How to Stop Thinking About Sex

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To AVOID Sexual Feelings and STOP Thinking About Girls
Video: How To AVOID Sexual Feelings and STOP Thinking About Girls


Thinking about sex is a completely natural state. We are creatures that are governed by hormones and physical desires, and driven by genes that force us to reproduce. But sometimes we can think too much about sex, making it difficult to concentrate and difficult for us to complete a simple task. However, you can obscure your desires and desires and turn them into noises in your life, especially when you need to focus on your career, study, and energy. health, interests and hobbies, family and friends, money, etc. Read this article so you can start learning how to stop thinking about sex.


Part 1 of 5: Avoid Stimulants

  1. Identify and predict irritants. While you can easily identify specific triggers or triggering situations, find ways to isolate the links that might excite you. This knowledge will help you to be more proactive in recognizing what you should avoid to reduce sexual thoughts.
    • Your thought triggers are often expressed in pictures or words? Men, for example, are more likely to be aroused by sexy images, while women are often more affected by speech.

  2. Know your own triggers. If someone, a time of the day, or an emotion can make you think about sex, find ways to identify the factors that can "draw" your mind into the problem. Make a list of triggers.Maybe you often think about sex during the following times:
    • In the morning when I wake up.
    • While in a class, such as gym, yoga, etc.
    • On the bus.
    • When you are studying or working.
    • When you are around the opposite sex.
    • In bed.

  3. Prevent yourself from reading books or watching movies with unhealthy content. While these products may be a temporary way to satisfy your desires, being dependent on perverted content can make you think more about sex and you will find it hard to get rid of it. .
    • Get rid of sensitive movies, magazines, calendars, and other related publications from your home and do your best not to watch them.
    • If the computer you use uses a firewall to protect it, enable parental controls, and change the mode on your computer to juvenile mode so you can't get in. love reading through unhealthy content. Parental controls aren't necessarily just for kids, of course, and you can set them up for your web browser and other devices you use.
  4. Make a list of less interesting topics. Here is a list of topics that you think will not appeal to you. You can train yourself to always think about boring things once your thoughts are diverting closer to the sexual sphere. You can use whatever fields you think might act as less attractive agents.
    • Try to think about neutral topics like landscapes, underwater sights, puppies, sports problems, or strategy in chess.
    • Think about cold topics like bulky clothing, snow, or winter.
  5. Replace your triggers with other thoughts and topics. Go your own way and stop yourself from thinking about sex by focusing on other thoughts. You will quickly form a habit.
    • Quickly perform other tasks as a distraction agent. For example, if you often get caught up in the thought of “having sex” while idle on the bus, make an effort to find something to do while in the car, such as doing homework, reading a book. , or talk to friends. Or, for example, if you start thinking about sex during a boring class hour, at a meeting, or at work, you could start taking notes. By taking note of information, you will be able to focus on the current conversation instead of what is going on in your mind.
    • Have a certain discussion topic in mind. If you can't stop thinking about sex and feel ashamed to meet someone, have three things you want to ask when you meet them. You can also use thought-provoking topics that you can use for anyone, such as about what's happening around you, global issues, the environment, or even politics. .
  6. Make a commitment to yourself. Set a minimum goal to control your unhealthy thoughts so that they won't interfere with your day-to-day work, like at work or school, and commit to it. .
    • If you need help keeping your commitment in mind, wear a jewelry or a simple strap around your wrist that can help remind you of your goals. when you are lost in the temptation of unhealthy thinking.
    • Talk to someone about your goal. Talking to a friend or trusted family member about your efforts is a great way to keep you accountable for achieving your goals. Allow them to check in on a regular basis so they can get to know your situation and let them help you or give you advice when needed.
    • Reward yourself when trying to keep up with your commitments. This is pretty easy. Treat yourself to a dessert you love, go shopping, or whatever you like.
  7. Don't be too hard on yourself. Thinking about sex is a big part of adolescence and adulthood, and you don't have to feel guilty about it. The only way unhealthy thoughts can become a real problem is when they keep you from concentrating on other issues. Remember that it is not difficult to stop thinking about sex, and the momentary desire will pass away.

