How to make your girlfriend jealous

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Jealousy is a powerful feeling that can turn a good relationship toxic. However, it can also be used as a funny joke or a quick way to rekindle passion.Do you feel like your girlfriend is not paying enough attention to you? When approached wisely, even a simple hint of jealousy can make your girlfriend remember the value of what is between you. However, it is best to avoid jealousy and never use it maliciously, as it can easily open up old wounds or create a new wave of suspicion. Be aware of where you are in the relationship and take care of your loved one's self-esteem to deal with jealousy.


Part 1 of 4: Understanding Jealousy

  1. 1 Understand that there are deeper feelings behind jealousy. Jealousy is a natural feeling that we often cannot control. If you want to make your girlfriend jealous, keep in mind that by doing so you can awaken in her some feelings that she is not ready to deal with, such as self-doubt or shame.
  2. 2 Rate how confident your girlfriend is. Jealousy stems from self-criticism. Be careful when choosing a way to create jealousy because your friend may already have some self-perception issues.
  3. 3 Find out about your girlfriend's past. She may have had a toxic relationship in the past, but she was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it, or she deliberately left it behind. However, deep down, she can still suffer from the negative effects of the past. Shame can affect how jealous and insecure your friend becomes, so don't play on her innermost feelings.
    • Don't reopen old wounds. If a girl shares something intimate with you, you will damage the relationship by using it against her.

Part 2 of 4: Reveal Your Girlfriend's Complexity

  1. 1 Pay attention to your loved one. Whether you're trying to make her jealous to rekindle the fire of love, or just as a joke, find out what might trigger her jealousy. The attention given to her will not only allow you to learn how to create jealousy, but it will also create a bond between you. Therefore, keep in mind that the stronger the bond, the more toxic jealousy can become.
    • Some people are more sensitive than others, so be aware of the factors that might trigger her to act rashly. For example, some girls may not attach much importance to playful flirting with a stranger, while others perceive it as highly disrespectful behavior, which will lead to a breakdown. Therefore, proceed with caution.
  2. 2 Set boundaries. Don't go too far with this show. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve by making your girlfriend jealous. Assess what your relationship means to you, and proceed with caution if you think jealousy is the best option.
  3. 3 Avoid things that could pose a real threat. Relationships will quickly become fragile if you introduce elements into them that can easily play on the psyche of a friend. As open-minded as it may be, paranoia can easily surround logic. For example, keeping in touch with an ex-girlfriend can easily stir up jealousy in your current darling.
    • If a girl says she doesn't want you to hang out with a certain person, don't use it against her. Her suspicion is already on heightened vigilance, so breaking a promise will cause irreversible damage.
    • Don't use your ex to make your current girlfriend jealous. The thought that the two of you have already had a romantic relationship can easily lead to the belief that you can rekindle it at any time.
    • Don't mention high-status girlfriends. If you have mutual friends who are shown on TV, who play professional sports or have high-paying jobs, that social status makes them an alluring romantic target. Your girlfriend can easily become jealous if you show too much attention to a high-status girlfriend.

Part 3 of 4: Leverage your social circle

  1. 1 Make plans separately from the girl. Arrange with friends to watch a match or go to a bar. Make your loved one jealous by showing her that you are leading an active social life.
    • Don't make her feel like a burden or give her the impression that you are not interested in being around her. Arrange everything so that she sees how interesting and sociable you are.
  2. 2 Use social media. Like a photo or leave a funny comment under the post that you know your loved one will notice. Social networks give a wide scope for imagination. You can easily make your girlfriend jealous if you start liking other women abundantly. You can also add jokes that are understandable only to you and your friend, or photos from events where your girlfriend was not.
  3. 3 Immerse yourself in your work. Work can be an easy source of jealousy because it can take a lot of time and be justified by ambition. Be careful if a girl becomes jealous of a coworker because her suspicion could cost you your job (for example, if she starts asking other coworkers about the two of you). To make matters worse, your girlfriend may reach out to a coworker's husband or boyfriend, and you could unintentionally ruin their relationship.
  4. 4 Make friends with your girlfriend's friends. It doesn't matter where you do it - on social media or at various events, the girl may become jealous if your interest in her friends suddenly increases. This is especially effective if your chosen friend is single, or if she has been courting you in the past.
    • Be careful, if you get too close to your lover's best friend, it can lead to deep emotional trauma for your chosen one.
    • Study the dynamics of her friendship to avoid exposing deeper issues. Perhaps one of her friends already has experience taking men away.

Part 4 of 4: Focus on Other Women

  1. 1 Compliment other women. Tag celebrities or unfamiliar beauties within sight. Perhaps this will make your girlfriend jealous of you, automatically comparing herself to these people. Praising celebrities is especially easy because they all strive to look good and radiate success.
  2. 2 Communicate with women in front of your beloved. Of course, there is nothing wrong with communicating with the opposite sex, however, it is possible that your girlfriend will wake up jealous if your interactions play on her self-doubt. In this situation, only you know what will be appropriate and what will make her jealous. Some women don't mind when their partners playfully touch or joke with other ladies, while your girlfriend might be jealous even if you just smile the wrong way at the waitress.
  3. 3 Add a "third wheel". Invite a mutual friend to an activity that you usually do with a girl alone. Act in such a way that it doesn't seem like an obvious gesture, but rather a harmless afterthought. Say something like: “I invited Julia for a walk tomorrow. She said that she had not been to the Botanical Gardens, and I invited her to join us. " This will show that you are paying attention to other women, but it will not look immature or obvious.


  • Jealousy can have unpredictable consequences, so moderate your expectations, and if something goes wrong, immediately tell the girl that you were just doing something stupid. She needs to know for sure that you only want to make her jealous and that you are not really trying to build a relationship with another woman.
  • Don't use jealousy against someone who already has obvious problems controlling their emotions. If your girlfriend already has deep mental scars, it will hurt her even more.
  • Social media behavior is easy to misinterpret, so use extreme caution when posting on pages or under other people's posts.
  • Making your girlfriend jealous at first can be fun or cute, but if you do it too often, she can lose respect and love for you, so think carefully about your steps so as not to cross the line.


  • Do not overdo it. If you love a girl, don't upset her.
  • She can end a relationship.
  • She may want revenge and make you jealous in return.