How to flirt via Instant Messaging

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Flirt Via TEXT Message | 10 Texting Tips
Video: How To Flirt Via TEXT Message | 10 Texting Tips


Want to flirt with a guy or girl on MSN, AIM, Facebook Chat, or other instant messaging services and don't want to look like a geek? Congratulations - by seeking help, you have shown that you have a higher self-esteem than most online flirting. Refer to Step 1 to start flirting intelligently and respectfully.


Part 1 of 2: Things Candlestick Performed when Flirting

  1. Start a conversation normally. Just like in everyday life, the first step to flirting is to overcome your fear and strike right away! Send the person a short message to inquire about their day, ask about their work or school, or simply say "Hello!". The hardest part of flirting is overcoming the initial hesitation, so if you get stuck on this, remind yourself that no matter how bad things go, it will. less stress than facing the person face to face.
    • There's no reason to worry when it comes to instant messaging (instant messaging) - if the person you want to chat with doesn't want to talk to you, they have the right not to reply to your message, and you It will also be difficult to tell this apart because from your point of view, they may just be not using the computer.
    • This also means, if you do don't know Someone, you can make excuses to initiate a conversation to avoid embarrassment. Asking for help with a learning problem is always a great way to get started, as well as asking questions about something impressive the other person has. For example, if that person uses a username associated with a band, you could say: "Wow, that's a good name.Did you come to see their show last time? ".

  2. Chat. After greeting and talking about fun things, you may want to learn more about the person (just as in real life). For example, you might ask about the person's work or work, their interests, or recent travel. Instead of just asking questions, you can also present your comments on these topics. When the other person replies, add your comments or ask questions related to them and start from there! Don't get too curious about their personal lives - keep the conversation light, cheerful, and focus on the topic fun.
    • Don't focus too much on chatting. A minute or two of chat is great for dissolving embarrassment, but too much can be boring.
    • For example, after openly inquire about the other's interest in the band in relation to their username, it's okay to ask them questions to find out what they like and don't. like in the music field. You can even offer your own opinions and suggestions. For example, you could say something like: "If you like that band, you might want to listen to the Manic Albatross band - they're similar to The Beatles, only stronger. What style of group do you like? ".

  3. Droll. Everyone likes the sense of humor. Marilyn Monroe once said, "If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do everything" (don't worry too much, ladies - the same goes for men. !). Be playful and even sarcastic when you respond to a person's statement.
    • For example, if she / he asks you what you're going to do, instead of saying "find people to flirt on on Facebook", you could use a little sarcastic answer like "write a book. novel "or" engulfing one's own suffering ". This answer can be the natural starting point for a conversation about hobbies, such as the writing you are working on, and about the delicious bottle of bourbon you got to enjoy yesterday. .
    • Using our chat as an example, you can add a joke or two while chatting about music. For example, you could say something like, "I don't know why lately, every song on the radio has a Texas Flynn soundtrack. Maybe during his detox. Still have time to record? "

  4. Playfully playfully. Once you've established a good rapport with the person you're talking to, it's a good idea to tease out a bit to increase the level of the conversation. During this process, you need to maintain a good atmosphere so that the conversation is light. As a rule of thumb, the better you know the person, the more "fierce" you can tease them.
    • Make fun of it properly. Of course, you'll want to avoid heartbreaking topics related to the person's personal, professional, aspirational, etc., life.
    • The line between being a flirt and a bad guy is slim, so when in doubt, be careful. It can be easy to give another reason in the future, but it can be difficult to find a way to turn the situation around once you've hurt someone's feelings. Using the example above, you can easily ruin a conversation about a band that the other person likes by saying something like "God, don't say them? Hahaha". However, if you say, "They're just fake and their fans are the worst, too," this way, you're less intimidating.
  5. Use bold emoji (emoticons). One of the more convenient things about using emoticons for flirting through an IM service versus a purely text-based service such as email is that you can use emoticons to clearly express your intentions in the words you use. If you are flirting, you'll want to add more winking icons (;)) and "stick out your tongue" (: p) that almost all IM services are available. Along with flirting, using these emoticons for teasing will make your intentions clearer, and more pleasant.
    • A word of warning - don't overdo it with emoticons. During the conversation, only add them from time to time to sweeten your flirting and make the vague intentions contained in your sentences become a little clearer. If you regularly use emoticons, you will make the other person think that you are childish or rather annoying.
  6. If you get a pretty good response from the other side, you can add "fire" to the conversation! If your partner responds fairly well to your jokes and jokes, you may want to make things more informal. You should only do this one way lightly - don't turn a happy teaser into a hot one too quickly. Instead, use subtle allusions. Say hint but don't say it bluntly. This is the act of "flexibility" and it is a valuable skill that many people in the virtual world as well as the real world constantly seek.
    • Make a funny comment. Any kind of flirting or seduction has a certain degree of innocence. Understanding this innocence can be of great help in making you more realistic and less monstrous.
    • Take the band story above as an example, if the partner says she / he thinks a particular song is sexy, pretend and add fire to the conversation a bit. Respond to the other person with a shocking statement such as "Be a little decent!" Or by a grim surprise like "Oh, is that so?;)".
  7. If the person replies to you in an unsatisfied manner, stop. Flirting with other people in anywhere that means you will have to deal with the risk of rejection. The virtual world, which contains cheap and emotionless communication, is completely real. If the person you are flirting with doesn't seem accepting, stop gracefully and exit the conversation. For example, you could say that you need to do something (homework or work-related tasks would be a pretty good excuse) or that you need to go to bed. It doesn't matter what reason you use to stop this conversation - thing really It is important that you respect the other person's wishes and avoid placing yourself in unnecessary embarrassment.
    • Take the band story above as an example, if you mention a particular song and the other party says it's their LOVE's favorite song, you might want to stop the flirting. politely. You can simply do this by typing "Ah, I have to go. Talk to you later!".
  8. Be the one to end the conversation. A good rule of thumb for online flirting and In everyday life it's about ending the encounter by making the other person want to talk more with you. In the world of IM flirting, this means giving your goodbye message before the conversation starts to get dull. This way, the person you are chatting with will only have a happy, positive memory of the conversation - not a memory of the embarrassment of having to search for a topic to continue the conversation.
    • If the person responds positively to your flirting, form a fun sign-off to make sure the other person remembers you. You can use emoticons. For example, sending the other person "Good night" sounds pretty boring and doesn't promise anything, "Good night;)" can subtly mean that you will think of them (and vice versa. again).

