Ways to Think Positive

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)
Video: How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)


Having a positive outlook is an option.You can choose to think that makes your mood happier, looks more constructive in difficult situations, and adorns your day with a brighter and more hopeful approach to work. By looking at life in a positive direction, you begin to change your negative moods and see life filled with solutions and perspectives in place of your worries and obstacles. If you want to learn to think more positively, follow these guidelines.


Part 1 of 3: Evaluate your thoughts

  1. Be responsible for your own attitude. You are fully responsible for your thoughts and your way of looking at life. If you tend to think negatively, that's the way you choose. With practice, you can choose to look more positive.

  2. Understand the benefits of being a positive thinker. Choosing a positive mindset not only helps you take control of your life and makes everyday experiences enjoyable, but it's also good for your physical and mental health and your ability to adapt to change. Being aware of these benefits can help you proactively think more positively on a regular basis. Here are some of the benefits of having an optimistic mindset:
    • Life expectancy increased
    • Reduce the rate of depression and suffering
    • Increases resistance to the common cold
    • Better physical and mental health
    • Increase problem solving skills when under stress
    • Develop a natural capacity for relationship and bonding

  3. Keep a journal to record your thoughts. Thinking notes can help you look back and evaluate your patterns of thinking. Write down your thoughts and try to identify factors that lead to both positive and negative thoughts. Taking the last 20 minutes of the day to follow your thinking patterns can be a great way to identify negative thoughts and plan to change into positive thoughts.
    • Your journal can be in any format you like. If you don't want to write long paragraphs, just list five typical positive and negative thoughts of the day.
    • Be sure to take the time and opportunity to review and review information in the log. If you write in your daily diary, review it on the weekends.

Part 2 of 3: Coping with Negative Thinking

  1. Identify unconscious negative thoughts. To avoid negative thoughts from affecting your positive outlook, you need to be more alert to "unconscious negative thoughts". When you spot them, you have to get into a coping position and give orders to immediately push those thoughts out of your mind.
    • An example of an unconscious negative thought is when you know that you are about to take the test, you think: "I will fail the test". This thought is unconscious because that is the initial reaction when you hear about the test.
  2. Deal with negative thoughts. Even if you spend most of your life thinking negatively, you don't have to go on. Anytime a negative thought, especially unconsciously, stops and assesses whether it is correct or correct.
    • One way to deal with negative thoughts is to be optimistic. Write down your negative thoughts and see how you will react if someone else tells you it. It's like putting up positive evidence to refute other people's negative thoughts, even if you find it difficult to do it with yourself.
    • For example, you might think negatively: "I fail often." If you failed the exam so often, you wouldn't be able to continue in school. Review your records or transcripts and look for average exams; They will help you fight negative thoughts. You may even find tests that score 7 and 8, which further confirms your negative thinking is outrageous.
  3. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you feel confident that you can detect and respond to the negative thoughts, you are ready to actively choose to replace the negative thoughts with the positive ones. This doesn't mean that everything in your life is always optimistic; It is normal to have many different emotions. However, you can act to replace unhelpful everyday thinking with thoughts that help you grow.
    • For example, if you think, "Maybe I will fail the test", stop. You have just discovered a negative thought and assessed its accuracy. Now try to replace it with a positive thought. It doesn't have to be blind optimism, such as: "I'll definitely get a 10, even if I don't study at all." It's as simple as: "I'll take the time to study and prepare to do the best I can."
    • Use the power of questions. When you ask yourself a question, your brain finds the answer. If you ask yourself: "Why is life so miserable?" Your brain will try to answer that question. The same thing happens when you ask yourself, "Why am I so lucky?". Ask yourself questions that focus on positive thinking.
  4. Minimize external influences that provoke negativity. You may find some violent music or video games or movies affecting your general attitude. Try to minimize your risk of being influenced by violent or stressful stimuli and spend more time listening to soothing music and reading. Music is good for your mind and books about positive thoughts can give you great tips for becoming a happier person.
  5. Avoid "opposing thinking". With this type of thinking, commonly known as "polarization," what you encounter will be just or it's correct or wrong; there is no other nuance. This can lead people to think that what they do must be either perfect or meaningless.
    • To avoid this way of thinking, embrace the nuances of life. Instead of thinking about two outcomes (positive and negative), list all of the outcomes in between to see that things aren't as terrible as you might think.
    • For example, if you are going to take an exam and are not comfortable with the test content, you may not want to take the test or study. Therefore, if you fail the exam, it is because you are not trying. However, you have overlooked the fact that you can do better if you take the time to prepare before taking the test.
      • You should also avoid thinking that your test is either good or paralyzed. There are also points between the good score and the paralysis point.
  6. Avoid "personalization". Personalization is always assuming you're the one to blame when something bad happens. If you overthink, you may have paranoia and think that no one likes you or wants to be friends with you, and every little action you make will disappoint others.
    • People who have a personalization mindset may think: "This morning, Van did not smile at me. I must have done something to make her sad". However, it is more likely that Van was having a bad day and that her mood has nothing to do with yours.
  7. Avoid "filter thinking". This happens when you choose to only hear the negative side of a situation. Most situations have both good and bad factors, and you can spot them. If you think in a negative way, you won't see the positive side of any situation.
    • For example, if you take the test and get a score of 5 with the teacher's comments, your results are much better than last time. Filtering your thoughts will cause you to think only negatively of the 5th and forget the fact that you have improved.
  8. Avoid "exacerbating the problem". This arises when you always assume the worst is going to happen. Exacerbation has always been associated with concerns about poor performance. You can deal with this situation by thinking realistically about the expected results.
    • For example, you might think you will fail the exam even though you have studied. The person who aggravates the problem will further deduce that you will fail the exam, have to drop out of school, and then be unemployed must live on. If you think realistic about the negative results, you will find that a failed exam does not necessarily mean you failed the entire course, and will have to drop out.
  9. Go to a quiet place. Having a private place comes in handy when you want to improve your mood. Many people find that spending a bit of time wandering around helps in better mood.
    • If your workplace has an outdoor area with benches and picnic tables, take some time out every day to be more alert.
    • If you can't go to a quiet place, try meditating and let your mind focus on a pleasant place with nice weather.

