How to Win a Girl Not Your Level

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to WIN in Sunset Island! 🌅 *Best Strategy!*
Video: How to WIN in Sunset Island! 🌅 *Best Strategy!*


While we haven't yet come up with a magic spell that would make someone fall in love with you, there are some things you can do to tip the scales in your favor. If you feel like you're falling in love with a woman outside your level, read our tips and instructions.


  1. 1 Find out if she's dating someone. Perhaps such a gorgeous woman is already busy, so you need to prepare before leaning out.
  2. 2 Realize that the more attractive a girl is, the more different personalities cling to her. Most women hate men who try to show themselves as they think women want them to be - especially when they think women are easily fooled. On the other hand, a sincere fan is always intriguing, which is good for you! It's a great way to start a relationship, this is how beauty and the beast can be together. If you don't have natural confidence and ease, at least have the courage to be yourself; a somewhat nervous, but distinctive man is more interesting than a boastful but empty peacock.
  3. 3 Remember, attractive women often lack respect. It seems like being a beautiful woman in today's world is like winning the lottery, but they are often not taken seriously. Guys are so used to seeing beauties on billboards and glossy magazine covers that when they see one in real life, they often don't bother figuring out how smart, witty or kind she is; in fact, many are openly staring, making greasy remarks or even letting go. Therefore, attractive women are often suspicious of any man.
    • You should be interested in this woman as a person (her hopes, dreams, fears, ambitions, oddities, favorite things, etc.). If you are not interested in all this, then you are passionate about her for the wrong reasons.
  4. 4 Be yourself. This is really the most important step. Most attractive women have seen enough fans coming and going. Therefore, they can determine whether you are behaving naturally or pretending - and if a woman notices that you are behaving differently with her, then she will lose all respect for you. Plus, people who are natural (even stupid) seem sexy.
    • If she didn't like you the way you are, once you met, she's not worthy of your time. Plus, if you have to change yourself in order to attract or retain a woman, you are deceiving both yourself and her.
  5. 5 Take care of yourself. No self-respecting and self-sufficient woman wants to be with someone who cannot satisfy their needs on their own; first of all, she will not replace your mother, and secondly, she will not see any signs that you will ever be able to answer her needs. Clean up after you, stay fit, do your laundry, trim your toenails, learn to cook a meal or two. Although it sounds very prosaic, such simple things can just MAGICALLY affect your relationship.
  6. 6 Don't be afraid to approach an attractive woman in public. Beautiful women are popular with many annoying boyfriends, who flock like flies to honey, which usually scares off good guys. Have the courage to approach her and maybe you will become a breath of fresh air for her. But there are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Do not approach a woman who clearly does not want someone to approach her.
    • You should not go to meet a woman in a bar or club. The location of such women is difficult to achieve with a fast car, cheap haircuts and old-fashioned rhymes; they are usually alert and do not want to be disturbed. Instead, try to be in a situation that is comfortable for you. Give yourself all the social benefits you can get.
    • Don't try too hard. This spoils the impression the most. You can write a lot about this, but experience shows that if you are disappointed, you are probably trying too hard; if she is disappointed, you are definitely trying too hard.
    • Do not exclude friends from the number of possible romantic sympathies.
  7. 7 Don't be a goat. A lot of guys treat girls like rascals - and to be honest, it works. But a woman who does not demand respect for herself from others, most likely, does not feel it for herself. If you try it, it might work for you, but it will have two negative effects: a) you become a goat and b) you have a woman with low self-esteem. If you want to have a happy and balanced person next to you, behave accordingly.
  8. 8 Don't use cheap tricks and sugary rhymes. (Hint: if it's a line from a verse, it's cheap). Sparks only fly in a spontaneous situation, so start with a comment, joke, or witty conversation about the situation. If that doesn't work, a simple “Hello” is enough.
  9. 9 Do not lie. If you have to lie to get something, it is not yours and has never been yours. Women are the same people and they value honesty above all else. Remember that every deception you have will have to be memorized so that it will not be calculated over time.
    • Don't confuse honesty with tactlessness; don't be rude.
  10. 10 Watch your facial expressions and gestures. Maintain your posture, relax, but do not hunch your back. Look her in the eye, but don't stare. (And definitely, don't make eye contact with other women when you talk to her.) Don't fidget, fidget, or shift your weight. Your goal is to look normal and comfortable in your own skin.
