How to live with little or no cost

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Live For FREE With House Hacking | Eliminate Your Biggest Expense
Video: How To Live For FREE With House Hacking | Eliminate Your Biggest Expense


Living with a minimum of expenses is real, it all depends on your attitude and approach to it. The bottom line is that living without many things can be liberation, not deprivation. For those who have to cut costs too harshly, for those who travel often for work or for themselves, and for those who simply need less than they currently have, this article will be a great tip. In it, you can find ways to come to a lifestyle in which you will be small enough.


Part 1 of 4: Getting the Right Mind

  1. 1 Get your thoughts on track. You need the right attitude - without it, you will not be able to live economically, and the small amount of money that you have will go away in an attempt to distract yourself from thoughts about how much you lack for happiness. With the right attitude, you will behave like many millionaires do, you will be able to save and live happily, fruitfully and without shame. Spending less than you earn (or even better, much less), investing wisely (buying reliable, not expensive and spectacular items) and remaining financially independent (not bragging about the wealth that you have) is a sure way to firmly stand on legs in life.
    • See the frugal lifestyle as a new opportunity or even an adventure. Even if you don't like all this, it will still be useful - during this time you will be able to save up money, which will simplify your life in the future.
    • Cherish simplicity as a way of life. Read our article on how to simplify your life for more ideas.
  2. 2 Make the most of your situation. Whatever your reasons for downshifting or your age, see it as an opportunity to find balance in life. This can be an opportunity for you to meet again with people you didn't have much time for in your past life, such as family or friends. In addition, it can also be a chance to return to the fold of your church (or other organization).
    • Take charge of your downshifting. Even in the case when this situation is not your choice, but a necessity imposed by circumstances, it will be much easier for you and everyone around you if you accept this choice without complaint and actively look for ways to improve living conditions. Better than waiting for someone to help you out!
    • If you suddenly had to change some aspects of your life, then think - maybe this is a glorious reason to start from scratch in another sphere of life? For example, you can finally lead a healthier lifestyle or, say, participate in volunteer activities more often.
  3. 3 Stay on budget and be economical. If you're budgeting, make sure you're doing it right. If not, trust me - you need a budget. There is a reason to start thinking about any purchase, large or small - will you fit into your budget for a month if you make it? The easiest way to manage your budget is in an app like Mint or Level Money. With their help, you can track your expenses and see exactly where and how much money you spent. This will allow you to understand what you can save on.
    • Don't think that the budget is tying your hands. It gives you some freedom, but it helps you keep yourself in line in moments of recklessness, it can even rid you of bad habits. For example, you won't need to spend money to calm down. You no longer need to buy ready-made food instead of preparing it yourself at home. You will not let someone lure you into the gym when you can play sports outside.
  4. 4 Find a way to make money, including through your skills. If you don’t have a job, or you don’t want one in principle, look for ways to make money by working for yourself. Or exchange services with others to avoid wasting money.
    • Grow vegetables for sale.
    • Make soap, create cosmetics, jewelry, and more, and sell in the craft market.
    • Offer tree pruning, grass mowing, training, cleaning, car wash services at a decent price.
    • Look for second-hand items that you can sell online. Some people do it so well that they make their living by reselling goods.

