How to chat with people you like online

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Talking to strangers online because I literally cannot go outside
Video: Talking to strangers online because I literally cannot go outside


You always see someone you like going online, but are afraid to start texting them. You worry that you won't be able to say interesting things or that you won't have anything to say. Don't worry - flirting with your favorite online is fun and without any pressure! If you master flirting strategies, you can make your ex smile, be happy, and soon want to see you in person.


Method 1 of 6: Attract someone you like from the start

  1. Don't text the person the moment they go online. Your heart will be racing the moment the other person is online, but that doesn't mean you have to rush to start chatting. Better stay calm and pretend you're not just waiting for him / her to go online.
    • Unless your target audience is someone who only goes online occasionally, wait a bit - at least 10 or 15 minutes. That way, they'll think that while you want to keep chatting, you still have other things to do online. This will make you seem less clingy or dependent.
    • Do not wait too for a long time, otherwise they will think you are not interested.

  2. Communicate in an interesting and natural way. When greeting the person, it's important to properly initiate the conversation so that they want to spend more time chatting with you. The key here is to stay calm - but don't be too cold.
    • Introduction "How are you?" or "How have you been?" completely acceptable. Don't try too hard to impress your crush in the first place.
    • You can start with an interesting story about something that happened to you, something you said, or interesting news you just heard. Keep it short and don't overdo it.

  3. Don't always be the one to say "hello" first. It is important to create balance in the relationship. Don't be the person who always sends the first text message first, as there is a chance that the person may not be enthusiastic about talking to you.
    • Maybe the person you like is just shy and likes you to take the initiative. If that's the case, however, this could be a signal that if you let the relationship go further, your ex will still expect you to do everything. That will make you uncomfortable soon.

Method 2 of 6: Joking fun

  1. Tease that person. Once you get to know each other a bit better, teasing can be a great way to flirt with him / her. This shows that you like your ex's jokes and that you aren't too serious in life. Here are a few effective ways to tease your opponent:
    • If your guy is really passionate about a particular hobby, band, or activity, you can make fun of him about it. For example, if he likes the guitar, you could say, "How much time did you spend with your girlfriend today?"
    • If the two of you like teams that are rival to each other, you can joke that his team will lose that day without making him too upset.
    • Don't go overboard. Teasing someone and insulting them is different, and it's hard to tell the difference online.
    • Show that you can be teased too. He will be impressed with the fact that you are confident enough to make him joke about his shortcomings.
  2. Witty. The person you like will be impressed by your quick wit and sense of humor. It's not easy to show off your smart sense of humor online, but if you can use it, your crush will love it. Here are a few ways to impress your ex with your wit:
    • Cuteness. If the other person says something interesting, respond as quickly as possible to show that you are able to respond.
    • Clever. Make a joke about a topic he understands well to show that you have knowledge and understanding of the world situation.
    • Fleer. A little sarcasm will work. If you have a hard time in biology class, you can pretend that you love frog surgery. The person you like will be attracted to you if you know the right way to speak.

