Obtain citizenship of Great Britain

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become a British citizen | FT
Video: How to become a British citizen | FT


Due to the long history of royal power in the United Kingdom, the laws on British citizenship and nationality are very complex. The two most common ways you can become a UK citizen are by becoming a naturalized citizen after living in the United Kingdom (UK) for 5 years, or by marrying a UK citizen and living in the country for 3 years. You must meet a number of conditions to apply for citizenship.

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Method 1 of 4: Become a naturalized citizen

  1. Make sure you live in the UK. In general, if you want to become a naturalized citizen, you have to live in the UK for 5 years before you can apply for citizenship. You must have a visa to live in the UK.
    • Visas that allow you to live in the UK include a work visa, a student visa, a family or partner visa, a retirement visa and a visitor visa.
  2. Complete the application to settle in the UK. With this application you will be asked about your visa and current situation. When your application is accepted, you will be given permission to stay indefinitely and you no longer have to leave the country like with a visa before a certain date.
    • This application must be completed one year before the application for citizenship.
  3. Make sure you don't have a criminal record. You must be in good standing to become a citizen of the United Kingdom, although minor infractions generally will not be used against you.
  4. Decide if you want to stay in the UK. You must plan to live in the UK to apply for naturalized citizenship.
    • You must have lived in the UK for a specified number of days before the date of your application. You may have spent a maximum of 450 days outside the UK in the past 5 years, of which a maximum of 90 days in the past year.
  5. Prove your knowledge of English. You must prove that you are able to speak English. This is further explained later in this article.
  6. Pass the "Living in the UK" test. This test is about British culture and way of life and will be further detailed later in this article.
  7. Submit your application and pay the fee. You must pay a fee that depends on the type of citizenship you are applying for.
    • You can submit an application in three ways: 1. Download the form online, complete it and send it by post; 2) Visit your local NCS, they will help you fill out the form; 3) Use a private agency or individual who can help you fill out.

Method 2 of 4: Become a UK citizen through your partner

  1. Make sure you live in the UK. You must have lived in the UK in the past 3 years. During this period you may not have been in the UK for a maximum of 270 days, of which no more than 90 days in the last year. You must have a visa to live in the UK. Generally, this form of citizenship requires you to have a partner visa, but you can also stay in the UK under another visa such as a visitor or student visa.
  2. Make sure you are over 18 years old. You must be of legal age to obtain UK citizenship in this way.
  3. Have a clean criminal record. This means that you should not have serious recent crimes on your criminal record.
  4. Make sure you are able to make good decisions. This condition means that you must be sane. The bottom line is that the government wants to make sure you enter marriage and the country of your own free will.
  5. Prove your proficiency in the English language. You have to prove that you can speak English. This is further explained later in this article.
  6. Pass the "Living in the UK" test. This test is about British culture, life and the government. More information about this can be found later in the article.
  7. Apply for the right to settle in the UK and get permission to do so. This means that you must be given the right to live in the UK without a specific departure date.
  8. Pay for the application. Each application costs money to complete and send.
    • You have three ways to apply for citizenship: 1) Download the form online, fill it in and send it to us; 2) Visit your local NCS, they will help you fill out the form; 3) Ask a private company or individual to help you fill out the form.

Method 3 of 4: Pass the "Living in the UK" test

  1. Buy the study guide. The title of this guide is Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide for New Residents, 3rd Edition.
  2. Understand what it is about. The book and test cover topics such as how to become a citizen and what you need to know about British traditions. The guide also covers UK laws and the UK government so you can get familiar with the culture. You can also learn about British history and important events.
  3. Study for the test. Read the book and use it to learn what you need to know for the exam.
  4. Book the test. You have to book the test a week in advance and pay a fee.
    • You need an email address, proof of identification and a debit card to book the test online.
  5. Gather the necessary materials. Bring the identification card you used to book the test online. You will also need something to prove your residential address, such as an electricity or water bill, credit card statement, bank statement, a letter from the integration office with your name and address on it, or a UK driver's license.
    • You need these documents to take the exam. The government will not let you take the exam without these documents and you will not get your money back.
  6. Take the test. You must go to a testing center to take the test.
    • The test takes less than an hour. You usually have to answer around 24 questions.
    • You have to answer 75% of the questions correctly to pass. You will receive a letter stating that you have passed. You must then submit this letter along with your application to settle in the UK and submit your application for citizenship. Do not lose the letter, you will only receive one copy.
    • If you fail, you can retake the test a week later. You must then re-book the test and pay the fee.

Method 4 of 4: Prove your command of the English language

  1. Make sure you are from an English-speaking country. The easiest way to complete this step is to be from an English speaking country such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States. If you are from one of these countries you do not need to prove that you can speak English.
  2. Make sure you have English level B1, B2, C1 or C2. This boils down to being an average speaker at the very least.
  3. Take a test to prove your command of English. The UK has a list of approved tests that you can use to prove your English proficiency.
  4. Make sure you have a diploma from an English-language study program. In other words, you have a degree from an English-speaking university.
    • Having a degree is an alternative way to prove your English proficiency. This acquisition is not compulsory in addition to taking the said test. You only need one of the two.


  • You can become a registered citizen if you meet certain conditions. This is an easier process than described above. You must have a parent with British nationality (who was born on or before January 1, 1983), be stateless, have British nationality in another form, or be affiliated with Gibraltar or Hong Kong. You can also fall into this category if you do not meet the other conditions and you are under 18 years of age.