Part 2 of 4: Living Cheaper Is Real

  1. 1 Try to reduce your utility bill. Of course, we are not hinting at all that in order to save light or gas you need to live in darkness and cold, not at all! With just a few changes, you'll be living with much the same comfort and less creepy utility bills. If you have autonomous heating, then in the cold months turn it on to the minimum comfortable temperature and dress warmly at home - this will help you save on heating.
    • Do not leave the air conditioner on when leaving the house. Actually, do not leave plugged in sockets and other devices that are greedy for electricity - for example, TVs, if you do not use them.
    • In some cases, more radical measures will help save money - for example, replacing windows or insulating your home. Believe me, such expenses pay off in full.
  2. 2 Try to use less water. It is enough to change just a few of your habits - and now you are no longer surprised at which pipe you were able to pour so much water into. For example, you can turn on the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. You can even take a naval shower: turn on the water to wet your skin and rinse off the lather, and wash yourself without water.
    • It makes sense to check the condition of the water pipes in the house for leaks, even minimal ones. Even the smallest water leak can cost a pretty penny, and over and over again, year after year.
    • In addition, you can always lower the float in the toilet cistern or install a shower stall with an economical water consumption mode.
  3. 3 Spend less on health. It is possible that health expenditures eat up a significant part of your budget. However, not everything is so hopeless here - with the help of simple measures, you can significantly reduce costs in this category, without putting your health at risk. For instance:
    • Buy generic prescription drugs for you.
    • Make active use of discounts for consultations or medical procedures. In more than half of the cases, you can actually get a discount.
    • Ask your doctor not only about what medications you should take, but also about how you can live a healthy life.
    • Look for a cheap pharmacy.
    • If you are healthy and have relatively few doctor visits, but still pay regularly for health insurance, it makes sense to switch to a cheaper insurance plan. Of course, you will have to pay more for one-time visits to paid doctors, but monthly insurance payments will also decrease.
    • Exercise and eat right. In principle, this is a guarantee of good health and, as a result, low costs for doctors and medicines.
  4. 4 Eat seasonal foods. Seasonal products will always be cheaper than imported ones, because their price does not include transportation costs. Moreover, they are usually fresher.
    • Visit markets and supermarkets closer to closing time. You will be able to catch discounts or pick up products to be thrown away, as sellers need to sell their product before closing. Read this article for details.
    • In supermarkets, check out evening discounts at the bakery, meat and vegetable sections. Many prepackaged foods, such as take-out salads, will be cheaper in the evening. The store is interested in making room for groceries the next day.
    • Grow your own produce if you have a permanent residence for at least a season. Even sharing a garden bed can be a great way to provide yourself with healthy, fresh food and meet new friends.
  5. 5 Don't shop every week. Do smart: Shop when your inventory is nearly empty. Buy things that go bad, like milk and bread, but otherwise take your time and eat whatever is in your fridge.
    • Alternatively, just don't go shopping for one week a month. You will need to live on what you have in your kitchen for a whole week. For many people, this time turns out to be very productive and rich in new recipes!
    • Use coupons and discounts to reduce food costs.
    • Drink tap water. Water is the healthiest and cheapest drink. Install a filter on the tap if the tap water does not meet your purity requirements; this is a great investment even on a modest budget.
  6. 6 Find cheaper accommodation. It is quite possible to live in a place for which you have to pay very little, if at all! It is even possible that you will be paid a little extra! If you want to live in your own home, rented or purchased on a mortgage), choose a home of a modest size. It will have to be cleaned less, there will be less space that needs to be furnished. In other words, it will be easier for you to contain it.
    • Consider moving to a cheaper area. Look for places like this in your city - but try not to stray too far from your work. If this option is not for you, but you yourself are not tied to your place of work, then you can decide on more global changes - for example, move to a suburb or even to another city (provided, of course, that life there is really cheaper). You can find suitable cities on the Internet.

Part 3 of 4: Keeping Individual Spending to a Minimum

  1. 1 Put things in order. You already have a lot of things, put them in order. If you had to save money because of being fired from your job or because of a move, then you may feel resentment and discontent. These emotions will not play into your hands, so keep an eye on your emotional background. See this as an opportunity to find out the true value of things and get rid of everything that bothers you. For those who choose a life of little or no spending, the experience shouldn't be too emotionally difficult. Perhaps you have already mentally said goodbye to all the deposits in your closets, and now you just need to realize everything ... and move on. If you don't have anything extra, just read on.
    • See if you can sell something instead of just throwing it away.If you don’t have the time and energy to sell these items online, try an in-home auction. The easiest way to sell things online is not to sell each item separately, but to sell everything together. This way you will earn less than selling everything separately, but even so it will turn out more than if you just threw out everything that was unnecessary.
    • Donate all unnecessary items to charity.
  2. 2 Try to spend less money on phone calls. For example, you can refuse any services or completely change the provider. You will be surprised that you can still live well without these or those services that were previously considered indispensable. Look among the cellular and telephone operators in your region for the one whose services cost the least (preferably - less than you pay for the phone now).
    • You may need to lower your limits and turn off automatic app updates.
    • If it becomes more and more difficult to cope with the costs of a cutting-edge smartphone, it makes sense to buy yourself an easier phone.
  3. 3 Upgrade to a cheaper cable TV plan or opt out of this service altogether. It often happens that people pay for what they don't use. Save money by upgrading to the most basic plan or ditching TV altogether in favor of online services like Netflix.
    • If you want to save money on this, but do not want to miss your favorite programs, then go to watch them with friends or in sports bars, restaurants and other relevant establishments. So you will save money and talk with friends.
  4. 4 Discard the car. There are many types of public transport. Again, in an emergency it will be much easier and cheaper to just hail a taxi than to keep the car. Walk and bike as much as possible (you will keep fit), and check local train, bus, metro and ferry timetables.
    • If you live in a rural area or suburb, then it makes sense to think about either reducing the number of cars you own, or about using the car in a team with colleagues or neighbors - for the sake of saving.
  5. 5 Dress well. Your financial situation is not an excuse, you should still present yourself with dignity. The task of "looking good" can be solved with quite a bit of blood ... that is, costs. Second-hand shops are perfect, where you can always find affordable and high-quality clothing. Gone are the days when it was considered shameful to buy things in secondhand, now it is considered acceptable. This will allow you to save money and find great items at very affordable prices.
    • Try to keep your wardrobe to an absolute minimum. Keep only what you regularly wear and what you absolutely need.
  6. 6 Look for free and cheap entertainment. There are so many options for all tastes that even finding them will be fun in itself. You can go to free concerts, you can go for a walk or hike, go cycling, visit a museum or library, free sales where you can learn something, you can take a ferry ride, go for a walk in the areas of your city where you have not yet been. Also think about:
    • Running, swimming, playing tennis in the local park are all almost free and fun. The equipment can be found in second hand shops.
    • You can add beauty to your neighborhood by helping with landscaping or by creating garbage decorations.
    • Even a common thing, like going out with your family for groceries, can be turned into an exciting adventure.