Part 2 of 2: Things Should not Performed when Flirting

  1. Should not be too self-deprecating. Simply put, confidence is quite appealing. This completely true for real-life situations rather than online, however, it is also quite true in the world of IM. For example, you shouldn't mock yourself too much. Once That's pretty much it, too - you shouldn't turn it into a recurring topic throughout the conversation. Regularly doing this can quickly turn flirting into conversation where you look like a needy person and hate yourself.
    • In other words, this doesn't mean you should others Make a joke because this will make you look like a mean and petty person. Any malicious comments about yourself or about others won't help you when flirting.
  2. Avoid acting too silly. People often enjoy flirting happily. For most people, getting a compliment is only fun to a point - getting too many compliments makes them feel ashamed and embarrassed. It can also make the other person suspicious of your motives, making them believe you are asking for something from them. Also, the power of flamboyant, flattering compliments is diminished (at least) when the compliment is presented in a small frame below the screen, next to the smileys.
    • Instead of overdoing it with praise, focus on engaging and sincere conversation. You can think about the sentence "Let's show it, don't talk too much". In other words, you can show your partner that you're attracted to them by giving them a great conversation, rather than just bluntly declaring about it.
  3. Should not be too clingy. Flirting with someone over IM the first time is proof that your relationship is normal. For this reason you will completely want to keep the conversation going naturally. No matter love, enduring commitment, or anything like that when flirting - they're topics. taboo with the person you talk to, and in many cases, ruin your chances of getting a date.
  4. Not vulgar. Different people have different attitudes towards vulgar language use, obscene humor, sexual problems, etc. Please respect this difference. In a virtual world, where vulgar language, violence, rude humor, and sex are just a few clicks away from you, it's easy to forget that many people don't like dealing with this kind of content. shocking this. Therefore, you should only talk around the topic of PG (topic that works for everyone) until you understand the other person a bit better. At the very least, try to think about whether or not they like this kind of conversation.
    • The rule to keep in mind is to try not to be vulgar until the enemy started. In other words, if you are flirting with someone, don't profan, make rude jokes, or make unfair comments unless she / he starts first.


  • Quickly re-read what you've just written to avoid spelling / typing errors. You will not want others to misunderstand.
  • Don't be in a hurry when the other person is busy or not responding to your message. You won't know what's going on.
  • Don't respond right away - this will make you look like a hopeless person! Respond after a minute or two: it will also give you time to think about what you want to say.
  • When flirting on MSN or other instant messaging programs, smile gently like "ha ha". It will help your conversation and make others think that you enjoy chatting with them.
  • Honestly, but not too miserable.
  • Make sure the story isn't just about you or someone else.
  • If the other person is typing slowly, slow down to see how he reacts to what you say. Is she / he is shy or introverted? If they're an extrovert, only give subtle suggestions. Do you know that person? If so, flirting online can be difficult because you are afraid it will have consequences. If you are meeting with people on sites such as MySpace, be cautious with asking questions to determine if everything is real.
  • Being eccentric about being sensitive is not the way to flirt. Of course, you can use a few "hot" suggestions, but being too wacky about it can be annoying and awkward, especially if the other person doesn't have feelings for you.
  • Hugging is an intimate and strong act similar to kissing but is less provocative and is a good fit for flirting.
  • Try not to be too obvious about flirting with your partner as this will frighten them.


  • Try not to mention the other person as this will upset the person you're talking to.
  • Just as it does with other things you do online, flirting can be quite dangerous. Never give your phone number or home address or any other personal information to someone you don't trust!
  • Just like any other type of flirting, don't get too comfortable and start complaining about life too much. You may be in despair, but don't be too obvious about it.
  • Don't lament your day, and be positive.
  • Avoid leading the story to a dead end. This is simply pretty lousy. Don't flirt for fun. Only do this when you really like the person and want to send a signal to that person.
  • Don't send too many offline messages, it will make you look like you're desperate. Occasionally you can send them out if you want to tell the other person that you won't be online that day or if you want to say something important and you can't wait until tomorrow.