Ways to be tolerant of others

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Become More Tolerant | Better You
Video: How to Become More Tolerant | Better You


Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where it is difficult to tolerate someone else's actions or words. Try to understand the origins of each person, avoid turning things into personal arguments. You can develop a tolerant look by getting to know different people, developing your confidence, and appreciating differences.


Method 1 of 2: Be Tolerant to Others in Difficult Situations

  1. Try to empathize. The first step to tolerating someone in a difficult situation is to try to empathize with the person, and try to see things from the person's point of view. Maybe you have a background and experience that is different from them, so what you take for granted may be unfamiliar or strange to others.

  2. Request an explanation. If you talk to someone and they say something you can't accept, you can get to know the person's point of view without being angry or tolerant. Try to dig deeper into their point of view by asking them to explain.
    • You could say something like, “Well, tell me more about it. What makes you think that? ”
    • By doing this, you are being tolerant without immediately excluding them, you are trying to understand what is difficult for you.
    • Remember that tolerance does not mean accepting unacceptable actions.

  3. Ignore your differences. The way to deal with a difficult situation is to try to ignore the differences. This is a more negative aspect of tolerance than learning to accept and judge differences, but it is very useful. To do this you must avoid some conversation topics or change topics as needed.

  4. Use the statement "I" instead of "you". If you find yourself struggling to stay polite when talking to someone, avoid making accusations or making conclusions about the person you're talking to. You can use the statement "I" instead of "you". This will help reduce your tension escalation and maybe you will open up to other people's views.
    • For example, if you are talking about the subject of schools for teens on birth control, you could say, "I think this is a sensitive issue when schools are making birth control again". This is a tolerant way to express a personal opinion.
    • Avoid making "you" assertions like "You would be silly to think schools should not offer contraception."
  5. Conflict resolution. If you have trouble sympathizing or ignoring a situation, and find it difficult to tolerate, you should try to resolve the issue by approaching some solutions. If the two are good friends and don't want this to ruin the friendship, both of you need to work hard to find a solution. The people involved need to be prepared to fully engage.
    • Start by calmly describing what makes you feel offended or intolerable in the other person's actions or views. For example, "I disagree with your opinion on gun control".
    • Try to learn more about the other person's cultural attitudes. You can do this by asking a few questions, "What experience made you develop the idea of ​​gun control?"
    • Then you should explain how the problem is handled according to each person's culture and point of view. You can start by thinking about your ideal situation and allowing the other person to do the same. For example, say something like, "I think we should tighten the gun trade because ..."
    • Then you begin to negotiate how you are condescending or respecting your differences. This is simpler if there is a misunderstanding in each person's behavior instead of just you having an inappropriate opinion. For example, you could say “Even though I disagree with your friend's point of view I would like to understand it better. Now that I know the reasons for your beliefs, it makes it easy for me to understand your point and get ready to move on.

Method 2 of 2: Developing a More Merciful Appearance

  1. Appreciate the difference. The more important factor in developing a tolerant appearance is learning to appreciate and value differences. People who value difference and diversity are more tolerant of others, less stressed by ambiguity and uncertainty. Intolerance can narrow and simplify the ever-changing world, making it easier to understand by completely ignoring diversity and complexity.
    • Use an open mind and exposure to other perspectives and cultures to help you become more tolerant.
    • Chat with people you don't know, read newspapers or websites that you don't visit often.
    • Chat with people of many ages and cultures.

  2. Accept uncertainty. Research has shown that intolerance to ambiguity or non-acceptance of uncertainties is a typical trait of a person with little tolerance for others. Research conducted in many countries has shown that countries with a large population of people who accept uncertainty tend to accept the opposition, tolerate deviations, be risk-free, and more positive about uncertainty. the young.
    • You can try to accept more uncertainties by focusing your thoughts on the answers more than the questions.
    • The idea is that if you stay focused on finding the answer you will begin to think that there is only one answer, which is solid and constant.
    • There are often many different answers to the same question, if you think openly and curious you will be more aware of the difference and more tolerant of ambiguity.

  3. Learn about people and cultures. The proper way to become tolerant is to equip yourself with knowledge of people and cultures. Often times, when people show a lack of tolerance toward those around them, part of them feels alienated and uncertain about what the person is doing or saying. Spend time exploring different cultures and beliefs. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but always respectful and polite.
    • For example, you can learn many different ways to organize a big event.
    • You can try new experiences to unravel new and exotic things to you. `

  4. Analyze your feelings of lack of tolerance. Understanding the background and source of feelings of intolerance can help you see and challenge them. Think about why you have judged people in the past. Have you been raised in the belief that someone is inferior to you, or have you had a negative experience? Diagnose why you feel like that about a particular group of people.
    • For example, if you grow up in a family that often hears offensive comments from people of other races or religions. Or, you have negative experiences with someone of another race or religion and those experiences shape your thoughts.
  5. Cultivate self-esteem. Sometimes people feel unhappy or guilty about themselves, and these people tend to be intolerant to others. Intolerance is a reflection of how a person feels about themselves. If you feel safe and confident about yourself, you will be more open and tolerant of others.
  6. Brainstorm about harsh thinking. A fun way to become more tolerant is to practice dealing with intolerant thoughts. This technique is commonly used by psychologists and is very effective in tackling intolerance. It works on the principle of hard-to-stick thinking, trying to do this will help you take control of a difficult situation.
    • We tend to run away from or avoid difficult thoughts, which can lead to intolerance, impatience and empathy.
    • Pick a difficult thought and spend at least 10 seconds a day thinking about it.
    • For example, the thought of changing religion represents intolerance towards yourself, you might think like this: “I will give up my religion and become a Buddhist (or a religion different from my current religion in)".
    • Then analyze what happened next. Do you have any physical reactions? What's next?


  • Remember the Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you want them to treat you".
  • Accept your differences and look for the positives of that difference to form a tolerant attitude.
  • A person's perfection lies in his ability to recognize and accept his own imperfections. Don't forget that nothing is impossible and it is entirely possible for you to achieve it.