How to be a billionaire

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Steps to Become a Billionaire (From Scratch)
Video: 15 Steps to Become a Billionaire (From Scratch)


Being a billionaire means a lot more than just having an account with a bunch of zeros. Investing capital may be new to someone, but it is not an obstacle to becoming a billionaire. Starting very small or from scratch and climbing to the heights of wealth is the classic American dream (although why only the American one?). To become a billionaire, create opportunities, invest wisely and accumulate. Here are the theoretical foundations of how to become a billionaire.


Part 1 of 3: Creating Opportunity

  1. 1 Study hard. As a rule, billionaires do not happen by accident. Being a billionaire means sorting out interest rates, taxation, and dividends.
    • Study finance and entrepreneurship. Learn to identify customer needs and then design business models to meet them. Many successful careers nowadays lie in the field of computer skills and new technologies.
    • You may have already heard that the rise is expected or is already being observed in areas that can be designated as MINT: mathematics, engineering, science, technology. MINT-related education will increase your chances of getting a job and a more than decent income in the future.
    • Read about successful billionaires like; Warren Buffett, Bill Gates or John Huntsman Sr. Manage your money wisely to earn even more from it.
  2. 2 Save money. It takes money to make money too. Set aside a certain amount of each paycheck in a savings account to earn interest and accumulate enough for future investments.
    • Decide what percentage of your earnings you will save. Even 1,500 rubles a month will turn into a noticeable amount in 3-4 years. Use the amounts you can afford to lose for investments with high risk and potential return.
  3. 3 Create an individual retirement account. Offered by a number of financial institutions, this service is a personalized financial plan aimed at saving for the future. To get rich, start saving as soon as possible. Interest is also charged on savings.
    • Depending on the policy of the financial institution, a minimum investment may be required initially. Explore your options and discuss them with a competent financial advisor.
  4. 4 Pay off your credit card debts on time. It's hard to get ahead with debt hanging over your head. Debts on loans and credit cards must be paid off as soon as possible. Average annual interest rates range from 20 to 30%, so the debt will only continue to grow.
  5. 5 Make a five-year plan. Estimate how much money you plan to save over the next five years. Decide on the best option for using them, whether it is investing, starting your own business or receiving interest on deposits.
    • Make your finances a priority. Write down your financial goals on paper and revisit them regularly. To stay interested in financial projects, write yourself reminders and leave them where you see them every day, such as on your bathroom mirror or on your car dashboard.

Part 2 of 3: Investing

  1. 1 Buy real estate. A common way of investing is investing in real estate. Real estate can rise in value over the years and provide a good return on your investment. The property can be resold, rented or used commercially.
    • Beware of investing money during an artificially inflated market situation, and make sure that the monthly mortgage payment is not a heavy burden on you. It is a good idea to read about the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis in the South of the United States, from which you can learn a lesson.
  2. 2 Invest in a business. Starting your own business or buying an existing one is a good way to make money. Create or select a company offering a product or service that you yourself would like to purchase. Invest time and money in developing it. Study the industry to distinguish between good and bad investments.
    • Investing in clean energy production and computer technology can be a promising plan for the future. These industries are projected to grow over the next decades, so investing in them now may be a smart idea.
  3. 3 Buy and sell stocks. The stock market can be a good source of wealth. Study the markets carefully before buying and pay attention to which stocks are going up in value. Being informed will allow you to buy wisely. It usually takes a long time for your stock to generate substantial returns. Withstand temporary drops in value and be prepared to take risks from time to time.
    • You can invest both for the sake of dividends and play on the change in the value of shares. Many banks allow clients to open brokerage accounts and trade stocks on their own. The stock market contains shares of many companies. The cost of one share can range from a few rubles to several thousand rubles, so even if you don't have a lot of free funds, you can invest 1,500-2,000 rubles a month.
  4. 4 Open a deposit. Unlike a regular savings account, such a deposit is opened with a certain minimum amount and for a specific period, but the rate on it may be higher. The option is somewhat risky, since when you close the deposit early, you do not receive interest, and the deposit or partial withdrawal of funds may be limited (it all depends on the terms of the deposit), but this is a good way to increase your savings without making any effort.
  5. 5 Invest in government bonds. Federal loan bonds are interest certificates issued by the government, which acts as a guarantor of the return on your investment. The government controls the issuance of funds and can ensure that all issued bonds are redeemed, so this is a relatively safe form of investment and a good way to diversify your investments.
    • Talk to a reputable broker and consider a bond buying plan to diversify your portfolio.

Part 3 of 3: Preserving Wealth

  1. 1 Look to good brokers. Your income will be as good as your consultants. Having accumulated significant wealth, no one wants to sit in front of the monitor and watch the change in stock prices by hundredths of a percent. You will want to live life to the fullest, and knowledgeable and reliable financial advisors and brokers will work to ensure a constant flow of funds into your accounts.
  2. 2 Diversify your portfolio and real investments. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, in other words - diversify your investments, invest in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, bonds and other investments recommended by brokers to manage risks. If the risky investment in self-absorbent towels doesn't pay off, the rest of your money will be invested elsewhere and won't be hurt.
  3. 3 Make smart financial decisions. The Internet is full of dubious schemes and personalities promising quick and easy money income. They prey on ignorant and gullible people, seducing them into making bad financial decisions. Study the information and be prepared for the fact that you will need to invest and earn all your life. Instances of instant enrichment are extremely rare in history.
    • When in doubt, it's best to be conservative. Diversification of funds, capitalization of interest and accounting for market fluctuations in the long term will be the most correct decision.
    • If a proposal seems too good to be true, it is likely that it is not true. Be discreet, never rush, and always analyze the situation.
  4. 4 Know when to log out. It is very important to be able to recognize when to withdraw your investment before the market or company crashes. If you are surrounded by qualified professionals, heed their advice, but do not forget to also listen to your inner voice.
    • If you see an opportunity to sell and make a profit, take it. Profit is profit. Even if, even next year, these shares rise in price even more, it is not scary: you have already earned on them and can reinvest your profits.
  5. 5 Behave accordingly. To become a billionaire, act like a billionaire. Join the circles of cultured and wealthy people, learn from their experience and listen to advice.
    • Cultivate an interest in art, fine dining, and travel. The yacht and other trappings of a luxurious life are good, but only when you can really afford them.
    • There is a difference between "old money" and "new money". "New money" is a derogatory term for people who got rich quickly and who live wastefully by showcasing their money. To preserve and increase your fortune, follow the example of the "old money", and you will reach the top.


  • Learn to take calculated risks. Money on bank deposits brings a guaranteed, but small percentage. To earn more, explore other ways to invest.
  • Get creative. To start your own business, find a solution to a problem that has never occurred to anyone.
  • Learn to manage your time and regular responsibilities. Save time and use it constructively.
  • Accept drops as inevitable. No one has ever been able to act absolutely right one hundred percent of the time, and on the way to your billion, you will most likely make mistakes related to investments, the stock exchange or other areas of finance. If you learn from these mistakes, you can more than make up for your losses.


  • Avoid get-rich-quick scammers. Stay away from those who promise you unrealistically high returns on the stock exchange (over 10-15%).