How to get rid of fat on the inner thighs

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
LOSE INNER THIGH FAT in 14 Days | 8 minute Home Workout
Video: LOSE INNER THIGH FAT in 14 Days | 8 minute Home Workout


Removing fat from the inner thigh is not an easy task. However, the situation is not hopeless. Combining a balanced diet with exercise will help you shed fat from the inner thighs. However, it is important to keep in mind that neither diet nor exercise can remove fat from a specific part of the body; instead, you should strive to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to methodically burn stored body fat.


Method 1 of 4: Nutrition

  1. 1 Follow the "Eat clean diet" food system (the author of this diet is the American journalist Tosca Reno). If you want to lose weight, eat low-calorie foods with a high nutritional value. Include high-quality protein (including lean meats and nuts), fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (including whole grains, legumes, and brown rice) in your diet.
    • If possible, eliminate processed foods from your diet. These products include frozen food (including frozen pizza) and semi-finished products (including dishes intended for cooking in a microwave oven). Strive to eat only fresh food. Try to minimize your intake of packaged and canned foods. These products undergo a special treatment that allows them to be stored for a long time. However, the nutritional value of such foods is significantly reduced.
  2. 2 Eat small meals throughout the day. Eat 4-5 small meals a day instead of three large meals throughout the day.Thanks to this, you will not only improve metabolic processes in the body, but also be able to control your appetite, which is very important if you want to lose weight. You are unlikely to overeat.
    • If you choose to eat more often during the day, keep an eye on your portion sizes. Keep your portions small. Otherwise, by increasing the number of meals, but not decreasing their content, you risk gaining excess weight through consuming extra calories!
  3. 3 Limit your intake of saturated fat. Saturated fats are less beneficial to the body than unsaturated fats. They are found in animal products such as milk and meat, and hydrogenated oils. As a rule, everyone's favorite desserts contain saturated fats. Therefore, limit your intake of sweets.
    • Palm and coconut oils are high in saturated fat. In addition, saturated fat is also found in butter and margarine. Fish oil, although the best source of Omega-3s, contains saturated fats, so be sure to check the ingredients before purchasing. Also, reduce your portion sizes if you know your food is high in saturated fat.
    • Note that you should limit, but not eliminate, completely saturated fat from your diet. Saturated fat should be present in the diet as it has a positive effect on health, especially fish and nuts.
  4. 4 Give preference to lean meats. Eliminate red meat from your diet. Lean protein sources are lower in saturated fat and calories.
    • Replace beef and pork with chicken and turkey. Fish is less fatty than most red meats and has additional health benefits. However, opt for fresh fish. Don't eat canned sardines, tuna, or other fish.
    • Legumes such as lentils, peas, and pinto beans are excellent sources of lean protein. These foods will help you feel full and get all the nutrients you need. It is very important that your body gets everything it needs when you eat low-fat foods.
  5. 5 Include low-fat dairy products in your diet. Calcium not only helps control appetite, but also speeds up metabolism and burns excess fat. Low-fat dairy products (such as milk and yogurt) can help you lose weight. This is especially important for women who are at risk of developing osteoporosis. Be sure to include a sufficient amount of low-fat dairy products in your diet.
    • Choose low-fat dairy products over low-fat and whole foods. Consume 2% or 1% milk instead of skimmed or whole milk. Low-fat dairy products are much healthier than low-fat, high-sugar foods.
    • Include milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese in your diet. These dairy products are less fatty than hard cheese, cream and butter.
    • Both women and men ages 9 to 51 and older should consume about 3 glasses of dairy products a day. Children aged 2-3 years should consume about 2 glasses of dairy products per day, and children aged 4-8 years should consume about 2.5 glasses of dairy products each day.
  6. 6 Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a source of empty calories that you need to eliminate from your diet if you want to lose weight. Alcohol reduces the body's ability to burn stored fat by 75%, as it devotes all its strength to getting rid of alcohol by-products (acetaldehyde and acetate). Therefore, the fats and carbohydrates that you get from food can turn into body fat.
    • Even moderate alcohol consumption can significantly increase your calorie intake, reduce your urge to exercise, and negatively impact your sleep quality. If you cannot give up alcohol completely, drink it in moderation and have dry days from time to time.
  7. 7 Avoid eating disorders. Although you may occasionally make deviations from your diet, there are foods that increase the likelihood that you will break out of it. They should be avoided as much as possible. Eliminate foods with empty calories from your diet, as well as those that do not have a high nutritional value. Avoid sugary sodas, French fries, and sugary breakfast cereals.

