How to make your ex-boyfriend jealous

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024


Making your ex-boyfriend jealous may seem like good retribution for the wrongs he has done you, but be careful! The best way to make someone jealous is to ignore their opinions and focus on yourself. You should take care of your health, meet new people and acquire new skills. When you meet your ex by chance, be kind and show that you are happy. If these attempts to make the person jealous affect your happiness, see a professional and deal with your emotions.


Method 1 of 3: How to Build New Life and Relationships

  1. 1 Make taking care of yourself a priority task. Very often, after parting, people begin to neglect their physical and mental state. Make it your top priority to feel better and make your ex-boyfriend jealous when he sees that you are doing well. Taking care of yourself can include:
    • Exercise regularly and eat right.If you want to lose weight, you can even set the goal of losing three kilograms in a month as part of self-care.
    • Take time to relax and practice a hobby. Take a bath, read books, play board games with friends, go hiking and spend your free time the way you want.
    • Make a little makeover. Buy yourself a couple of new outfits, get yourself a new hairstyle, whiten your teeth, or change your look in another way. This will build your confidence and surprise your ex the next time you meet.
  2. 2 Find a new hobby or learn new skills. Breaking up with a boyfriend is a great excuse to find a new hobby and learn new skills. Now you have more free time, so start spending it on interesting activities. Choose a new hobby or take courses to learn new things with others. When your ex-boyfriend sees you again and browses your social media pages, he will be surprised to discover how exciting your free time is!
    • For example, if you've always wanted to learn French, download a special smartphone app or sign up for a class.
    • If you love to cook deliciously, buy a new recipe book or start taking courses.
    • Love music but can't play or sing? Find a tutor or watch online tutorials!
  3. 3 Go on dates and start building new relationships. One of the most powerful ways to make your ex jealous is to show him that you are really moving forward! Even if you still have feelings for your ex, go on dates with other people. This way, you can surely create jealousy and also have a great time with someone interesting.
    • It's important not to brag about your new relationship to your ex. So he can figure out your intentions to have the opposite effect. Don't tell him about your dates with other people.

    Advice: If your ex-boyfriend asks if you want to go out on a date, answer honestly but casually. You can say: “Yes, I was a couple of times,” and then change the topic of the conversation. Show that you are not interested in his opinion, but you definitely go on dates.

  4. 4 Post photos and positive statuses on social media. Take advantage of social media and make your guy jealous with simple posts about his life. If you have been on a journey, create an album of your adventures. If you have a new hairstyle, post a selfie. Share updates with positive observations about your life.
    • Don't post negatively on social media or go overboard with bragging rights. All observations should be real, but radiate a positive attitude.
  5. 5 Make new friends in hobby clubs and events. Social life will be your mainstay after a breakup. Attend events and find like-minded people. This will allow you to make new friends, learn new things, and even make your ex-boyfriend jealous about your busy schedule!
    • For example, ride your bike every week with other cycling enthusiasts.
    • If you are interested in history, visit reenactments of various events.

Method 2 of 3: Dealing with your ex

  1. 1 Take your time to see your ex-boyfriend again. If you have a desire to leave the house and "accidentally" meet on the street in order to make the guy jealous, then it is important to restrain yourself! You should wait and avoid any contact for a couple of months. Make sure that the sadness of the breakup is over and that you are not feeling the same way.
    • Each case is different, so the timing will depend on the duration of the relationship and the degree of intimacy. It can take weeks, months, and sometimes even years. Avoid meetings until you're ready.
  2. 2 Reply to messages with a slight delay. You definitely shouldn't write first, so that the guy doesn't think you want everything back and even despair. However, if he wrote to you, then you can reply to the message. The main thing is not to respond as quickly as during a relationship.
    • For example, if you received a message and you would have answered within five minutes before, then wait an hour or longer. A guy might get jealous if he thinks you're too busy to text him.
    • If you want to show that you don't care at all, then just leave the message unanswered. If you wish, you can answer in a couple of days and write: “Sorry! I was on a date and then I forgot to answer. Hope you are doing well! "
  3. 3 Be polite in casual encounters. If you meet by chance, do your best to be nice. If your good mood and politeness are sincere, then he will probably be more jealous than in the case of rudeness on your part. Do not be tempted to say everything you think about the person.
    • It is not necessary to have a long conversation to be polite. When you meet on the street, it is enough to smile and make a short eye contact.
    • If a guy comes up to you, then you can say: “Hello, Tolik! Glad to meet you. How are you?"

    Not ready to talk to your ex? You can politely walk away from the conversation with a phrase like, “I'm so glad to see you! I would like to chat, but I'm in a hurry. Maybe another time. "

  4. 4 Let your boyfriend know that you don't mind maintaining friendships in the future. If you are already ready to talk with your ex-boyfriend or even to be friends, then let him know about it. Your willingness to offer friendship can make him jealous. Be as casual as possible and don't insist on friendship.
    • You might say, “Look, if you don't mind, we could be friends. The romance is over, but sometimes I miss our friendship. "
  5. 5 Express your joy when your boyfriend is in a new relationship. If the ex-boyfriend said that he had a new girlfriend, then do without rude remarks and visible irritation. In this case, it is better to say something nice and congratulate the guy. This makes you more likely to create jealousy than being rude.
    • For example, say, “I'm so happy for you! She seems to be a nice girl. "
    • If you are not able to say anything good about a person, then it is better not to say anything at all. Try changing the topic of the conversation: “This is great! By the way, were you at yesterday's match? I just thought the team made you nervous! "

Method 3 of 3: How to Seek Help in Case of Difficulty

  1. 1 Spend time with friends and family who love and support you. Don't even try to get over the breakup alone. It is very difficult! Rely on caring people to listen when you need to talk.
    • For example, call your best friend, sister, parents, or organize weekly coffee shops with friends and family to spend at least one evening a week with the company.
  2. 2 Find a support group for people who have gone through a breakup. After a long relationship, it may seem like no one understands your feelings. If this is the case, find a support group and connect with people who have recently gone through a divorce or breakup in order to feel understood and to give an outlet for your emotions.
    • Ask a therapist about support groups or search online.

    Advice: remember that your ex-boyfriend's opinion doesn't matter anymore! You need to focus on yourself and your desires, and not waste energy trying to make him jealous.

  3. 3 See a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Sometimes it’s very difficult for people to get over a breakup, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. Find a therapist to learn about different types of therapy. The psychiatrist can prescribe medication for you.Sometimes you have to combine different options for solving a problem.
    • Sessions with a therapist can be very beneficial after a breakup. Evaluate what happened and find out how to learn from the situation.