Starting your own cosmetics line

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to start your OWN MAKEUP LINE, Cosmetic line, Lipgloss business, Sell makeup| Boss Babe Eps 1
Video: How to start your OWN MAKEUP LINE, Cosmetic line, Lipgloss business, Sell makeup| Boss Babe Eps 1


You have a passion for beauty products and you have an entrepreneurial spirit. Combine these two qualities and who knows, you might be the right person to launch your own cosmetics line!

To step

Part 1 of 4: Getting the right knowledge

  1. Learn how make-up works and what trends there are. If you really want to be self-employed and sell beauty products, you need to know all the details of how and why makeup works. This goes beyond using them yourself, it means knowing their chemical development as well as the methods used to highlight the best facial features and the ways in which cosmetics are used to solve certain problems such as dandruff and skin problems. Some methods to improve your in-depth knowledge are:
    • obtaining a degree in cosmetology
    • reading biographies of people who founded the most famous cosmetic lines, such as Helena Rubenstein, Estée Lauder, etc.
    • acquiring basic knowledge of chemistry, perhaps training in chemistry
    • learning alternative ingredients (organic makeup is very much now)
    • learning the ingredients used for the different types of cosmetics such as lipstick, foundation, etc.
  2. Experiment at home. Borrow or buy books on how to make your own cosmetics. Practical experimentation, along with the knowledge you gain, will help you get a feel for how ingredients interact and create the products that will give you the results you want, from softer skin to shiny hair.
    • There are many good books in libraries and bookstores on how to make cosmetics. You will find many good examples on the Internet, but be careful; make sure they are safe and don't assume that they will deliver the results you are aiming for. You have to test this for yourself first.
    • Ask friends to test your products.

Part 2 of 4: Determining what your cosmetics collection contains

  1. Determine which area of ​​cosmetics you want to focus on. The term "cosmetics" covers a wide range of products, including hair, skin and facial products. It even contains toothpaste and deodorant, so it's good to know what to focus on in the beginning. Your business will be more successful if you limit yourself in the beginning. Poppy's Lipsticks, for example, are known all over the world and that's probably because they didn't release "Poppy's Eyeshadow", "Poppy's Shampoo" and "Poppy's Skin Softener" at the same time. Concentrate on the area that you are most interested in, that you are good at and that would do well in the market right now.
    • When your company has launched and is firmer on its feet, you can add new product lines to the existing lines. But until then, you have to focus on your chosen product and try to be the best. Perfect your product, make a name and then use that name to earn the respect you need to launch more ideas.
  2. Learn marketing skills. Cosmetics is a field in which many people want to promote their products. The most successful cosmetics is distinguished by its marketing. From the packaging to promises of perpetual youth, you have to find the right way to attract your future customers. Ask yourself the following tough questions:
    • Why is your product special or different from the other products?
    • Why should a customer buy your line and ignore other products they love to use?
    • What kind of packaging makes you a recognizable brand that gives a sense of "wow", credibility and reliability?
    • What special ingredient or factor are you focusing on? Many products choose something they specialize in and are presented as niche products, such as "organic", "natural", "with roses", or any specialty! Do you have the scientific facts to back up your claims that your product will deliver the results you promise?

Part 3 of 4: Starting your business

  1. Think of a name. This is an important part of your business and determines both the line and the company. In some cases your own name is sufficient, but sometimes you can choose a boring company name, such as Achterkamer N.V., which covers all the administrative hassle, and come up with a nice name for the product line, such as "Blackhole Galaxy face powder".
  2. Think carefully whether you want to start from home or rent a workspace. The latter option can be expensive when you boot. You can also rent a space in an industrial kitchen or an industrial laboratory to make and test your products. Then you can store them in a safe and dry place before sending them to the various sales locations. If you don't want to rent space, cut costs and don't want to move to an expensive neighborhood, you can start cheaply and move to more expensive spaces once this is feasible.
  3. Speak to financial and legal advisors when starting your business. They will inform you about important aspects such as insurance, patents and trademarks, compliance with safety standards for the manufacture of cosmetic products (you must also know these rules) and other matters such as rent, safe storage of the goods and employment contracts and employee salaries .
    • Once you've worked out the details, register your cosmetics company.

Part 4 of 4: Promote the products

  1. Sell ​​your cosmetic line in as many ways as possible. You can visit department stores directly and ask if they want to stock your cosmetic products, you can sell online in your webshop and in ready-to-wear stores and even directly to interested parties to whom you can give a demonstration of your cosmetics.
  2. Have the main selling points ready. Identify five main reasons why your cosmetics line is fantastic and worthwhile. Be honest and provide background on why you started your business.
    • For example, you can tell that your lipstick is more radiant than other lipsticks because you have incorporated the radiant aura of the Ophelia flower that you picked in the middle of the night. You got this idea when you were trekking through the forests of Opfiala county in the USA three years ago. and you thought it must be fun to find a lipstick that shines at night… and so on!


  • Don't forget to determine which age group your target audience is for your cosmetic line. This determines the image of your product, your packaging and the advertising.
  • Find volunteers to try out your beauty products. Tell them what's in it, in case they are allergic. Let them choose what they want to try, don't force them to use something they don't feel like using.
  • Work with organic and natural ingredients as much as possible. Nowadays people want to be as natural as possible, so if your products are made naturally and are attractive, people will be attracted to this!


  • Do not test on animals. This practice is taboo and is a thing of the past. Potential customers can turn away from your cosmetic line.
  • Insurance is very important if you want to start your own business to cover mistakes caused by the cosmetics. Like food, cosmetics can cause rashes, allergies and create an environment for bacteria. You don't want to be taken to court without being covered.