How to feed Artemia

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Culture Brine Shrimp | Artemia
Video: How to Culture Brine Shrimp | Artemia


Artemia is a fairly well-known crustacean whose eggs can be purchased by mail order along with all the necessary equipment for raising them. Since feeding in the wrong amounts can lead to a fairly rapid death of brine shrimp in the entire aquarium, it is very important to learn the correct feeding schedule, as well as to know the signs of overfed brine shrimp.


Method 1 of 2: Feeding Artemia with a Special Kit

  1. 1 Do not feed a freshly populated aquarium for several days after hatching. Artemias begin their lives by feeding on nutrients from the yolk sac. Check eggs daily for hatching. After hatching, wait 5 days for feeding to begin.
    • The hatched brine shrimp can be extremely small. Place the aquarium in a well-lit area and carefully inspect the water for tiny, faint, moving dots. Take a magnifying glass if necessary.
    • If the eggs do not hatch within 48 hours, place the aquarium under brighter lighting.But keep the aquarium out of direct sunlight as this can cause it to overheat.
  2. 2 Feed the brine shrimp with a small amount of the supplied food. Use the small end of the supplied spoon to pick up food and add it to the aquarium. If you don't have a spoon in your kit, try using a clean plastic straw. It is always better to give less feed than too much.
  3. 3 Repeat one-time feeding every 5-7 days. Different guidelines give different directions, but in most aquariums brine shrimp will thrive when fed at intervals of 5-7 days. Only increase the frequency of feedings if your Artemia population has increased significantly from the original size and if there is no sediment at the bottom of the tank.
  4. 4 Skip feedings if the water is cloudy. If the water becomes cloudy or dirty, stop feeding the brine shrimp. Wait for the water to clear before feeding again. Turbidity is often attributed to overgrowth of algae, bacteria, and other organisms that can kill brine shrimp if they continue to grow.
  5. 5 Note the dark streaks on the brine shrimp, which are a sign of good health. The digestive tract of adult brine shrimp becomes dark in color when full. If you can see a dark line along the entire body of brine shrimp, then it is eating well. If you do not, consider feeding them more often, but only as described below.
  6. 6 Increase feedings carefully. If you have purchased additional amounts of brine shrimp, or if their population has increased, then you may need to increase the amount of food given or the frequency of feedings. Do this slowly so as not to kill the entire population due to overeating. Shorten feed intervals one day at a time, returning to your old feeding schedule if the water becomes cloudy, or if the brine shrimp become sluggish and lose interest in food. Alternatively, you can keep the feeding schedule but switch to using the larger end of the spoon.

Method 2 of 2: Using Complementary Agents for Artemia Cultivation

  1. 1 To stimulate the growth of brine shrimp, periodically (once in several feedings), regular food can be replaced with special food for accelerated growth. It should cause brine shrimp to grow faster and larger.
  2. 2 For faster growth, use appropriate feed additives. They should be added in small amounts to the main feed. They lead to faster growth, but there is not much difference between the effect of an accelerated growth supplement and an accelerated growth feed.
  3. 3 Use fortified food instead of regular food to make brine shrimp red. These foods on the packaging claim to make brine shrimp healthier and more energetic. The most noticeable effect of their use is the acquisition of pink or red artemia. For the effect to become visible, you will need to wait several feedings.
  4. 4 Use a banana treat for brine shrimp occasionally (optional). The Artemia Delicious Pack assures that it contains additional nutrients. Nevertheless, most likely, this treat serves only as a way to please Artemia with something other than the main food. If your brine shrimp do not respond to a treat, then there is no point in it.
  5. 5 If bacteria grow in the aquarium, use an appropriate antibacterial aquarium product to control them. They are not a substitute for Artemia food. If you notice white flakes floating in the aquarium, fight the bacterial infection by adding a small amount of medication to the water daily until the flakes are gone.


  • In the absence of aeration in the aquarium, brine shrimp can die. Artemia grow kits usually have an air compressor for this purpose.

What do you need

  • Artemia food
  • Small reversible spoon (usually included in the kit) for growing Artemia
  • Other remedies for brine shrimp (optional)