How to make a guy think of you

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
4 Ways To Make Him Think About You When You’re Not Around
Video: 4 Ways To Make Him Think About You When You’re Not Around


The moment has come when you met a young man, at the sight of whom your heart begins to beat faster, and your palms instantly sweat. You know that he does not go out of your head, but how can you make him think about you?


  1. 1 Be yourself. If you want this person to pay attention to your merits, let it be your merits, and not a fake. Men are not fools; he'll get you through once you get tired of pretending to be the girl of his dreams. What will happen next? He may not like what he sees.
  2. 2 Believe in yourself. Tell yourself: I can do it, I deserve it! Believe in what you tell yourself, everyone has equal opportunities, you deserve the best. Are you too shy and don't know how to "promote" yourself? Here's a tip: each of us has positive qualities, so look for them. Maybe you have a delightful smile? Use it to achieve your goal. Do you have a great sense of humor? Use it! Men value humor no less than women! Try to make him laugh, just think the joke well before telling it.
  3. 3 Show yourself! Show off your personality with your looks. You should always look your best if he is around! To do this, it is enough to dress nicely, smell nice and look fresh.Find your unique look, use a little makeup, dress in your own style, show off your dignity. The person who stands out from the crowd is always memorable, so expressing your personality will make them think of you.
  4. 4 Smile. The smile should be sincere, not forced, men cannot resist a sweet, warm smile, so use it! Don't force yourself to smile, let your smile be natural. It doesn't matter whether you like your smile or not, it is eye-catching anyway. Give him your triumphant smile, and he will not be able to get it out of his head.
  5. 5 Analyze. Listen to him. If you remember the details and names that he mentions, he will set you apart as someone who cares about him. Pay attention to those features of his that no one notices, and he wonders why you are showing so much attention to him. It's important not to overdo it, or it might seem like you're stalking him.
  6. 6 Pretend to be touchy. Pretending to be touchy can be risky, so don't go too far with this technique. You don't want to sound too approachable, so he will start to miss the conversation with you. He will wonder why he lacks your company, or why you can't always spend time with him. When used correctly, this technique will surely make him think of you.
  7. 7 Lips. Lick and bite your lips! During a conversation with a man you like, quickly lick your lips with the tip of your tongue. Biting his lips from one side or the other can provoke him to kiss you. As always, try not to overdo it, or he will think that something is wrong with you.
  8. 8 Be mysterious. Don't give out a lot of information about yourself at once ... let him make assumptions! Try to be mysterious; he will be dying to learn more about you. This little trick is convenient: pretend you want to tell him something, then “change your mind” and don't say anything. He will only have to wonder what you were going to say.
  9. 9 Nicknames. Call him what no one else calls him! Let it be an unusual nickname, but not so much that he finds it annoying. This will make him set you apart from others. Perhaps (if it really is an unusual nickname), he will think: how did this come to your mind?
  10. 10 Don't be too accommodating. If you are too compliant, he will decide that you are readily available. Say that you want to hang out with friends or be alone. Don't stick to it! If you are not always there, he will have time to think about you. After all, you will not all the time think about the friend who is sitting right in front of you?
  11. 11 If none of the advice worked, don't think that something is wrong with you! Many girls have found themselves in this situation more than once, and this is not your fault!


  • Don't be a beech. Just smile, but not too often. It's okay if you cry once. Just don't whine, men hate it!
  • The man you really like will surely come to his senses and understand how wonderful and beautiful you are.


  • Don't try to change yourself to get a man! Stay true to your tastes: music, movies, entertainment.