How to live happily without a love relationship

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Searching for love to escape ourselves | Hayley Quinn | TEDxUniversityofNevada
Video: Searching for love to escape ourselves | Hayley Quinn | TEDxUniversityofNevada


You don't have to be romantically involved to make life happier and brighter. Some of us cannot live without a love relationship, but many people in the modern world are much more comfortable living without a partner. It really doesn't matter if you decide to give up romantic relationships entirely or just for a while, planning to build relationships in the future. The most important thing is to make your life as full and interesting as possible, and you feel like a happy person. Each of us views happiness differently, so try to understand yourself and decide what makes you happy.


Part 1 of 4: Go to your dream

  1. 1 Try to envision your future and set specific goals for yourself. If you want to achieve something, it is very important to be able to formulate and set specific goals. Take the time and think carefully about what you want to achieve in life, as well as what steps you will have to take to get what you want.
    • It is very important that you can achieve your goals on your own. For example, you shouldn't focus your goals around marriage.
    • If you only set goals for yourself, it is important that those goals and aspirations ultimately help you feel better, happier. You should not strive for something just because society expects it from you.
    • Don't be afraid to change your plans as you progress towards your goal, while you work on what you want to achieve. Remember that aspirations and priorities can change over time, and that's okay.
    • When times are tough, remind yourself of your goals. Concentrating on the end goal and the result will help you persevere further.
  2. 2 Challenge yourself constantly. People often stop developing and moving forward because they get stuck in their comfort zone. If you want to go forward to your dreams, you always need to look for new challenges for yourself and not be afraid to accept them. This approach to life will not only help you achieve more, it will also help to constantly be alert and stimulate the mind, making life more interesting.
    • Often times, you will have to make more difficult or “less secure” choices, but keep reminding yourself that from time to time you need to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals.
  3. 3 Celebrate victories. It is very important to be your own support team, not to stop being proud of yourself for your achievements. Thinking of small rewards and incentives for yourself will help you feel satisfied with what you have already achieved, and will also motivate you to new achievements.
    • Try to set small and easily achievable goals for yourself, and reward yourself as you achieve each of them. The reward can be something you enjoy, like a day at the beach or a party with friends.
    • When you've achieved a big goal, you can come up with a bigger reward, like going on vacation.
  4. 4 Remember to value every moment of your life. If you set yourself too many goals, in the rush and hectic you will stop noticing and enjoying the wonderful moments of life. Of course, having certain dreams and goals is great, but it's also important to take a break from time to time, take your time and just enjoy what is happening in your life at a particular moment.
    • If you suddenly realize that you are so devoted to work that you have stopped enjoying life, you need to take a break, take a step back and reconsider your priorities. Working towards your goals should make you happier, not the other way around.

Part 2 of 4: Communicate with Others

  1. 1 Be a sociable person. In fact, a person is so arranged that he always needs communication with other people. If you are not in a romantic relationship with your partner, it is very important to stay in touch with those around you - acquaintances and friends. Chat with friends and family, try to spend as much time in the company as possible.
    • You don't have to be extroverted to enjoy being with others. Many people like noisy parties where you can meet a crowd of new people, and some people prefer quiet get-togethers with a few close friends. Both are great ways to pass time and chat.
  2. 2 Meet new people who share your interests and hobbies. Of course, it is very important to maintain existing relationships, but it will also be very beneficial to meet new people. Start attending sections and groups of interests and hobbies. This will help you find new friends with the same hobbies as yours.
    • New acquaintances and friends will help expand horizons, and this is always useful! Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with new people who have different interests and opinions, and also feel free to try new things!
  3. 3 Get a pet. Pets are great companions. They help us stay active, drive away loneliness and longing, and this is especially important if you live without a partner. If you don't already have a pet, consider getting a cat, dog, or other pet.
    • Thanks to animals, people feel needed, because our pets depend on us, they need our care. In addition, a dog can make its owner's life more structured because the dogs need to be walked regularly.
    • If you are not ready to take on the responsibilities and obligations that relate to the pet, invite a neighbor or acquaintance to walk their dog from time to time. Volunteering at an animal shelter is also a good alternative.