  11. 11 Treat the woman the way you would like to be treated. Be polite, considerate, and sincere. It sounds just like the rules of common sense, and, in fact, it is, but many people forget about it. Indeed, behave with anybody as equals is a reliable strategy for bonding; in the worst case, it may turn out that she loves sucking and sneaking, but this way you just save yourself from all this trouble with her.
  12. 12 Show your interest in her as a person. Try to get to know her, ask about her interests, understand if you have common interests. Listen actively instead of passively perceiving what is being said; if in your head you fix some information that she tells you, she will be delighted that you will remember this later.
    • Talk about yourself, but be polite; don't try to advertise yourself too much, let her put in a word. As a general rule, a woman will ask you what interests her about you.
  13. 13 Avoid the “nice guy effect”. It is one thing to treat a woman well, but another is to fully adapt to all of her needs and wants. Be kind, friendly and helpful, but don't let that get in the way of your business. Go out with friends, have fun, even if she is not around, continue to live as an independent person; if she sees what an interesting life you are living, she will want to be a part of it.
    • If you idealize a woman so much that you are always, always there and ready to help, you will soon notice that you have become her friend. Sometimes you panic and behave too much good to impress her. Do not do that.
  14. 14 Turn your chatter into real conversation. Conversation becomes the basis of human cognition, because it retains attention, can make you laugh and arouse interest. Only through conversation can you go to the next level (for example, ask for a phone number, ask for a date, etc.), and every next good conversation will become the reason for a new date. Somehow you have a dating chain, it means that you are dating.
    • There are points to avoid in conversation. For example, do not dwell on serious topics of war, politics, religion, abortion, etc. If one of them does come up, do not dwell on it and change the topic. Also, don't compliment too much, or you look desperate and needy.
  15. 15 After the conversation, go to active communication. Conversation is a good way to get to know each other at first, but to really understand each other, you have to learn how to communicate. This means not only revealing hopes, fears, dreams and desires to each other, but also creating more comfortable communication through such honesty.
    • Listen to her. She can tell you more than words can convey, because she conveys her ideas, thoughts and emotions. When you ignore someone who really wants to communicate and tell you something, you hurt them on a deep personal level. Remember that some things cannot be communicated or communicated during a break at work, so making time for real conversation on purpose can work wonders for a relationship.
    • Tell her how you feel. True story: communication is not just for women; they also want to know what you really think and feel. Let her into your life and she will see that you respect and trust her. Remember that effective communication requires special skills and you can't always rely on how you feel when reading between the lines.
    • A lot of guys try to avoid communication or just pretend. If you are serious about this (or any other) relationship, take the time to learn. All the hope, love and chemistry in the world cannot save a relationship between two people if they don't know how to communicate with each other.


  • Do not behave differently in front of your friends; everyone accepts well those people who remain themselves in different situations.
  • Always stay calm. Girls never meet with people who constantly fuss and turn on about nonsense. Find the positive side in everything and don't let anyone humiliate you!
  • Let also to her be yourself; do not try to fashion it according to your fantasies.
  • Respect her and treat her as you would like to be treated.
  • Don't rush too much, or she might lose interest. Wait until she feels comfortable and then continue.
  • Know when to stop.
  • Don't get hung up on rejection.
  • If you don’t know each other, let the relationship develop slowly.
  • Don't act like a goat with ANY of her friends.
  • Don't stop flirting with other prospects about her while you're interested. ALWAYS leave options open.
  • Don't suppress her. Don't be clingy either; this is the prerogative of the "friend zone".


  • If you're friends and she doesn't reciprocate your interest, back off immediately. Be calm, come back to friendship again and start looking for a relationship with another person. Don't let your awkwardness ruin great friendships.
  • If you and your girlfriend have crossed eyes, you have 3 seconds to come up and start a conversation with her, otherwise you will just look strange.
  • Accept the fact that some women are simply not meant for you. This does not necessarily mean that they are arrogant or not of your berry field; it's just that sometimes the feelings are not mutual. Get over it.