Part 4 of 4: Travel: Free or Nearly Free

  1. 1 Try to find a travel job for yourself. Many vacancies involve travel - both at the expense of the company, and simply with substantial discounts. However, such work will imply great responsibility. On the web, you will find many sites with relevant vacancies.Search by job title or whatever and read carefully. The options can be as follows:
    • You can work on yachts, adjusting them to the desired point of light to the owners, you can also become a member of the yacht's crew
    • You can become a courier delivering goods from hand to hand using international flights
    • You can become a member of the crew of a container ship (hard work!)
    • You can become a tourist guide (eco-routes, historical tours and all that)
    • You can do a car ferry
    • You can go to teach your language in another country.
  2. 2 Try rubber surfing. To do this, just register on the appropriate site - for example, on the site of the organization CouchSurfing, Servas International, Global Freeloaders, Hospitality Club or any other that will help you live with other people for free or for simple work. These services are operated through an online network and operate worldwide.
    • Don't forget about safety and only stay with those who have a lot of good reviews. The main idea is to meet friends, but you still need to be on the lookout.
    • House swaps can be a good option if you own your own home or rent for an extended period. You can find many options online, just remember to check everything three times to make sure your property is not damaged.
  3. 3 Search for jobs as a housekeeper. Start by finding the right type of accommodation. This can be seasonal accommodation (beach house, ski lodges), or places where people leave for some time and want someone to look after the housing, or permanent housing where you look after hostels, retirement homes, lighthouses, farms , ranches, motels or campgrounds.
    • If you want to settle in some place for a long time and comfortably, while looking after the housing, then it will not be superfluous to have experience in performing the relevant work, including practical, and good recommendations. But be persistent in getting your way, as this can be a great way to live cheap.
    • If you are going to be a caretaker, be prepared to do tourist excursions, pet and garden care, property maintenance, security, pool cleaning and all that kind of stuff. The so-called “reverse age discrimination” is quite possible here. The bottom line is that the property owner is more likely to want to deal with an adult and reliable person of a certain age. Just be ready for it.
  4. 4 Have time to see the world, don't stay at home! Whatever age you are, you can help other people both in your country and abroad. If you want to join volunteer organizations in the areas of health care, reconstruction, maintaining and improving sanitation, food and shelter, and so on, you can get free housing and meals as payment for your voluntary assistance.
    • As a rule, you will not be paid much for your work (if at all, in fact). But you get free food, a roof over your head, and the opportunity to do something good for humanity. Believe me, it will be much better and more valuable. If you have children, this will be more difficult. However, some families still accept volunteer projects - they just find out in advance if there will be good schools and living conditions nearby. Children can benefit from these experiences, so don't throw them away.
    • Another radical option is to move to a country where your savings can be stretched for a long time. Look for sites on this topic; enough people do this to be able to live on a small amount.
  5. 5 Stop at the edge of the world, jump into dreams and immerse yourself in your new life at no cost. Just remember, living without costs requires effort, just like most of the good things in life, so don't equate it with idleness!


  • Take the time to read books about free life. You will find many ways to live almost free in books and other themed resources. Many of them focus on financial independence and freedom from consumption as a way of life. The more you read about other people's experiences, difficulties, and impressions, the better you will be able to adapt to a new situation that requires a frugal life. Pick up a book from your local library, or search the Web for "little to no cost," "financial independence," "lean," "frugal living," and the like.


  • Generally, free work and life without costs cannot be combined with health insurance. Accordingly, watch your health, eat right and exercise regularly. But don't put all your eggs in one basket, as they say; make sure you have other ways to take care of your health if something goes wrong.
  • Don't torture yourself or starve. Even if you've already minimized grocery shopping, if there's something you really need, like medicine or a drink, just go and buy it.
  • Be careful not to be taken advantage of when you are looking for free accommodation and food options for doing a certain job. For example, people who looked after apartments said that they were expected to do everything around the house, and not a reasonable amount of work in exchange for a free lifestyle. Be on the lookout, be ready to leave if the situation in which you find yourself becomes unprofitable for you, because there are plenty of other opportunities.