How to protect yourself when using a mobile phone

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization announced that mobile phones can cause cancer and ranked them in the same category as lead and exhaust gases, calling them "carcinogenic." An expert study by 31 scientists from 14 different countries has found evidence of an increase in some forms of brain cancer (gliomas and auditory nerve neuromas) that take time to develop, and scientists are concerned that continued use of cell phones could lead to an even greater spread of these forms. cancer.

Mobile phones communicate using signals in the microwave spectrum. Invisible streams of RF (radio frequency) signals enter our bodies when we hold the device, and in addition to the possibility of cancer, there is also the possibility of affecting cognitive functions of memory and causing disorientation and dizziness. In this article, we will explain what precautions should be taken when using a cell phone.


  1. 1 Weigh safety and convenience. While a fair amount of research has shown that cell phone use has side effects, many studies have already disproved its health effects, causing controversy and controversy. It's human nature to keep using what works for us until it's proven dangerous, so this uncertainty has played into the hands of proponents of mobile use - and increased the number of people using them. This is understandable, because cell phones are convenient, they allow you to quickly contact people, do business anywhere and be in touch anywhere in the world. However, they are also a "massive human experiment," in which 70 to 80 percent of mobile phones are infiltrated into the skulls of more than 2 to 4 million people with unknown long-term effects. Choosing between this handy gadget and the controversial health impact, are you willing to risk your health? Choosing to be careful and taking steps to reduce your exposure to radio frequency (RF) emanating from your mobile is a good way to prevent health, and control over its performance in your hands.
  2. 2 Go back to landline home phones. Try to take most of your calls using the "old-fashioned" method of having your phone on the wall. If you like to walk while talking, get a longer cord. At least in your day-to-day communication, try very hard to answer long-term calls on your landline phone.
    • Do not replace it with a cordless phone during long conversations. Such models may have an impact on health, but this is not valid. For example, digital cordless telephones continue to emit energy even when not in use.
  3. 3 Limit the length of your phone calls. Prolonged use of mobile phones increases your exposure to the signals emitted by your mobile phone; even a two minute call has been proven to alter your brain's natural electrical activity within an hour of use. By reducing the time you spend on phone calls and only using the phone for emergencies, you can reduce its impact on you. Turn it off and keep it in your bag, away from you, but close at hand if needed.
  4. 4 Use a hands-free device or wireless headphones to increase the distance between your phone and your head. The best approach when using a cell phone is to create a distance between you and the emitting phone.When talking, put your phone on the speaker. The loudspeaker option is just what you need, as it allows you to keep your phone away from you when you are talking.
    • Try texting more often than talking on your cell phone in order to keep your cell phone out of your head. However, it is better to minimize even the exchange of SMS-kami. And keep your cell phone away from your body when writing emails or SMS.
    • Keep the phone away from you when dialing a number to connect. Phones emit more waves when connected, so just look at the screen and then bring the phone close to you as soon as you hear that you've connected.
  5. 5 Stand still while talking on your cell phone. If you keep moving, it will emit more waves because it will have to keep up with you. This also applies to walking and driving; as you move, the phone continues to scan to keep up with you when you change your location.
  6. 6 Switch off your mobile phone when not in use. A cell phone in passive alert mode is still emitting waves. When it is turned off, radiation stops. Do not carry your phone close to your body, but carry it in your bag. This is especially important if you are used to carrying it in your groin pocket; a study found that men wearing mobile phones in their groin area experienced a 30 percent reduction in sperm count. Keep it away from all vital organs (heart, liver, etc.).
  7. 7 Consider keeping your mobile phone away from children or only allowing it to be used in an emergency. Remember that children are more susceptible to the waves emitted by cell phones. Their skulls are thinner and their brains are less developed. Moreover, as they grow, their cells divide at a faster rate, which means that the effects of the radiated waves can affect them much more strongly.
  8. 8 Look for models designed to protect mobile phone users. There are several devices on the market offering their own know-how. Read the information on the products and decide which is best for you. Here are some of the possible options:
    • A protective device that reduces the electromotive force of mobile phones. There are small plates or buttons that are attached to the phone, reducing the impact of transmitted signals.
    • Protective screen type. This is the screen located above the speaker of the phone.
  9. 9 Buy a cell phone that emits as little radioactive waves on a scale as possible. Some mobile phones are definitely better than others on this scale, so as a buyer, use your buying power to let mobile phone companies know that buyers are asking their phones to emit less waves.
    • You can calculate the frequency coefficient of radio waves absorbed by the body by finding the Absorbed Power (SAR) for your phone model on the FCC website here: Click on the brand names to see how many waves the phone you are using emits.
    • The less sophisticated your phone is, the less energy it needs to operate, and the emitted waves will have less impact on you. It might upset you if you're used to playing a lot on your phone, but there are laptops, portable game consoles and iPads for that!


  • Keep your mobile phone away from your bed and resting areas. Turn it off when he is next to you while you sleep - for example, when traveling or staying in hotel rooms.
  • Although this is difficult as it depends on the location of your property and the layout that is decided by the authorities, try not to live near cell towers.There is a lot of evidence that these stations are harmful to health.
  • Symptoms that indicate that your cell phone is not working well for you may be: dizziness, slight confusion, feeling numb, feeling like something is running from face to ear to neck. Listen to your body; If you suspect there is a link between feeling weird or even unwell after using your cell phone, take control of the situation by following the instructions above to limit your exposure to RF streams.
  • Cell phones are also known as mobile phones.


  • Do not call when the signal is weak. The weaker the signal, the stronger the phone has to work in order to establish a connection, thus emitting more energy.
  • Beware of using a cell phone during illness or pregnancy. Illness can impair your ability to deal with radiation, and your child in the womb may be exposed to radiation.
  • Do not use a mobile phone while driving. This is a very dangerous activity that can lead to accidents, injury and death.
  • If you decide to dispose of your cell phone in order to switch to a lower radiation model or stop using it altogether, it is best to dispose of it properly and not pass it on to someone else.
  • The study that developed safety guidelines for RF (radio frequency emissions) cannot rule out the possibility that telephone RF may cause head tumors after 10 or 20 years of use. In this regard, it will take time to find out in any case, but for now, for your own health, it is better to find a careful approach to using a mobile phone.
  • It has been shown that regular wearing of headphones connected to the phone increases the emission of waves in the area of ​​the ear canal. Don't use them! Use wireless headphones instead.
  • Do not make phone calls when you are surrounded by metal, for example, in a car or in an elevator. Metal reflects radiation from itself to surrounding objects (the effect of a Faraday cage).

What do you need

  • Wireless headphones
  • Protective devices for mobile phones
  • Self-reminders to help you change your cell phone habits
  • More landline phones (with longer cords and cord straps if needed to keep them out of the way when not in use).