Method 2 of 4: Exercise

  1. 1 Do not try to remove fat from a specific area of ​​the body. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get rid of fat from the inner thighs. You cannot reduce the amount of fat in your thighs without reducing fat throughout your body. Therefore, be realistic in your expectations when trying to shed fat from the inner thighs.
  2. 2 Do cardio workouts. Cardio is a great way to burn excess fat. In order to get rid of fat (including fat from the inner thigh), you should increase the amount of time you devote to cardio training. You can increase the duration of classes or the number of classes per week. Cardio is especially effective if you want to shed excess fat from the inner thighs, as most of these exercises are designed to work out your lower torso.
    • You can do the following cardio exercises: elliptical training, running, walking up stairs, jumping rope, and brisk walking.
    • Exercise for at least half an hour a day, five days a week in order to burn excess fat.
    • Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise. You must be completely confident that your health allows you to exercise.
  3. 3 Try interval training. Interval training is an alternation of intervals of high and low intensity physical activity. For example, you can alternate between running and walking (5 minutes for each exercise, for a total of 30-60 minutes) or light running and fast running. By doing interval training, you will be able to burn more calories, which will help you burn more fat.
    • Set a goal for yourself to practice for 30 minutes or more, if possible, 4-5 times a week.

Method 3 of 4: Exercises to tone the muscles of the body

  1. 1 Do wall squats. Squats near the wall are classified as isometric exercises. This is a great exercise to help your hips stop being a problem area for you.
    • To do the wall squat, stand up straight with your back against the wall. Bend your knees at a 45 degree angle. Hold this position for 30 seconds, and then return to the starting position and rest. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.
  2. 2 Do the Frog Jump exercise. This is a cardio exercise that helps tone your muscles. Through this exercise, you will be able to shed fat from the inner thighs.
    • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. In this position, sit down on the floor (depict a sitting frog!). Sit down as low as possible, keeping your back straight. The knees and toes should be facing out to the sides, with the knees aligned with the feet.
    • With a sharp movement, lift off the floor by jumping into the air. As you jump, make a small U-turn in the air, keeping your feet together. Bring your arms together over your head to make it easier for you to move forward.
    • Land (sit down as deep as possible). Get ready for your next jump. When jumping, make a U-turn again.Jump until you turn 180 degrees (4 jumps is one turn).
    • Jump for a minute. Then repeat, making a U-turn in the opposite direction.
  3. 3 Do the Pillow Compression exercise. You can do this exercise in the kitchen. You don't need any special equipment; all you need is a chair and a pillow that you can take in the living room.
    • Sit on a sturdy chair (no casters). Place your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees at a 90-degree right angle. Place a pillow between your knees and thighs.
    • Exhale while squeezing the pillow with your thighs. Imagine that you need to squeeze out what is inside the pillow. Hold this position for a minute, while breathing normally.
  4. 4 Do the lateral hip adduction exercise. The muscles of the inner thigh constitute a group of adductor muscles. Therefore, by doing this exercise, you are working these muscles. Not only will you improve muscle tone, but you will also be able to burn fat from the inner thighs. However, don't forget about cardio as well.
    • Lie on the floor on your side. Stretch your legs straight with one leg on top of the other. Lean on the forearm of your lower hand. Relax your other hand and place it on your side. The hips and shoulders should be perpendicular to the floor and the head should be in line with the spine.
    • Support your spine by contracting your lower abdominal muscles. Move your lower leg slightly forward. It should lie opposite your upper leg. Both legs should still be level, with the upper foot pressed to the floor so that both feet are on the floor.
    • Lift your bottom leg off the floor. Exhale and gently lift your lower leg so that it rises above your upper leg. Raise your legs until you feel tension in your lower back muscles.
    • Exhale and return your legs to their original position.
    • Roll over to the other side. Repeat the exercise, stretching the other leg, thus completing one approach. Repeat the exercise 10 times; take three sets, alternating legs.

Method 4 of 4: Learn to Love Your Body

  1. 1 Be realistic about your expectations. Remember, you are most likely the main critic in your life. It is unlikely that anyone close to you criticizes you for having too much fat in your thighs. Ask yourself: Are my hips really a problem area? Should I spend so much time and energy to get rid of fat from the inner thighs? Answering these questions will help you understand how you feel about your body.
    • You can ask a close friend or relative to objectively assess the appearance of your thighs. A loved one will help you understand whether you really need to work on yourself or whether it just seems to you that the problem exists.
    • You can also see your doctor for an objective assessment. The doctor will show you which areas of your body have fat deposits and will help you calculate your body mass index (BMI), as well as explain what it means.
  2. 2 Focus on the positive. While your hips can be a problem area in your case, there is certainly something in your body that you can be proud of. Don't focus all your attention on problem areas. Think about what makes you look attractive. Emphasize your merits.
    • What are three attractive parts of your body? It will improve your mood. Perhaps you have strong arms, a flat stomach, straight teeth, or beautiful green eyes. Whatever is beautiful about your body, focus on it.
  3. 3 Appreciate your body. Your body is an amazing creation through which you can live. Think about the huge role it plays in your life. Remember that your body is a tool, not just a decoration. Try to turn your disadvantage into a virtue.For example, consider how strong hips can help you lift a child or grandchild, climb stairs, or play classics.