How to protect your garden from summer heat and drought

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
5 Ways To Beat The Summer Heat And Avoid Drought In Your Garden
Video: 5 Ways To Beat The Summer Heat And Avoid Drought In Your Garden


Over time, we begin to experience extreme weather conditions much more often than we used to, especially in areas where hot and dry summers stand out year after year. In temperate climates, hot weather does not last long, so plants recover quickly or experience little stress from abnormally high temperatures. However, in regions with higher temperatures, drought can last for several months. Can you protect your garden in such conditions?


  1. 1 Prepare for hot days. The weather forecast will alert you to impending heat waves or prolonged periods of drought and high temperatures. Search the internet for weather forecasts and you will know what your region will face soon.
  2. 2 Consider if you have enough water. If you have an unlimited supply of water, this will greatly facilitate your task; otherwise, you need to consider additional options for soil moisture.
    • One way to save water is to lay mulch (at least 10 cm thick). A special reticulation system is placed under the mulch, which keeps the water underground with the help of special substances - crystals, bentonite, attapulgite clay. The cheapest are clay-based litter pellets (if soluble, it will retain water better) and organic materials such as compost and other natural fertilizers.
    • Water the plants in the evening or early morning to prevent the water from instantly heating up and evaporating. It is recommended to water the roots as deep in the soil as possible and as often as possible, but if your water supply is limited it is best to water the plants deeply and sparingly to help the roots grow in cooler, wetter soil layers. Light watering will encourage the top of the plant to grow, but the roots will remain small, so the tree will not be ready to fight the heat when water is scarce.
    • Buy a special root watering device - it looks like a long spout with a water reservoir (like a bottle) attached to it. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at any garden store. The mulch sometimes forms a very dense top layer that prevents water from seeping down, and therefore a sprinkler will help deliver water to the roots of the plant. However, it can damage the soil, so the soil needs to be filled up or loosened up so as not to cause harm.
    • In very hot weather, a liquid fertilizer based on seaweed extract can temporarily protect plants from high temperatures.
  3. 3 Create a shadow. Install special sun screens, stretch fabric between trees (secure to trees that are immune to heat), or cover the plants with an old sheet on the hottest days.
    • A canopy will make plants more susceptible to bright light, so any temporary structure will need to be removed as soon as possible - the plant will get used to the shade, and it will be difficult for him to get used to the new conditions if the shade is removed.
  4. 4 Consider the type of plant.
    • Short-term heat will not do much harm to vegetables, although if they are exposed to the sun and high temperatures for a long time, they will suffer from heatstroke and plant growth will slow down.The foliage and flowers will wither, but the plant can still come to life in the fall when the heat subsides. However, it is worth choosing a place protected from the sun when planting vegetables. In addition, vegetables can stop bearing fruit and begin to shoot, that is, herbs and flowering or just vegetables with green foliage give up fruit and start producing only seed as it requires less water. Fruiting plants such as tomatoes can reduce the size and number of their fruits and then dry out altogether. This is how the plant communicates that it does not consider the current conditions favorable, so it leaves the seeds so that a new generation will grow in its place when the weather is more suitable.
    • If you are growing plants in pots or small containers, it is best to move them to a more enclosed area. When leaving all day, place saucers of water under the pots, but remember that water will attract mosquitoes, so take the necessary precautions.
    • It is difficult to care for the lawn in the heat. Many plants hibernate or wilt, and then revive when the weather is more favorable. If you have a limited supply of water, water the plants and grass with the same amount of water as usual, but more slowly, or apply special wetting agents to the soil. Do not cut the grass too short - it will have a better chance of surviving by shading itself. Do not apply granular chemical fertilizers, as they will expand due to the heat and cause a chemical burn on the grass. If you need to feed your plants, dilute the fertilizer with water to make a weak solution, or compost it or apply good garden soil over the soil.
    • Small shrubs, especially flowering shrubs with delicate leaves, may suffer more than any other plant, as their natural environment is much milder. In addition to shading and moisturizing the soil, it is also necessary to trim the bushes a little to stimulate the growth of foliage, which will protect the bushes from the sun. From time to time, it is also worth lightly sprinkling the leaves with water, since the shrubs soak up the water in the leaves. If all of these options don't work for you, consider replanting your shrubs to a more suitable location, or even moving them into pots (but only if your shrubs can grow in pots).
  5. 5 Group the plants according to their water needs. Plant them so that plants that need little water grow nearby (similar to plants that need a lot of moisture). This will make watering easier and allow the plants to form mini-ecosystems where the plants will protect each other.
  6. 6 Hide the plants from the wind. The wind can dry out soil, plants, and mulch, so planting a hedge or fence can be a good idea. A barrier that allows air to pass through is most suitable. Do not use netting and other iron structures, as the metal heats up in the sun, and the heat from the metal can damage the plants. If there is no draft in the garden, the plants will be in a heat trap. If possible, separate the fence from the plants with trees or special screens that will block the hot air.
  7. 7 If the weather forecasts indicate that the summer in your area is going to be very harsh more and more often, start replacing the plants in your garden, as some of them may not survive even if you take very good care of them. Give the plants to friends, especially those in milder climates, or to the zoo or botanical garden, as there are likely conditions for growing different varieties. If you have a lawn, gradually move away from the grass and replace it with shrubs and other plants, or even make an artificial turf.The quality of artificial turfs has improved significantly in recent years, so they can be a perfectly acceptable alternative to traditional turf, provided they are installed by professionals.


  • Creeping plants protect the soil well from the sun, and if their leaves fall off, they rot and thereby fertilize the earth. However, they are dangerous because snakes and other reptiles like to hide from the sun in them. In addition, in the event of a fire, the fire spreads through them very quickly. Creeping plants are suitable for you if heavy rainfall is possible in your area, and you have unlimited access to water and the ability to regularly care for these plants.


  • Choose your mulch with care. Some types of mulch are used exclusively for decorative purposes (gravel, recycled glass granules, tiles) and do not protect the soil. Quite the opposite - they accumulate heat and give it to the plants. This type of cover is suitable for plants that can survive in desert conditions. Certain types of mulch look good, but actually do not retain water and nutrients well in the soil. Sometimes mulch removes nitrogen from the soil during decomposition, so first you need to plant a plant that can get nitrogen from the ground - for example, peas or beans, or fertilize the soil with compost. Your best bet is to ask your garden store consultants if a particular type of mulch will help improve the quality of your soil, and which type is best for you.

What do you need

  • Hardy plants
  • Garden plan (including for the future)
  • Sun screen, fence
  • Mulch
  • Suitable fertilizers
  • Plant watering device
  • Water saving devices