How to make friends if you are homeschooling

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do Homeschoolers Make Friends | Homeschoolers Making Friends!
Video: How Do Homeschoolers Make Friends | Homeschoolers Making Friends!


Do not believe stereotypes about social awkwardness of children who are homeschooled. This way of teaching allows you to do things for which there is not enough time after a day at school. Take advantage of this advantage to broaden your horizons and meet new people.


Method 1 of 2: How to Find Friends

  1. 1 Find hobbies. Get out of the house and do what you love to find people with the same hobbies. Start with youth clubs, sections, summer camps, volunteering, a church or local palace of culture. If you play sports, music, theater, or other extracurricular activities, then hang out with the people who are doing with you.
    • In many schools, extracurricular activities are available for homeschooled children.
  2. 2 Meet other children who are homeschooling. They usually have a more flexible schedule than normal school activities. If you get bored, and friends are in class, then chat with other guys who are homeschooled.
    • If you are not familiar with them, then look for similar groups on social networks. You can also contact your local library for help.
  3. 3 Learn together. Sometimes families with children at home schooled in classes together. So each parent can teach the subject in which he is strong, and the students help each other. Group classes and field trips are a great way to meet new people while your regular school lessons are taking place.
    • If you are unable to find a similar group, contact regular schools, churches, and local clubs. They may host open classes.
  4. 4 Chat with old friends. If you were in a regular school before, then you might have friends.If you stop seeing each other every day, then this is not at all a reason to end the friendship. You can always meet on the weekend or talk on the phone.
  5. 5 Develop independence. If communication is lacking, talk to your parents to find a common solution. Are you an old enough and responsible person? Your parents may allow you to leave the house at your own discretion. Adolescents need to consider the following:
    • If you have a license or a bike, then you can leave when it is convenient.
    • If you find a part-time job, then you can make friends with colleagues. Also, parents will see that you are already ready for independence.
  6. 6 Be friendly, but don't be stupid. Homeschooled children often meet people of different ages and social groups. Ask your parents for permission to talk to strangers. The parent's answer will depend on your age and where you live. Always follow the rules and do not give personal information (name, address or phone number) to unfamiliar people.

Method 2 of 2: How to communicate online

  1. 1 Safety. The Internet is a great communication tool with all kinds of dangers. When communicating on the Internet, observe the following rules so as not to fall for the bait of robbers and scammers:
    • Don't give strangers your real name. If the site requires you to enter your real name, then communicate on it only with real-life friends.
    • Never give the name of the city in which you live, phone number or other personal information.
    • Don't go into chats without admins, dating apps and random chat apps.
    • Don't reply to suspicious emails.
    • Follow all parenting guidelines regarding the Internet.
  2. 2 Find communities of interest. There are forums and social networks on the Internet on any topic. There you can meet people who share your interests. If you find a site dedicated to your hobby or your favorite sport, members can help you with advice and knowledge.
  3. 3 Create your content. Start blogging, auction off your crafts, or (if your parents don't mind) shoot videos. Perhaps one of these projects will be counted as homework, and if not, it's not scary, since such activities will allow you to have fun.


  • It is more difficult for shy people to join a new team. Force yourself to communicate and over time it will become easier for you.
  • Wrong gestures can convince others that you don't want to communicate. Try not to cross your arms, frown, or hunch over. Smile and relax your hands to show friendliness.
  • If you study at home, this does not mean at all that you cannot go out! Even if you find it difficult to communicate with others, solitary walks and other pastime will always cheer you up.
  • If you are homeschooling online, some online schools have chat rooms where students from the same school can discuss any issue. They are created for online student interaction.
  • Surely you have two or three friends who live in the neighborhood, but if you want to communicate with a large number of people, then ask your comrades to introduce you to the rest of your friends. You can go to a nearby park and meet other kids there (but keep in mind the obvious safety precautions).


  • Don't change to please others. Children (especially students in regular schools) often try to fit in with popular company, even if they are completely different at heart. It is best to be friends with people who share your interests and views.