Part 3 of 3: Living in Optimism

  1. Give yourself time to change. Developing a positive human life is the development of a skill. Like other skills, it takes time to hone, requiring hard work with gentle reminders to stop thinking negatively.
  2. Be physically positive. If you change your physical or physical habits, your mind will change as well. To feel happier, approach your body in a positive way. Keep your pose upright, keeping your shoulders down and behind. Depression will make you feel more negative. Laugh often. Don't wait for people to smile at you, smiling will show your body is happier.
  3. Practice interest. Paying more attention to your actions and your life will make you happier. When you do everything in life like a machine, you will forget to find joy in your daily work. Taking care of your surroundings, your choices and daily activities, you will have greater control over your life and happiness.
    • Consider meditation as a way to maximize your concentration and concentration. By meditating for 10 to 20 minutes a day at convenient times, you increase your awareness of yourself and the present, helping you localize bad thoughts with greater self-control.
    • Take a yoga class. Yoga can also help you become more aware of the world when you practice breathing.
    • Even stopping to take a deep breath and relax your mind for a moment can make you happier.
  4. Discover the creative side of you. If you haven't had the chance to explore your creativity yet, now's the time to do it. Spending time on hand art or exploring your earliest thoughts can do wonders, giving you the power to think creatively and in turn to think more positively. Even if you don't think you have a creative talent, there are many ways you can express yourself to be more positive.
    • Take a class about things you've never done before: making pottery, painting, collage using synthetic materials, poetry or carpentry.
    • Try learning crafts such as knitting, sewing, or crocheting. Craft stores and online tutorials are great resources for beginners who don't want to go to class.
    • Practice drawing every day. Revisit old and creative paintings to transform them into new ones.
    • Become a creative poetry writer. Try writing poetry, short stories, or even novels. You can also read poetry on the open social night.
    • Try acting, dressing up as a character on TV or in your favorite comic book, or try being on a community stage.
  5. Live among optimistic people. We are often influenced by the people around us. If you see negative tendencies in the people around you, look for more positive people. This will build a positive attitude in you. If you have close family members or other important people who lead a negative lifestyle, encourage them to go on a journey towards positivity with you.
    • Stay away from people who reduce your enthusiasm and motivation. If you can't avoid it, or don't want to, learn to keep them from making you sad and limit your communication with them.
    • Avoid dating people with negative views. If you tend to have negative thoughts, you will be trapped. If you are starting a relationship with someone who is trying to think positively, it is best to find a counselor together for help.
  6. Set meaningful goals. Whatever your goal, you need to work hard to get there and believe in why you did it. Once you have reached your first goal, you will be inspired to continue with the rest of your goals, as well as to set new goals in life. With each achieved goal, no matter how small, you will gain more confidence and self-esteem, creating a positive effect in your life.
    • Working to achieve your goals, even just small steps, can make you happier.
  7. Don't forget to have fun. People who allow themselves to play regularly in life tend to be happier and more optimistic because life is more than just work and endless boredom. The sense of humor reduces work fatigue and challenges. Remember that fun is not the same for everyone, so take some time to find an activity that you enjoy.
    • Always take time to laugh. Hang out with people who make you laugh, go to a comedy club, or watch a funny movie. It's hard to think negatively when you're happy.


  • "Positive attraction" is like "negative attracts negative". If you are kind, likable and always helpful to others, you can hope to be treated similarly. On the contrary, if you are rude, unkind and unkind, people will disrespect you, avoid you because of your bad attitude and disdain for others.
  • You can't always control situations in your life, but you can control how you think and feel about them. You can choose to see things positively or vice versa. You are the one who decide.
  • Stay healthy and eat healthy. These are the foundation for a positive outlook, it can be difficult to feel positive if you are not well mentally and physically.
  • Laugh often. Laughter and positive emotions from comedy, entertainment, teasing, and having fun are an important part of keeping your spirits up. It's okay if you laugh when you're in the worst of times, sometimes humor is what you need to start solving problems.
  • If you feel a bad day has passed, think about the good things that happened during the day, and think about how bad things could have been worse. You will be amazed how joyfully your day turned out to be looking back that way.
  • Having a conscious life control is an important part of positive outlook thinking.
  • Acknowledge how easy it is to look at things more positively.


  • Sometimes worrying about the past or the future inhibits positive thinking. If you are haunted by the past, let the sad or bad memories of the past direct you to your present experiences, learn to acknowledge what happened without letting them affect your thoughts and prospects. present. If your full focus on the future is negatively affecting the present, try to be less anxious about what's coming and live in the present more.
  • If you have suicidal thoughts, get help right away. Not only is life worth living, but you deserve to live it fully. There are many people ready to help you through despair and hardship.
  • Anxiety and depression are two states that really need care. They are not the same as normal negative thoughts, although such thoughts may be part of the prolongation / accumulation of anxiety and depression. Get immediate treatment for these mental illnesses, the earlier you get help, the faster you will return to a normal and healthy life.