How to earn the respect of your classmates at school

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Respect for others - How to behave at school, how to treat others and teach good manners
Video: Respect for others - How to behave at school, how to treat others and teach good manners


You may feel like the other kids at school don't respect you at all, but you can change their minds. Children can be cruel to each other, but they are also able to admit that the person is doing the right thing. The best way to earn the recognition of your peers is to treat everyone with respect and kindness. You should also establish yourself as an open, reliable, and mature person. Be true to yourself and demonstrate skill and ingenuity.


Part 1 of 3: Show Respect and Kindness

  1. 1 Respect everyone at school. Every person deserves to be treated with respect, and the best way to achieve this is to treat other people that way. Treat everyone in the school with respect, including younger students, high school students, friends, strangers, and teachers. Don't gossip about your peers, laugh at them, or tease them.
    • Respect the personal property of others. Never take other people's things without permission, and if someone has entrusted you with a certain thing for use, be sure to return it in the state in which you received it.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and others. If you see someone being bullied, whether it's a friend or a stranger, come up and stand up for that person. Likewise, when you yourself are being attacked, be courageous and defend yourself. In either case, you will earn the respect of your peers. The worst thing you can do is stand on the sidelines and take no action when someone is being bullied.
    • You can, for example, say to the bully: "Hey, buddy! This is not cool at all, you shouldn't talk like that to a girl."
  3. 3 Listen actively other people. Your peers will respect you if you are the kind of person you can talk to and you will listen sincerely. If a friend or classmate wants to talk to you about something, give them maximum attention, maintain eye contact, and show empathy.
    • For example, if a classmate tells you that his dog recently died, say something like, “I'm sorry to hear that. I remember how bad I felt when my dog ​​died last year. Is there anything I can help? "
  4. 4 Show kindness and willingness to help. Hold the door for the person behind you, or help a peer pick up the books he dropped - show your good nature. Do not reject people, tease them, or spread rumors: doing so will not deserve recognition from your classmates.
  5. 5 Show your maturity. It is difficult to be a strong-willed person in a difficult situation, but your peers will certainly respect you for it. If someone attacks or pushes you, behave like an adult and understand the situation correctly. Don't be afraid to talk to a teacher or a counselor if you think you don't have the authority to do the right thing in a situation.
    • For example, if a classmate insults you, laugh or just walk away. Do not stoop to his level, do not insult him in return, especially do not start a fight.
  6. 6 Do not commit unseemly deeds. Think about how others will react to your actions and how you will appear in the eyes of others. Don't tell stupid jokes, gossip, or spread rumors. Avoid arguing with peers and never resort to physical trials.

Part 2 of 3: Communicate well with peers

  1. 1 Show your leadership skills. In the eyes of your peers, you will earn points in your favor if you show yourself as a leader. Leaders participate in school activities and work to bring about positive change in their school or community. A leader is also a good role model, a confident person ready for any situation. Make an effort, stay positive, and be friendly and fair.
    • To show your peers that you have leadership qualities, you can become the captain of a sports team or club, join a student council, or offer to teach others in areas in which you excel.
  2. 2 Join organizations, clubs or groups. Active participation in school teams or groups will show your leadership side and help you gain the respect of your peers. Try yourself in football, join a chess club or become a member of a drama club.
  3. 3 Be open to new ideas. People with a wide outlook are awarded more recognition than the narrow-minded people who consider their opinion to be an immutable truth. Accept that people may differ in background, religion, or culture, but these differences do not make them better or worse than others.
  4. 4 Show others that you are like them. It will be difficult for you to earn the respect of peers and peers if you are an uncommunicative person. Try to find something in common with your peers, such as strong organizational skills, basketball talent, or a love of science fiction.
    • Take small steps to bond with others, such as complimenting a classmate's shirt if you see your favorite band's logo on it.
    • Another way to bond with your peers is to show empathy. For example, if a classmate is upset about a poor grade, think about how you would feel in a similar situation. Say something like, “I know how upset it is to get a bad grade, especially if you tried hard. This happened to me earlier this year in art class. Thankfully, there is still time to improve your overall grade, so don't let it will upset you a lot. "
  5. 5 Start a conversation with my classmates. Starting a conversation with someone you don't know very well can be difficult. However, being friendly and conversational will help you earn respect. It's pretty simple, you can talk about a funny incident or ask about an assignment or project.
    • For example, say, "I'm so tired. It took a long time to clean up last night because my dog ​​knocked over a paint can in the living room!"
    • Or use this option: "Have you already started your history project? I'm considering making mine about Titanic."
  6. 6 Take criticism and praise calmly. At school, you cannot avoid criticism from both teachers and other children. If the criticism is constructive and not blatantly harsh, respond with this phrase: "Oh, thanks for the comment, I did not pay attention to this detail earlier." Likewise, when someone praises you, don't laugh or dismiss. Instead, show the person that you appreciate their words.
    • For example, if someone compliments your outfit, say something like, "Thank you! I bought this from a newly opened store. Green is my favorite color."
  7. 7 Be sincere. People who lie quickly lose the respect of their friends and peers. If you are an unreliable person, you are unlikely to be trusted. Speak the truth and admit your guilt when you make a mistake. Taking responsibility for your words and actions will help you gain the reputation of a mature, respectable individual.
  8. 8 Be active during class. Everyone knows that active participation in the discussion in the lesson allows you to attract the attention of classmates to your person. If you find it difficult to answer the teacher's questions, try asking the questions yourself. Other students who have similar thoughts, but they did not dare to voice them, will be glad that you brought up the topic.
  9. 9 Learn eloquence. Strong communication skills will help you earn the respect of your classmates. If you find it difficult to express your point of view, try some exercises that will help you develop your skills. For example, after reading an article in a newspaper or magazine, summarize the information received. This will help you shed the clutter and highlight the main points at the same time.

Part 3 of 3: Be Real

  1. 1 Stay true to yourself. Stick to your principles and don't let others negatively influence you. You should not change your views and interests for the sake of public opinion. An unshakable self-esteem will enable you to win the respect of others.
    • For example, if everyone in your group is eating pizza for lunch and you don’t like pizza, don’t need to imitate others and force yourself.Pick what you like and if someone comments, just say, "I'm not a big fan of pizza. I prefer salad for lunch."
  2. 2 Share your talents. Show people what you are good at and encourage them to do the same. Everyone has their own unique abilities, so don't worry if you don't succeed. Just demonstrate what you are good at and acknowledge the talents of others in an area that you cannot yet do.
    • For example, if you are a good runner, join a group of casual runners or trail runners.
    • If your friend has a great voice, convince him to join a choir or try his hand at a spring musical.
  3. 3 Show your intelligence. An intellectually developed person is respected in society, so do not be afraid to be branded as a smart guy. Do your best in the classroom, volunteer to answer questions and offer help to students who are having problems assimilating the material. You should not boast about your exceptional mental abilities, because high intelligence speaks for itself.
  4. 4 Show your sense of humor. Make people laugh by telling them a good joke or funny story. Watch comedies or listen to comedy skits for inspiration. You can even search the World Wide Web for witty jokes to share at your earliest convenience. Avoid inappropriate jokes and jokes that demean or ridicule people of different genders or racial groups.
    • Don't take yourself too seriously. If you have an awkward experience, just laugh and forget about it.
  5. 5 Be confident in yourself. Confidence goes hand in hand with respect. Accept and love yourself for who you are, with all the flaws and positive qualities. Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable, and always smile while sharing the positive with friends and peers.