Part 2 of 5: Keeping yourself busy

  1. Make specific plans. Fill up your leisure time by planning for the future. Anyone needs time to rest, but if you have too much free time on your hands, you can easily fall into unhealthy thoughts. Organize your schedule for the day so that it is filled with activities and events that make you even better. Take some time at the end of the day to reflect and relax, but don't spend too much time on this or you will get bored easily or your mind will start thinking about “sex” again. .
  2. Be creative. Turn your libido into a source of energy so you can be creative. Instead of taking the time to think about sex, use it to pursue a creative hobby. If you pursue something that you really enjoy, it will give you excitement and satisfaction, and keep your mind occupied.
    • Write, including diary.
    • Singing, playing a musical instrument.
    • Painting or sculpture.
    • Knitting or sewing.
  3. Read books or watch movies. Focusing on a book or movie is not only fun for you, it's also an easy, low-energy way to avoid unhealthy thoughts, especially for a short period of time. .
    • Be sure to choose movies that don't make you sexual thoughts, and don't read steamy love novels or illustrations that contain sexy illustrations.
    • You can choose from book or movie genre animation, action, adventure, or detective.
  4. Attend a show or exhibition. This will keep you busy and can be even more fun. Traveling with friends is better because they can distract you. In addition, you can join friends to discuss and share your thoughts about the event you attend.
    • Consider attending a live performance, such as a concert, theater, musical, or speaking, or a reading session.
    • You can also go to a new museum, exhibition, aquarium, or zoo.

Part 3 of 5: Having a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Me eat well. Unhealthy thoughts or personal discomfort can stem from another source of dissatisfaction: hunger. So, do not skip meals. Try to eat three full meals a day, and remember to provide the necessary amount of water for your body, especially on hot days. To keep your mind sharp and avoid unhealthy thoughts, eat brain foods like celery, lettuce, walnuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, and radishes. sugar and even dark chocolate!
  2. Do exercise. Exercise is not only good for your health, but also reduces your interest in sex. Exercise can be time consuming and distracting, and once you focus on your exercise, other unhealthy thoughts will go away.
    • Exercise helps produce large amounts of natural endorphins. Endorphins help you feel better and help ease depression. During sex, endorphins are also released, along with other chemicals such as the hormone oxytocin. Therefore, exercise is also an alternative to sexual activity.
  3. Take part in team sports. Participating in an individual sport can make it difficult to stop wandering over. But with team sports, this is less likely to happen because it's a social activity.
    • Choose the right sport and team.Of course, you will likely still be hooked on to someone in the team or league, but you need to determine whether the benefits of team sports can help you get through. think too much about sex or not. For example, you could also join sports teams of the same sex or join another federation.
  4. Get enough sleep. When you are tired, you will have trouble concentrating. Lack of sleep reduces your alertness and concentration, and it can affect your mood. Therefore, you will have a hard time stopping yourself from thinking about sex, and at the same time it will be difficult for you to practice the healthy thinking mentioned above. Make sure your bed is comfortable for you and that you get 8 hours of sleep and have a good night's sleep or dream (REM sleep).