Method 3 of 6: It turns out interesting

  1. Come up with interesting topics. To engage the person, you'll need to find interesting topics to talk about. Make sure you find something that you are not alone in finding interesting. Here are a few ideas:
    • If there's interesting news going on, you can talk about it, especially if it does just happened. You can say, "Have you heard about ... yet?". Remember not to choose a controversial topic, as you won't want to start an argument before you truly understand the person.
    • If something unexpected happens to you that day, tell the person. If you happen to meet a famous person, see something out of the ordinary on the street, or have important news, talk about it.
    • Nothing gets bored faster than telling them about it all what happened to you for the day. Unless you're an agent or superhero, chances are that most of your day is pretty bland, and you probably don't want to be like a narcissist by talking about meals. as bright as if it were the most intriguing topic in the world.
  2. Find common ground. If you want your relationship to go beyond flirting, keep in mind that common interests are just as important as the catalyst for a strong relationship. Your love is guaranteed to last longer if both sides share common passions. Here are a few common points that are common:
    • Music can be a great bond between two people, so talk about music. If the person you like has a notice 'Favorite song', look at what song he / she is listening to and say "Oh, I like that band!" If the band is performing, you and your partner can attend together.
    • Your preference for outdoor activities. If you both enjoy hiking, cycling, or camping, that would be a great bond. The outdoors isn't for everyone, and he / she will appreciate it if you share it — and they'll even ask you to go for a hike.
    • Your passion for literature. If you both like good books, this will give you plenty of topics to talk about. You can even impress him / her by recommending a good book, or reading a book they recommend. If the chat goes well, you can say, "Hey, I like the book you introduced. Would you like us to meet for coffee to talk about it?"
    • Your love of movies. If you both like movies, you'll have plenty to talk about. You can spontaneously talk about a new movie you enjoy watching and wait for your ex to invite you to watch with.
  3. Show that you have a life outside the internet. Let your ex know that you have an off-computer life. Mention your friends, family, and interests to show that online life is only a small part of your great personality. Here's how to show that your world is bigger than your computer screen:
    • Never a boring topic, talk about your own interests. If you love to ride a bike, tell your ex. You can mention time that you have to go to exercise your hobby.
    • Introduce close friends, and show times when you are busy because you and your friends are going to dinner, a concert, or anywhere. This will make you an interesting person, and perhaps he will want to join.
    • If you're passionate about learning or a particular school subject, don't be afraid to talk about it. If you're not a nerd, show that you really care about a subject - like poetry or physics. Remember that interesting people have hobbies, while bored people always find things tasteless.

Method 4 of 6: Show that you are interested

  1. Praise the other person delicately. Find a way to tell the person what you truly appreciate about them. This will show that you notice something special about him / her, and that you are a thoughtful person. Here are a few ways to do this:
    • Be yourself.You could say, "You're so smart — I didn't know about it", or "Interestingly, I never thought that way!" This shows that you appreciate the person's ideas without flattering them.
    • Find points to make the opponent special. If he or she likes a long run, you could say, "It's amazing that you can run like that".
    • Praise the person's achievements. Simply say, "I can't believe you published a poem. It certainly took a lot of effort!"
  2. Take the person's advice. Show that you are really listening to what he / she says. This will prove that you appreciate their opinion and you think about them even when you are away from the computer. Here's how to do it:
    • If he recommends a music album, listen to it. This will also give you something to talk about.
    • If he recommends buying a phone model, shoes, or whatever, if you think their advice is right, do it. Then you can thank your ex for the advice.
    • However, do not rush to follow whatever they say. If he recommends a movie, don't watch it immediately and report back the next day. Wait a week or two and say, "Hey, I saw the movie you introduced, great movie."
  3. Show interest in the person's life. Show that you are not only an interesting person, but that you also care about who he or she is. Try to strike a balance between talking about yourself, your common interests, and the person. Here are a few ways to do it:
    • Ask about what he / she was like last week. This question will cause the person to reveal some information about their current life.
    • If the person tells you that they went to a concert, watched soccer, or went to a restaurant, ask about those things.
    • Ask your partner for their opinion on a particular topic. This will show that you appreciate what they say.
    • Incurious. Feel free to ask about his / her interests, friends, or even family, but don't ask too many personal questions or act as questioning.
  4. Invite that person out. If all goes well and you feel the timing is right, don't be afraid to invite the other party out to take your relationship beyond the online world. If you already know the person you like, feel free to do so without taking it too seriously. Here's how:
    • Ask the person what they do on the weekends. If they're free, ask them to hang out normally. Say, "Great, I'm free too-shall we have lunch together?"
    • If that person's favorite band or comedian is coming to town, ask if they want to go see a show with you.
    • If you have a party or go out with a group of friends, invite that person. This is a low pressure date, and will help you feel for each other before you actually go on a date.

