How to Live by the Golden Rule of Morality

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Trouble With The Golden Rule | Brendan Schulz | TEDxYorkU
Video: The Trouble With The Golden Rule | Brendan Schulz | TEDxYorkU


Living by the Golden Rule is a standard that counts in many cultures that were founded thousands of years ago. It manifests itself in various forms, but basically, it is about treating others the way you would like to be treated, respect for others and respect for the dignity of others. It is not always easy to follow this rule, especially in times of difficulty, loss and pain, but it is a way to stay in your society, stop isolating yourself and find your place among people. Thus, this rule should be tried to be followed in daily life.


  1. 1 Understand what the Golden Rule means to you. There are many people who can clarify it for you, but this is not correct. Basically, you need to figure out what it means to you, and in what ways can you better manifest it, through words and actions? When you can figure this out for yourself, it will be easier for you to relate it to yourself, and it will be easier to start practicing this rule in your daily life. Then you can read and study the different interpretations of the rule that others have suggested and see which definition works best for you. Your reflections should include some questions:
    • How do I care for others?
    • What does it mean to me that my actions and words come back to me?
    • What motivates my words to others? Are there times when I understand that I should be more kind, interested and understanding? What stops me and I stop being attentive?
    • How about a time when I didn't live by the Golden Rule? How to get on the right track?
  2. 2 Remind yourself of the role of the Golden Rule in our lives. When it's fresh in mind, your actions will be related to it.
    • Check out the works that are based on the Rule. Leave a few on the bedside table so they regularly remind you of the Rule. These can be novels, books with sayings, works about the world, biographies of people who tried to live in the world and help others, etc. Don't limit yourself to one genre or author - read and explore as much as possible.
  3. 3 Show respect and kindness. It doesn't matter if you know or don't know the person you are dealing with, this should not affect your attitude towards them. Respect the person the way you would like your interests to be respected.
  4. 4 Use your manners. Manners were developed to curb poor and selfish behavior. This is not an analogue of a straitjacket; rather, they develop behaviors to communicate politely and thoughtfully with others. In fact, manners are a shortcut to think about how your actions affect the moment you interact; adopt good manners and use them; don't waste time enjoying your good behavior. Ask, give thanks, be courteous, and put the interests of others on top of yours so you can be confident that you will be treated the same way.
    • Be polite even when others are behaving differently. Politeness allows you to stay calm and concentrate on real things, especially when emotions run high and negative energies take over. Politeness is seen as a shield, a defense against uncontrollable emotional outbursts.
  5. 5 Adapt easily in your approach to other people. What works for you may not work for the other person, and for successful interaction you need to be willing to match each other's nuances. Be willing to listen, explore, and remain open-minded without shifting your interests onto others. Interestingly, by respecting the person’s space and storytelling, you’ll notice how your attention and support will raise the person’s respect for you. This will make people want to listen to you in return; it takes time, but it happens more often when they know that you are listening to them.
    • Establish a good relationship with the person from the beginning. You can deal with disagreements and not see eye to eye. What is really important is to establish a connection and show that you respect the person's interests, despite your different views, ideas or ways of life.
  6. 6 Be compassionate. Realize that everyone becomes violent over time. This surge, which is supposedly directed towards you, is often an indicator of human misery and pain, and it is by no means a reflection of respect for you. You can choose to take it personally and make that person your enemy. But it will be better for you and for your own well-being and happiness - to help the person find a way to improve their life, if you don't mind, build a protective wall and try to calm the person down. This does not mean that you should invite this person to dinner at your home (although you can do this if you want); it means that you have to show compassion, try to put yourself in his place, and sort out his story, filled with resentment, anger and pitiful thoughts. Think about why the person reacted this way before your reaction, and use reflection to moderate your reaction.
    • Remind yourself how you want to live and how you want to communicate with others when a spontaneous or violent situation ensues.
    • Wear or wear a talisman that represents the Golden Rule for you.When you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you are losing control of the Rule, hold the talisman to return to Earth.
  7. 7 Realize the other benefits of living the Rule. When you live by the Golden Rule, you become a role model for others, and express yourself in words and actions. By being unwavering, your loyalty to the Rule gives others not only strength, but also the fact that they can see that it is not only possible, but that you are an example of such a life. The Golden Rule is also a contagious negative approach to living with each other, although it takes more courage and practice to do so. People who live according to the Golden Rule have a limited level of anger, resentment, irritation and fear, but this requires like-minded people; The rule cannot be seen only as being well-being with oneself.
  8. 8 Spread a relationship based on the Golden Rule. Sow seeds of kindness and respect, and they will return to you!