan.
  5. Train early in the morning. The later in the day you start exercising, the less you feel like it. It might seem like a good idea to go to the gym right after work, but in reality you are tired and hungry and you absolutely don't feel like exercising anymore.
    • Preferably work out in the morning, when you are still fresh and full of motivation. You will then have finished your training program earlier and you will feel good for the rest of the day because of the endorphins that the body has produced.
    • If you're not a morning person, try exercising during your lunch break. Then you can free your head after a busy morning, after which you can go back to work fully charged.
  6. Make certain choices that will make you more active. In addition to your training, you can make small adjustments to your daily activities so that you become a bit more active. Some examples of this are:
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little further away from the shop so you have to walk more. Cycle to work instead of taking the bus.
    • Even these small adjustments can significantly increase the number of calories you burn per week, as long as you stick with it.


  • Try to work out your diet plan with a friend. It's much easier to eat less and exercise more when you know someone else is doing the same. You can motivate each other and a little healthy competition won't hurt!
  • Put on your favorite music when you work out.
  • Do what you can to counteract a sedentary lifestyle. For many people with an office job, this is the number one cause of obesity.
  • Buy a pedometer. Make sure to take 10,000 to 12,000 steps a day every day. If you really want to lose a lot of weight, you should do this in addition to your training.
  • Exercise for the first 20 minutes of your day. Many people find that exercising in the morning gives them more energy and that it stimulates their digestion. Eat a high-protein breakfast right after you finish your workout.
  • Take a short walk after each meal. Walk around the block for a few laps. 1.7 km is only 2,000 steps, so that's only a fifth of the 10,000 steps you need to complete.
  • Watch TV in the gym or exercise in front of the TV at home. Eat less in front of the TV.
  • Be more active during the day and a bit more relaxed in the evening. Sleep at least eight hours a night, then your body will recover faster. You will therefore also get a faster digestion and lose weight faster.


  • Don't starve yourself. That is dangerous for your health and you will not lose weight permanently. If you quit, you will gain weight again very quickly. If you want to lose the pounds for good, you will have to moderate.