Part 3 of 4: Enjoy your free time

  1. 1 Concentrate on new experiences. Vivid impressions and new experiences help make life more interesting and feel happier. Whenever you get the chance, try to spend your time trying new things, visiting new places, and getting exciting experiences.
    • If you have the means to pamper yourself, consider investing that money on a vacation instead of buying yourself a new thing. It is the new experience that will leave you with vivid pleasant memories that will be with you all your life, and it is they that will help you feel happier.
    • Don't feel like you need a companion for new experiences. You are a free person and you may well be able to share a new experience with friends, family, or yourself.
  2. 2 Volunteer. Volunteering for a virtuous, noble cause helps to build self-esteem and makes life more fulfilling. Find an organization in your city that does something you truly believe in, contact them and see how you can help. In addition, in these organizations you can make new acquaintances with people who are also interested in this idea, who, like you, believe in this business.
    • If you don't have time to volunteer on a full-time basis, you can try volunteering for a while. Even a few hours of volunteering is essential.
  3. 3 Enjoy an active lifestyle and exercise. It is sports and fitness that help many people feel better and experience surges of happiness. Choose whatever physical activity you like best. It can be team sports or just walking.
  4. 4 Try to make the most of your free time. It's okay to be alone at home from time to time, but only until you feel bored and bored. And to avoid this, it is important to be able to spend your time with benefit, for example, you can practice your favorite hobby or learn and try something new.
    • Sign up for some master classes or find a new hobby, be it drawing or sewing.
    • Try to spend less time in front of the TV, because over time it can replace your normal live communication.

Part 4 of 4: Work on Your Self-Esteem

  1. 1 Watch yourself. To be a truly happy person, first of all, you need to take care of yourself, your body and mental health. It's actually very easy in today's world to neglect yourself because of work, family, and other commitments, but it's important to take at least a little time every day and remind yourself of how important and loved you are.
    • Try something relaxing like meditation or massage. This is a great way to unwind and pamper yourself.
    • If you have any health problems (physical or mental), be sure to seek treatment. If you ignore the symptoms of a particular disease, it can begin to progress, which will definitely prevent you from leading the happy life you deserve.
  2. 2 Don't compare yourself to others. Of course, sometimes it can be very tempting to watch other people's lives, thinking that these people are living richer and more interesting lives than you. But it is very important to be able to evaluate things comprehensively.In fact, the truth is that we see other people's lives through a certain prism, which often does not reflect the real essence of things, so it is foolish to compare the lives of other people with your own. And instead of concentrating on someone else's life (or rather, on that small percentage of it that we are shown), try to concentrate on all those good positive moments and things that are in your life.
    • Due to the strong prevalence of social media, it has become very easy to observe other people's lives and compare yourself to those around you. And if you feel sad, resentful and melancholy looking at a vivid profile of one of your friends, remind yourself that your friends only post photos that they want to show everyone, and they rarely reflect their real life.
  3. 3 Stop criticizing and reproaching yourself. Everything in life does not always go as we plan, and it is very important to learn to accept it. Instead of seeing yourself as a complete failure because you failed to achieve a goal, take advantage of this situation and try to learn from it a useful lesson, and then set a new goal for yourself.
    • If you still berate yourself for failing in a romantic relationship, remind yourself that your life is full of other interesting things that make you happier. Be open to new acquaintances and relationships, but don't give up your other hobbies and interests.
  4. 4 Be honest with yourself. No matter what happens in your life, it's always important to remember who you are and what you believe in. Think about what is most important to you in this life, set priorities and try to rely on them in everything you do.
    • If your friends are trying to lead you on a path that is contrary to your values, leave them and find new friends who will share your principles and accept you as you are.
    • Don't give up your values ​​and principles because of work. You may be faced with situations that challenge your moral standards, and then it's time to remember who you are and what you believe in.


  • Try to try something new every day so that life is always interesting and exciting.
  • Try to find happiness within yourself, not look for it in others. You can't rely on others to find your own happiness - this is not a very healthy approach and will not lead to anything good.