How to make a woman feel sexy

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make A Woman Want You Sexually!
Video: How To Make A Woman Want You Sexually!


There is no mystery in this. Whether you're just starting a relationship or have lived together for many years, there are always ways to make a woman feel sexy, desirable, and attractive. Communication, physical intimacy and a little effort on the part of a partner will allow a woman to feel her sexuality and gain self-confidence.


Method 1 of 3: Physical intimacy

  1. 1 Hug the girl from the back and kiss on the neck. Walk up to the woman from behind and hug her as she cooks, works, and just brews her morning coffee. Circle your arms around the girl and snuggle up to her. Kiss your neck gently, breathe in the scent of your hair and tell them that it is beautiful.
    • It's a sweet and sensual way to show a girl that she is desired. The physical aspect of such attention will excite her body, and pleasant words and compliments will make the girl feel desirable, sexy and cared for.
  2. 2 Unobtrusively touch the girl at every opportunity. Take her hand while walking down the street or hug her while sleeping. Touch the girl as often as possible. You don't need to flaunt such concern - gently place your hand on the lower back or slide your fingers over the girl's hand as you queue for coffee.
    • Frequent touching will be a regular reminder that you want to be around and touch your woman. This will help her feel sexy and desirable.
    • You can act more playfully as long as neither partner is uncomfortable. So, you can slap a girl on the ass when you walk past her in the apartment, or even stick your hand in the back pocket of the girl's jeans.
  3. 3 Kiss the girl slowly. Instead of quick, short kisses on the lips or cheek, kiss for real. Kiss the girl gently and slowly for at least 15 seconds. During this time, both partners will have time to relax, and your actions will show how much you enjoy the leisurely intimacy with the girl.
    • While kissing, try stroking her cheek, back, or hair. Feel this moment and dissolve in it.Use kisses to express your desire without words.
  4. 4 Take your time during intimate moments. There is no need to rush into foreplay if you want a woman to feel sexy. Take the time to let her feel desirable and gradually build up her arousal. Hurried sex will quickly get bored and over time a woman may feel as if she only gives, but does not receive anything in return. Take your time and show her that she is still able to experience pleasure and pleasurable sensations.
    • During intimacy, do not forget to show that you, too, enjoy the process. Share your feelings so that the girl feels confident in her sexuality.
  5. 5 The girl should be comfortable without clothes. Many women suffer from low self-esteem, especially when they see their naked bodies. She may feel less sexy around you at times like this, which can make it harder to have sex. Show your confidence when you're naked to help your girl relax! If you are ready to undress without undue embarrassment, then she will be comfortable with you.
    • Try walking naked longer than usual after showering, or undress first when you are intimate.
    • Dim your bedroom lights. Perhaps, without a bright light, it will be easier for a girl to relax without clothes.
  6. 6 Play suitable music. Slow, sensual music will create the right mood. Thanks to the music, the girl will think about her feelings and not get hung up on her appearance or your thoughts about her. You can go even further and humbly ask what music is best for a romantic evening, and then include such compositions.
    • For example, ask "What songs are best for making love?" and play one of the named songs.
  7. 7 Ask what aspects can be improved. If you can't figure out how to make a girl feel sexy, just try asking what you should do differently. This question and the following open conversation about ways to improve your sex life, help her to have fun and feel desired will show the girl that you genuinely care about her feelings.
    • It is important for a woman to feel cared for and not to feel discomfort so that she has a desire to have sex. If you are not meeting those needs well, she will tell you what to fix.

Method 2 of 3: Communication and Compliments

  1. 1 Give unexpected compliments. Highlight a specific trait of the girl that you find particularly sexy. This will not only cheer her up, but it will also show that you find the girl attractive, no matter what she thinks of herself.
    • Tell your girl that she is beautiful, even when she least expects compliments, to boost her self-esteem and make her feel more attractive. Self-confidence will help her feel desirable and sexy.
  2. 2 Learn to listen. This will show that you are interested in more than just her looks. Always actively listen to the girl when she shares her thoughts and feelings to show that you value her inner world and want to understand her as best as possible. The girl will be pleased to know that her sexuality is not limited to a pretty face.
    • Don't interrupt, put your phone down, turn off the TV, and give the girl your undivided attention. Maintain eye contact and nod to show your interest.
    • When a girl speaks, you don't need to ponder your next answer, otherwise you will not give her all your attention. Ask clarifying questions like "This is interesting. Why did you decide this is the case?" or "Wow, I couldn't even think about it. Tell me more about that?"
  3. 3 Write flirty messages throughout the day. One of the best ways to make a woman feel sexy is to show that you are constantly thinking about her.Write cute short messages throughout the day to keep her informed. Flirt with messages and say that she is beautiful, and you can't wait to meet.
    • If you can't use the phone at work, write emails or leave notes at home that she finds in the morning or after returning from work.
    • In a message or note, you can write “You were just irresistible yesterday”, “I can't wait for our meeting anymore” or “I constantly think about you”.
  4. 4 Talk about your desire. A woman feels sexy when she knows she is desired. Say you want her. Say that she is irresistible. At the same time, look the woman in the eyes so that she does not doubt your desire. If you are sincere, she will certainly notice it.
    • A desire expressed aloud will most likely have a more powerful effect than a message. Look a girl in the eye, take her hand, or use your fingers to brush her hair to heighten sexual tension. Say, "I want you so badly right now."

Method 3 of 3: Nice Little Things

  1. 1 Give your girlfriend small, considerate gifts. Stop by a girl's work with her favorite coffee. Leave a new set of sexy underwear on the bed. Send a bouquet of flowers. Whatever the size or value of the gift, the girl will understand that you value her and constantly think about her, as well as make an effort to do caring things.
    • According to research, lingerie is at the top of the list of things that help a woman feel sexy. A gift in the form of a sexy bra or panties is a very sexy gesture. She will feel sexy and desirable when she realizes that you want to see her in such lingerie.
  2. 2 You don't need to “get comfortable” in a relationship. The “candy-bouquet” period does not have to end. Don't let the relationship become a chore, and don't forget why you decided to pursue a girlfriend. Remind her constantly that she is arousing your desires, no matter how long you have been in the relationship.
  3. 3 Take your time to talk about sex right away. If you want your woman to feel sexy, use foreplay in the form of flirting and touching. Even if you’ve been together long enough and it’s not a problem for you to say directly that you want to have sex, she almost certainly won’t feel particularly sexy if you hurriedly declare that desire.
    • If you’re well settled and take that comfort for granted, your girlfriend may feel less loved and cared for, even when you don’t mean anything like that.
  4. 4 Try new things in relationships. Date new places. If you always visit the same restaurant, choose a different location. Invite the girl to dress up and take her to a trendy cafe or dance. Have a picnic in the park or even your backyard. Take a weekend trip. An interesting pastime and a novelty effect will help maintain that very spark in a relationship.
  5. 5 Work on yourself. Women are usually turned on by people who look after themselves and behave confidently. Simple things like bad breath or body odor can alienate a woman, dampen her interest in sex, and prevent her from feeling sexy. Take good care of your personal hygiene and your appearance to maintain your attractiveness in the eyes of the woman and make her want to be with you.
    • It's also important for a girl to feel that she wants you so that she feels sexy.


  • Before any physical intimacy, the consent of the girl must be obtained.
  • Make sure that your actions do not cause discomfort to the girl.