Part 4 of 5: Building a Healthy Sex Life

  1. Communicate with your partner. If you are in a relationship, communication is the key to a healthy sex life. Sharing your thoughts is also a great way to keep unhealthy thoughts from growing and filling your mind, and it's also a great way to improve your sex life.
    • If you are sexually active, communicate with your partner so that you can maintain a healthy relationship and provide openness to both sex and satisfaction. . Communication doesn't have to be through words. You can write a message on paper and send it to your lover. As a couple, you can also read a book together or watch a movie to express or express your thoughts. And if you feel hesitant about communicating with your partner about sex, remember that communication is also a trigger.
    • If you are not enthusiastic in the "sex story", communication is also an equally important factor. If you often think a lot about sex even though you are not enthusiastic about it, is it because your sex life lacks something or you are dissatisfied with something? Communicate with your partner in an open and honest way. You may also want to make sure that your expectations match the ones you love. For example, you need to know if / when your partner wants to have sex with you, and he needs to know when you want to have sex as well.
  2. Think about sex in a romantic way. If you are in a relationship with someone, turn your desires into a trigger for the loving and caring actions you have for the person you love. Show romance instead of just physical lust. This way, you can build the emotional intimacy you have for each other.
  3. Develop healthy attitudes and habits of "masturbation". Masturbation is not a bad thing, especially if it helps you control unhealthy thoughts and desires. The more you try to control it will make you want more. If you are constantly thinking about finding a partner, you can date regularly, but use self-satisfaction to address your sexual desires. This can help free your mind so that you can focus on more important issues. However, remember not to let yourself become too "addicted to selfie" too much.
  4. Remember that sex is not the top concern. Any topic if you spend too much time thinking or obsessing about it can take a lot of your time, and even if sex is a significant factor and comes into play. Everywhere, life is not just limited to sex and sexual desires. You are a confusing and multi-faceted person. So, appreciate your thoughts, interests and abilities about many issues in your life.

Part 5 of 5: Seeking External Help

  1. Talk to someone you trust. Even though your parents may seem like dinosaurs when you're in your teens, they are still the ones who have been. If you are a teen, talk to a parent who you feel comfortable with, although they may not be able to solve your problem, at least they will make you feel comfortable. and become more normal. Thinking about sex is a common teen problem and if you can talk about it it can be of great help.
    • Talk to other family members. If you don't want to confide in your parents, you can talk to your siblings or relatives. They will probably understand you better as their age will likely be closer to yours.
  2. Talk to a friend you trust. It sounds scary, but this is one of the most powerful and effective approaches. If you are lucky enough to have a friend who is not critical and can understand and appreciate your goals, share your feelings with them. Having a straightforward conversation when you feel like you can't control your thoughts and actions will be a necessary source of support.
  3. Talk to a religious counselor or other counselor. If struggling with sexual desires is part of making a commitment to a particular faith, you can ask a pastor or a leader in your religion for help. This is a common problem and you shouldn't feel ashamed to talk about it. They've heard and heard a lot about this issue, and they can help you overcome this challenge.
  4. Consult a therapist or counselor. They can be psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, or therapists.
    • Some specialists will charge a fee of course, but be sure to check to see if your insurance covers the full course of treatment. If you are a student or have comprehensive compensation from the company, you will not have to pay or pay very little for visiting a specialist. Whether or not you pay a fee, your matter will be kept confidential, and the therapist can explain more confidentiality to you. Knowing how to identify any obsessive thought, whether sexually or not related, can also help you learn to cope.
    • Nowadays, there is no stigma in seeing therapists, and you may be surprised to see the number of people who regularly see therapists. Therefore, you should not hesitate to decide to see a doctor.
    • If you suspect that over-thinking may be a symptom of a "sex addiction" disease, see a licensed sex therapist who can help you with your treatment. these symptoms. The obsession should not be turned into destructive or dangerous behavior.


  • Don't feel hopeless when you often think about sex. Remember that anyone should have a thought about this. It is important that you continue with your daily life and do not allow other blustery problems like sex to bother you.
  • If you're a woman, taking hormonal birth control pills can have the side effect of increasing your sex drive. Ask your doctor if you can switch to a less androgen formulation (androgen is related to testosterone, which increases libido for both sexes).


  • In extreme cases, a therapist and certain medications can help treat sex addiction symptoms. Though you probably don't think about sex much As you think, talk to your doctor if you believe your thoughts are completely out of control.