How women can control their bladder

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control‎ | Christopher Tarnay, MD | UCLAMDChat
Video: Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control‎ | Christopher Tarnay, MD | UCLAMDChat


If you are a woman and find yourself in a situation where you cannot use the toilet, it can be terrible. Fortunately, there are some tips you can take to avoid bladder pain and embarrassment.


  1. 1 If you are wearing pants, to avoid pressure on the bladder area, open them or loosen the belt.
  2. 2 If you are standing, cross your legs and keep your feet together. If you are sitting, put your feet on the floor and lift your pubis.
  3. 3 If you are wearing a skirt, this can be tricky. If you loosen it, it will fall. Avoid jumping, shaking, or sudden movements. Move very slowly. And squeeze your pubis with your muscles.
  4. 4 Talk to yourself. "I don't need to go to the toilet, I have complete control over my body."
  5. 5 Loosen your panties with your hands. They create unnecessary pressure and only make the situation worse.
  6. 6 DO NOT spread your legs. This will hurt or you will no longer be able to hold back the urine. Try to cross your legs very tightly and close your feet.
  7. 7 Just in case. Carry a couple more underpants / tights in your bag just in case the above steps fail and you can't do anything despite your best efforts.
  8. 8 Try to stay hydrated if you endure it over a long period of time. You can take occasional small sips of water, trying to avoid unnecessary drinks.


  • Don't think that you can pee a little to relieve tension! If you do this, then it will be very difficult to manage this process further. (It is possible, but once you start, it will be difficult to stop.However, if you are confident that you can squeeze your muscles at the right time, do not hesitate and release a small amount. This will ease the pressure a little.)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the bladder cannot physically rupture or burst. However, frequent patience can lead to other health problems such as urinary tract infections and other infections.
  • Bladder pain means that you are hurting your bladder or kidneys. If you're experiencing this, the wisest thing to do is to urinate in your pants. Use a towel or pee in small portions in your pants.


  • Containing urine causes harmful bacteria to build up in the bladder and kidneys. If you have a sharp pain in the bladder area, or you have endured to the extreme point when any movement leads to a loss of control, do not torture yourself anymore. Roll the towel around your groin or between your legs and relieve yourself. If you are in a car, place a towel or clothing on the seat and relax your body. Long-term containment of urine can have serious negative health consequences.
  • If a professor, teacher, or other government official tells you not to use the toilet, tell them that this is an emergency and you are in pain. If these arguments don't convince them, ask sarcastically if you can pee in your pants. If that doesn't work, just exit. If you get into trouble, tell them that you have a urinary tract infection or other illness.
  • If you are in a public place, wrap a towel around your pants area, or even roll it up under your private area. This minimizes urine stains on your clothes. If you are wearing a skirt, place a towel over your underwear and tie it up.
  • If you don't have a towel, it will certainly be humiliating, but you just need to relax and relieve your bladder, even if you are in a crowded public place, because holding back urine can lead to serious negative side effects in the future.