Method 5 of 6: Show confidence

  1. Don't be too eager to talk to the person. To be confident, you need to show that even if you enjoy talking to the other person, your life doesn't revolve around him / her. Here are a few ways to demonstrate this;
    • Don't chat with that person every time you go online. Talk to him / her on the second or third time you log in. This shows that you are not just going online to continue chatting with them.
    • Don't respond too quickly to everything he / she says. If you answer the moment they ask you a question, it makes you seem overly excited about the conversation. If you don't respond right away, the person will think you are talking to someone else, or something else.
  2. Don't underestimate your alias online. Create an unknown alias to see what your ex is up to when they think you are offline. This can help you better understand what the other person is actually thinking about you, and can help you maintain a calm attitude when you interact.
    • If you see that your partner doesn't go online much when they don't know you are online, this indicates that they are online for the same reason as you - to keep flirting!
    • If you see the other person always on top, it means they will talk to anyone-anytime. This also shows that he does not have a meaningful life.
    • Log in with your alias after saying goodbye to your partner. Did they log out immediately? This shows that they are only online to talk to you.
  3. Do not be too enthusiastic when talking. It's great to show that you think the other person is attractive, interesting, and fun, but if you overdo it, you will make yourself too excited. Here are a few ways to avoid that:
    • Minimize the use of "LOL" or "hahaha" - this seems like you're trying too hard to be funny.
    • Avoid too many emojis. This can be frustrating and make you appear immature.
    • If the person does not respond immediately, do not rush to send more question marks or say, "Where have you gone ???" It seems like your world is only revolving around the opponent's answer.

Method 6 of 6: Say goodbye at the right time

  1. Sign out while things are still interesting. It is important to log out at the right time to make the person look forward to more. You shouldn't end up too soon, but say goodbye while it's still exciting. Here's how:
    • Wait until the interesting conversation begins to recap, and say you have to leave. This way, you can say one or two more things about the topic and then say goodbye. This will make the other person want to talk to you more, and will help you avoid the awkward long silence that can happen after an hour of chat when you both have nothing left to say.
  2. Give a reason to log out. If you want to be calm, you don't have to be too clear about why you're leaving and make the other person think you are an interesting and mysterious person. Here's how:
    • Feel free to say, "Now I have to go out", so the other person will wonder where you are going and who will you go with. Let it be so vague. This will also make it seem as though you have lots of friends and an active social life.
    • Even if you have no reason to leave, don't say it. Don't say something like "Wow, I think I'd better stop texting too much", or "I have to water the plants". This will seem like your life is not that exciting.
  3. Show that you had a great time chatting with your crush. You don't have to be too clear about this, but let him / her know that you've had a good chat and that you look forward to. Here are some suggestions you should say:
    • "Nice to talk to you" or "thank you for advice on ..." Let them know that the conversation is meaningful, without going overboard.
    • "I'll talk to you later". This shows that you are interested in chatting with them the next time, but you will not spend hours waiting for their online name to appear again.
    • Don't scare people. Avoid saying things like "It's the best conversation I've ever had in my life" or "When will you go online so we can chat more ???"


  • Be comfortable with the way you talk to them. Do not immediately respond; It makes you seem overly excited.
  • If the other person doesn't respond immediately, don't push them. They are probably far away from the computer.
  • Don't talk to the person every day. You won't have much left to say, and you don't seem to have a life of your own.
  • Most importantly, be yourself. Don't try too hard; don't even overdo it to pretend. After all, do you want them to love someone who isn't you?
  • Don't question them constantly. It seems like you are haunted.
  • The most important thing is not to be petty because it feels bad.
  • Praise the person for the things they like best, but don't act too eagerly.


  • If you meet someone you only know online in person, make sure you meet him or her in a public place, such as a park or a coffee shop. This way, you can make sure he isn't dangerous. Don't meet at his apartment or somewhere else where you can't get help right away if something goes wrong.
  • If you know the person outside the internet, these tips will be extremely helpful. If it's someone you know online but has a crush on them, make sure he introduces himself before you reveal personal information, such as phone numbers and addresses.
  • Maybe you love that person online, and it would be disappointing to see them in real life. Maybe they leave the image on the internet shimmering, but the outside is different - it happens often.

What you need

  • An Instagram account
  • A desktop or phone
  • Instagram account of the person you like
  • Internet