How To Make Money By Street Vending

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start a Street Vending Side Hustle
Video: How to Start a Street Vending Side Hustle


In most large cities, there is a lively trade in a wide variety of goods on the streets. If you want to join these people, our article will help you - in it we will tell you how to become a successful street vendor.


Part 1 of 4: Select a product

  1. 1 Sell ​​what you already have.
    • Decide on what is in demand in your city and what you yourself like.What is difficult to get in your city? Do you have access to something that you can wholesale cheap and sell high?
    • Used books, newspapers and magazines are often sold on the street. Something can be bought in second-hand bookstores, taken from grandparents, but the easiest way is to empty your own cupboards. So you not only get rid of unnecessary things, but you can also make money.
    • You can also buy antiques and semi-antique items at flea markets and then sell them. Did you get an antique porcelain doll from your relatives that you don't need? Sell ​​it to whoever needs it!
    • Toy swords or knives are often sold in packs of many. Consider selling them at the entrance to a theme festival or any other similar event.
    • In rural areas or in areas of dacha cooperatives, the trade in firewood and logs for stoves always goes well. If you have a stock of firewood you don't need - don't waste your time!
    • Fruit and other products are often sold along roads outside the city and in small towns. If you have apple or cherry trees in your dacha, the fruits of which always go to the birds, consider selling the crop. Villages also often display eggs, mushrooms, potatoes at the gates - this can be a good way to get rid of excess food that you and your family cannot eat and make some money from it.
  2. 2 Sell ​​something you can do yourself.
    • Do you have a creative hobby? Start selling the results of your labor!
    • Ceramic products are usually sold at trade fairs. The good thing about ceramics is that it can be sold both with food and as handicrafts next to artists. Sell ​​pots, cups, vases, figurines, whistles and whatever you have the imagination to do.
    • At street markets or fairs, photographs and paintings are always striking. Create a vivid, expressive image and the buyer will find you. Remember, it's important not to overcharge because people don't like to carry a lot of cash with them, even if they came to the fair on purpose. Offer discounts on multiple items.
    • Jewelry is always a success, but this product becomes especially popular before the holidays - people buy them both for themselves and for their loved ones. Jewelry will be a good gift for the new year and birthday, so be prepared to sell them at any time of the year.
    • Sculptures, leather goods and wood products are popular at thematic festivals and fairs (for example, historical ones).
    • T-shirts featuring performing musicians sell well before entering the rock festival. Printing a design on a T-shirt can be ordered from any specialized company, so prepare in advance and stock up on T-shirts of different sizes.
  3. 3 Sell ​​your own food.
    • Do you enjoy cooking? Share your cakes or pies with others.
    • Boiled corn with salt sells well during the season. It is often sold straight from bags on the go. Pack it in bags and foil to make it easier for your customers to eat.
    • Homemade lollipops are in good demand. If you can cook them so that they do not melt under the sun, you can easily sell them to all the children passing by.
    • People can never pass by the smell of mouth-watering meat pies or pasties. If you decide to cook them, you can be sure that they will not be left without the attention of passers-by. The only danger is that many question the quality of the street meat.
    • Sell ​​lemonade, coffee, or tea. These drinks will come in handy in any situation. Invent your own recipes, come up with an interesting design for glasses.
  4. 4 Sell ​​something intangible.
    • If you're a top-notch blues guitarist, put on a gig on the street and let people throw money in your hat - that's what musicians of the 1930s did.
    • Paint faces with face paint at events where many children gather. Your service will be very popular with parents of babies.
    • Draw cartoons. If you are a master at drawing cartoons, passers-by will be happy to pose for you, especially in the tourist areas of the city. This drawing can be a great souvenir from your city.
    • Put on puppet shows. Such performances are a success at major outdoor festivals.
    • Working as a mime on the street can also be a good idea. People always watch mimes with curiosity, especially if they manage to show something really non-trivial.

Part 2 of 4: Decide Where to Sell

  1. 1 Work in crowded places.
    • Do you have places in your city where it is often crowded? Usually people flock to amusement parks and the city's most famous landmarks, so work there and you won't be left without clients.
    • If you sell food, you might consider working in parks near large office buildings at lunchtime.
    • If you sell jewelry or clay figurines, your products will sell well at street fairs.
  2. 2 Before choosing a place to sell, make sure there are no trade restrictions.
    • All cities have crowded places where trade is considered illegal.
    • Before you start trading, you will need to register as a sole proprietor and find out where you can work. Below we will tell you more about this.
  3. 3 Don't disrupt the business of other sellers.
    • If you decide to play guitar in the vicinity of another street musician, it will negatively affect both his and your income. Try to find a place where you would not hear each other.
    • The most convenient place is not always the most profitable. Selling cherries in front of your summer cottage gate would be extremely convenient, but completely unprofitable if the house is on the outskirts. Perhaps, a couple of times your neighbors will buy something from you, but then they will get tired of this cherry as much as you.

Part 3 of 4: Register as an Entrepreneur

  1. 1 Complete all documents and get a work permit.
    • Remember that you will need to pay taxes just like any other type of business.
    • If you are going to sell food, you will need to go through health checks.
    • Some products also have a specific legal design. Before applying for registration, make sure that you own all the information.
  2. 2 Sell ​​only approved products.
    • Of course, the sale of drugs is illegal, but is the sale of pickled cucumbers allowed? What about raw eggs? Often, many of the intricacies of street trading are not obvious, especially when it comes to food, so be sure to check the regulatory framework.
    • Animals are often sold on the street, but it's hard to believe that any of these sellers have permits and veterinary passports.
    • The sale of unlicensed copies of films and audio recordings leads to administrative liability. Do not sell music or movies unless you own the copyright or have permission from the author.

Part 4 of 4: Decide How to Sell

  1. 1 Decide on your goals.
    • The idea of ​​working for yourself seems very tempting, but will it make you enough money?
    • Track expenses. As with more traditional businesses, street business success depends heavily on money management skills.
    • If you manage to sell a couple of thousand pies a day, that's good, but if you spend half as much on ingredients, this business doesn't make sense.
  2. 2 Assign the "correct" price to your products.
    • Calculate costs and set a price that will allow you to make a profit.
    • Remember to consider the cost of labor. Your time is a valuable resource, so calculate how much time you can spend on production and how much on sale.
  3. 3 Make your business recognizable.
    • Communicate your story to people. While you won't be spending huge amounts of money on advertising, it is important for you to create a certain image with consumers.
    • If you're making jewelry with your mom, play it up in the title.
    • Promote your product. Popular methods can be used, such as offering two products for the price of one.
    • Create business cards with your contacts and a brief description of the business. Anyone can print business cards - all you need is a printer and a free template that can be found on the Internet.
  4. 4 Take care of your business.
    • Customer service is as important to any business as the quality or price of a product. Even if you have the best woodcuts in the country, no one will buy them if you are disrespectful to your customers.
    • Think about what you will do if someone is unhappy with the purchase. What if the cartoon you worked on for an hour infuriates the client? Make a person pay? Offer to draw another one for free, wasting time and additional materials?
    • Consider all possible scenarios before you come across them.
  5. 5 Pay attention to your appearance.
    • Your physical appearance reflects your business. If you're selling food, you need to look clean and tidy.
    • If you play the blues, dress appropriately. Shorts and a stretched T-shirt in this case will not be the best choice of clothing.
    • Always keep hygiene in mind. If you work with food, always have detergents and cleaning supplies on hand.


  • Try not to work alone. Traders who work alone are more likely to fall prey to robbers. Find yourself a business partner.